Villagers are one of the central parts of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and while many of them bring a delightful charm to the island, others are considered to be among the game’s worst. Whether it’s an ugly design or annoying personality traits, there are certain villagers that players can’t get rid of fast enough when they decide to move in. These villagers tend to sink to the very bottom of tier lists, earning them D-rank statuses on some and being simply labeled “Evicted” on others.

“Ugly villagers” have become a phenomenon in the Animal Crossing community as players rank these unappealing characters at the bottom of tier lists and often actively make their lives miserable while they’re living on the island. Players will dig holes around them, hit them over the head with nets, and report them to Isabelle at New Horizons’ Resident Services for behaving poorly just to try and get them to leave. Not all players have an ugly villager on their island, but those who do may try their hardest to get these villagers to pack up and move far, far away.


Overall, Animal Crossing is an adorable game with a ton of cute characters between its villagers and NPCs, which makes the jarring appearance of ugly villagers stand out even more. While it can be a challenge to get certain villagers to move off the island, ugly villagers make the effort worth it for many players. Whether or not players keep an ugly villager around is up to them (and it’s worth noting that these less beautiful creatures can surprise with their personalities or end up being otherwise endearing if given a chance), but these villagers are often considered the worst of the worst, even among the lowest-ranking Animal Crossing villagers in the series.

Limberg Stinks In More Ways Than One In Animal Crossing

Limberg is an unshaven, unkempt mouse villager, and between his grouchy-looking eyebrows and Cranky personality type, he’s among the worst and most unpleasant villagers in Animal Crossing. His name is likely a reference to the pungent Limburger cheese to go along with his stinky motif, and his Japanese name, Rakkyo, also refers to a smelly type of Chinese onion. Even his catchphrase, “squinky,” is probably a combination of “squeak” and “stinky,” which really makes it seem like Limberg is just a smelly guy all around, earning him a place among the worst of Animal Crossing’s ugly villagers.

Quillson Is One Of Animal Crossing’s Worst Villagers

This pompous duck can’t seem to get enough of himself, and Quillson’s Smug personality type coupled with his self-centered quest for fame make him one of the most annoying villagers that can take up residence on an island. While many duck villagers tend to wind up towards the bottom of tier lists, Quillson takes the terrible cake as the only duck with the Animal Crossing’s annoying smug personality type, and his sad eyes and bad haircut are enough to make players groan when they see him around town. Quillson is totally pretentious, so it’s no surprise that he often ends up ranked among the worst of Animal Crossing’s villagers.

Chow’s Grin Makes Him One Of Animal Crossing’s Worst Villagers

Chow is a pale pink panda that’s been in the Animal Crossing franchise since its earliest days, and while his appearance has, admittedly, gotten better as the graphics of each game have improved, he’s still among the ugliest villagers in the game. His Cranky personality type doesn’t help him, either, as he’s a grouchy bear that’s difficult to befriend and creates drama with other Animal Crossing villagers very well. While Chow’s resting face makes it look like his cheeks are stuffed, the real horror comes when he grins and his mouth pulls back into a flat sort of grimace. Combined with the dull look in his eye, his design becomes entirely off-putting, ranking him among the worst villagers.

Ricky Is Animal Crossing’s Worst Cranky Squirrel

Between his unibrow and wonky grin, Ricky is one of the ugliest squirrel villagers in the series. While many of Animal Crossing’s squirrel villagers are either cute or at least average-looking, Ricky’s furrowed brow makes him almost intimidating despite his small size, and it’s unclear whether his catchphrase “nutcase” refers to himself or is an insult to the player. He has the Cranky personality type, which is uncommon for squirrels, but at least he’s got the mean-looking face to match.

