Players can craft furniture, tools, and decorations using the materials available on their island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including multiple species of flowers. Flowers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons come naturally in certain colors, but each island will have a different assortment of native blooms due to cross-breeding. To get all the blooms needed for crafting, players will likely need to go on Mystery Tours or visit friends’ islands. However, for some of the specialty colors of each flower species, players will need to become botanists and breed for the colors they want.


Flowers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons has unique programmed DNA, so breeding hybrids can be tricky and take time and luck. Players who want to add some Gothic style to their islands may want to breed black Roses. This color is only available as a hybrid players must breed. This guide will explain how to grow black Roses on an island and how players can increase the chances of growing more.

Buy Seeds to Grow Black Roses in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Black Roses in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are one potential outcome from cross-breeding two red or two pink Roses. Because basic Roses only grow in red, white, or yellow, players may want to try breeding pink roses first, then using the hybrid pink roses to breed black roses. Players can also try both in the same flower bed to increase their chances for the outcome they want.

Players will need to find seeds first. They can buy flower seeds at Nook’s Cranny. If red Roses are not native to a player’s island, they will only be able to get seeds from friends or from visiting other islands. Alternatively, players can use a ladder to get Roses where they grow on the clifftops and transplant them in their home gardens. However, because these plants have grown natively and cross-pollinated with the others on the island, there is a chance for the DNA to contain traces of other colors. This might make it more difficult for players to breed black Roses from plants found on the island rather than from store-bought seeds.

Plant Seeds to Grow Black Roses in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Players should plant the seeds or flowers diagonally in a checkerboard pattern, leaving a space between each one where the new hybrid black Rose will grow. If a player prefers to use pink roses for this process, they must first cross-breed a red Rose and a white Rose. These will also need to be planted diagonally, with space between each one. Players will need to remember to water these plants, otherwise, they will not grow. There is also a rumor from a data mine that flowers watered by friends visiting the player’s home island may be more likely to produce new flowers.

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Flowers take about three days to grow. Just as in real life, there is a good chance for two red Roses to create white Roses or produce more red Roses instead of black ones. There is also a good chance for two pink Roses to create more pink Roses, so players may need to repeat this breeding process several times and wait a few days before they get the flowers they want.

Cultivate Black Roses in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Once players have at least two black Rose plants, they can increase the chances of more black Roses growing by placing black Roses next to each other and continuing to water them. Black Roses sell for 80 bells, though because they are so difficult to grow, players don’t typically try to sell them.

So far, there aren’t any DIY items that require a black Rose, so these somewhat rare flowers are primarily grown for the aesthetic of a player’s island and to add to a player’s overall collection. However, black Roses are a requirement for growing gold Roses, which sell for 1000 bells, so the more black Roses a player has, the better chance they have to grow the gold Rose.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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