Easter is fast approaching, and that means Animal Crossing: New Horizonsis getting ready for the upcoming Animal Crossing holiday Bunny Day by hiding eggs early to prepare for the event. This may not be good news for players who were less than thrilled with last year’s Bunny Day event, but with any luck, player feedback will have been taken into consideration this time around so that people don’t get sick of the event before it even begins.

Bunny Day was the very first event to take place in New Horizons after the game was released in March 2020, but players quickly soured towards the spring-themed celebration. Eggs were hidden throughout player islands where usable resources were commonly found and replaced them, reducing the number of those resources available and frustrating Animal Crossing players. The eggs themselves were used to craft items that were largely useless and out of place, and the whole event usurped the much more popular and equally short-lived cherry blossom season. So suffice it to say, this year’s Bunny Day has quite a lot of work to do in order to ingratiate itself among the disgruntled fanbase who remember it from last year.


This year’s Bunny Day won’t be celebrated until next Sunday, April 4th, in conjunction with Easter, but the New Horizons crew is getting a head start on the festivities by hiding eggs on the island a week in advance. Despite earlier theories that the eggs wouldn’t be showing up until Bunny Day started up proper, Animal Crossing’s official UK Twitter account has confirmed otherwise. The tweet states that players may start to find eggs as early as March 28, likely in a much smaller number than they were spawning last year. Or at least, that’s what players are hoping for.

There are little to no further details as of yet what this year’s Bunny Day will entail beyond the traditional egg hunt, although it is likely that the eggs will once again be used as event currency or materials — whether for crafting items or completing objectives remains to be seen. Until Bunny Day actually starts up and Zipper T. Bunny hops onto the scene, the only current point to the eggs is to collect them. So until that happens, there’s no way of knowing whether or not Bunny Day will be a repeat of last year’s dismal event, or if Nintendo learned from its lackluster performance and player response and turn it into something fresh and new for spring.

If it’s the latter, unfortunately, there isn’t anything anyone can do to avoid it other than staying away from the game until the event is over and Zipper T. Bunny is long gone. But Nintendo did take feedback into consideration last year when Animal Crossing reduced the frequency of its overzealous egg spawns and has had plenty of time and other holiday events in the interim to help them fine-tune the process. Spring is, after all, the season of new beginnings, so with any luck, this year’s Bunny Day will be the beginning of a new and improved event tradition.

Source: AC_Isabelle/Twitter

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