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Elise Is One Of The Worst Monkey Villagers In Animal Crossing

Monkey villagers tend to gravitate towards the lower ranks of Animal Crossing villager tier lists, but Elise stands out as one of the worst of the bunch. She’s the only monkey with the Snooty personality type, and this not only makes her difficult to befriend, but she will also have trouble getting along with most other villagers in the game. Her fur is a tannish-green, which clashes with her large, red glasses, and her huge pink lips, beady eyes, and mole don’t exactly help with her popularity, either, leaving her ranked among the worst villagers in Animal Crossing.

Rizzo’s Design Is One Of The Creepiest In Animal Crossing

Rizzo’s design is among the most unique villager designs in Animal Crossing, which unfortunately works to his disadvantage as this mouse villager is pretty strange and creepy-looking. His most notable characteristic is the purple scarf he wears around his head and keeps tied under his nose, which makes his squinting eyes and raised eyebrows look pretty suspicious when he fixes the player with his unsettling gaze.

Rizzo is a Cranky villager, and to make matters worse, the sinister saying on the back of his photo reads “Evil lurks everywhere.” This certainly doesn’t help to lift him from the lowest ranks of the tier lists, and players won’t hesitate to try and get him to move away as soon as possible, if only to ward off oncoming bad luck.

Harry The Hairy Hippo Is One Of Animal Crossing’s Worst Villagers

Harry is, as his name suggests, a hairy hippo, sporting a huge, bushy mustache and thick, black eyebrows as part of his unappealing design. While he was originally one of Animal Crossing’s Jock villagers when he was introduced to the franchise in Animal Forest e+, his personality was changed to the Cranky type in City Folk and has stuck with him ever since. His home is bathroom-themed, though he clearly doesn’t use his facilities to shave as his bristly facial hair is his most notable feature, earning him the dreaded “ugly villager” status.

Al Is One Of The Worst Gorilla Villagers In Animal Crossing

None of the gorilla villagers are particularly good-looking in Animal Crossing, but there’s something about Al’s wide, beady eyes that makes him even more off-putting to be around. Al is a Lazy villager despite his fitness hobby and gym-themed home interior, and while this does make him easier to get along with than many other low-ranking villagers on the tier lists, his status as an ugly villager unfortunately can’t be salvaged with this common Animal Crossing personality type. To make matters worse, none of the villagers wear pants in the game, and Al’s yellow and black color combination makes that fact painfully apparent when players see him from behind.

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Benjamin Is Animal Crossing’s Ugliest Dog

Animal Crossing’s dog villagers are pretty hit-or-miss when it comes to design, and Benjamin is unfortunately one of the game’s biggest misses. His beady red eyes and bushy black eyebrows can be off-putting to some, and his upturned brown nose and white whiskers add to his strange color-scheme and mismatched aesthetic. While Benjamin is another ugly villager with the Lazy personality type, his unfortunate appearance consistently puts him among the worst villagers in New Horizons.

Barold Is The Ugliest Villager In Animal Crossing

Barold was first introduced to the Animal Crossing franchise in New Leaf, but his return to New Horizons was less than welcome as he quickly sank to the bottom of players’ tier lists. This rough-looking bear is considered one of the least popular villagers in the game and is consistently labelled the ugliest villager with his dark, unkempt facial hair. Not only that, but his large pink lips seem to always be slightly apart, making it look like his mouth is always slightly open. Barold has almost become a mascot for the game’s least desirable villagers, taking on the brunt of many memes and jokes about the worst villagers in Animal Crossing.

Moe Is The Worst Cat Villager In Animal Crossing

Cats are one of the most popular villager types in Animal Crossing, and while some of the cat villagers are more average-looking or ugly, Moe is in a class by himself. Moe has stuck with the franchise through most of its games, but his massive yellow eyes and buck teeth make him not only one of the oddest-looking cats, but one of the ugliest villagers in Animal Crossing overall. His eyes take up most of his face and have huge, rectangular pupils that are unsettling at best, and when there are so many good Animal Crossing cat villagers that can live on the island, Moe rarely rises above the worst rankings on players’ Animal Crossing: New Horizons villager tier lists.

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