Cyril Figgis is a perpetual scapegoat. For his friends, for his father, and for himself, Cyril is an insecure, scared, and underachieving man who would always be a loser. His father’s conditional love and demand for constant perfection drove Cyril into learning that he is of low importance to people around him.

The accountant with a background in law has, on paper, everything he needs to be considered successful and well-liked. He is well-educated, intelligent, financially savvy, attractive, and “gifted”, yet Cyril is treated with utter disdain by everyone in his life. He is a sad character, and a warning tale about how untreated insecurities ultimately lead to unhappy lives.

10 When He Was Duped

After a night out at the bar and a game of darts, Cyril loses $300 for the men’s side when he misses all his throws. The gang mock him and Lana emasculates him, stating that Cyril’s identity is in perpetual losing. This triggers Cyril’s insecurities, making him an easy target for George Spelvin, an Englishman who makes computer anti-virus. Spelman convinces Cyril to install a virus into the ISIS mainframe for a small price of $50,000 and a promise to later provide him the anti-virus that would destroy the virus.

In a heightened state of insecurity, Cyril agrees to the plan, entrusting the identity of many agents unto a man he just met. Naturally, this does not go well.

9 When His Father Stopped Loving Him

In the same episode aptly titled ‘Tragical History’, a flashback shows what  Cyril’s childhood was like. Just before he takes his dart shots, the ladies taunt him and the men mount pressure on him to win the friendly competition for them. This triggers a childhood memory of Cyril at a spelling bee, spelling the word “onomatopoeia” wrong, and disgracing his father. When Cyril realizes that his loss has caused his father to stop loving him, he pees himself in distress, a child going through the trauma of realizing he is worth nothing to his father unless he perpetually wins.


8 When He Was Arrested

Archer’s short-lived breast cancer storyline has Archer using his cancer to guilt Woodhouse into taking his place on an all-expense-paid trip to Las Vegas. There, he parties hard just before his cancer surgery, doing a number of highly illegal things in public, which gets the attention of the police. At the police station, Archer gives his name as Cyril Figgis, and soon Cyril is picked up from the office to be extradited to Las Vegas. After a night of being beaten up by the police in a corrupt effort to get a confession out of him, the Las Vegas police fax Archer’s picture, clearing Cyril of any misdoing.

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7 When Cheryl Owed Him Money

Pam is kidnapped in ‘El Secuestro’ after Cheryl deceives the kidnappers into thinking that Pam is Cheryl. Aiming to kidnap Cheryl, Cheryl is forced to tell the truth that she is a co-heir to a billion-dollar fortune. This infuriates Cyril who demands a sum of $3,700 which Cheryl owes him. However, Cheryl has used that money as kindling to commit arson. When Cyril demands his money back, Cheryl laughs at him, proving how little respect he receives as a person from even his most disrespected co-worker.

6 When Lana Dated Him – Twice

Archer is who Lana loves and wants. Unluckily for Lana, Archer is unfaithful and incapable of commitment, because of his mother issues. She breaks up with Archer and, rather than seek to heal herself emotionally, dates Cyril as a band-aid for her emotional wounds. Cyril, for his part, knows that Lana does not really love him. She is shown barely tolerating him, bossing him around constantly, and treating him with disdain many times. For an already insecure man, this emotional wound is too overwhelming for Cyril and he begins cheating on Lana to make his pain go away.

5 He Cannot Get Anyone To Love Him

Cyril’s relationship with Lana is a perfect metaphor for all his relationships. Cyril spends considerable effort trying to get Lana to love him and to show him affection, trust, and connection. Similarly, he laments how his coworkers treat him with derision and a lack of trust. He declares constantly that he knows he should leave the group and try not to get further enmeshed with them.

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On a mental level, Cyril understands his emotional pain. But on a psychological level, he cannot break through his emotional scars to actually get any healing. Consequently, he is trapped in a repetitive cycle of trying to get other people to love him in hopes that it would heal his childhood scars.

4 When They Mocked His Addiction

To discipline Cyril for cheating on Lana with multiple partners (including Malory herself), Malory forces him to go to check into a rehab center, as she believes he is mentally unhealthy. After his time in rehab, Cyril returns to the office only to be mocked by his coworkers who insisted that Cyril’s self-diagnosed sex addiction is not a thing. Sex addiction is actually a damaging coping mechanism for people, as real as other addictions. Cyril also begins to use excessive eating as a coping mechanism for his pain, which is also mocked mercilessly by the toxic group. Even worse, Malory threatens to send him back to an unhappy stay at rehab as a way of gaining total control over him.

3 When He Never Met His Son

Archer and Cyril both sleep with the same prostitute, Trinette McGoon, a woman of Irish descent (like Cyril). Like many people around him, Trinette hates Archer, because he mistreats her. An opportunity arises when Archer deceives her into thinking he used protection and she falls pregnant as a result. Trinette accuses Archer of being the father in a cooked up scheme concocted in conjunction with Archer’s arch-nemesis, Barry (and Other Barry). Both Trinette and Archer know who the real father is, but trick Archer into replacing the blood for a DNA test, so that Archer is revealed to be the Wee Baby Seamus’ dad.

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Her scheme leaves her unable to tell the real father of the baby, Cyril, the truth, and Cyril is cheated out of a relationship with a son – a relationship that he might have found healing considering his own relationship with his father.

2 Every Time Malory Emasculated Him

Malory is a difficult woman to please. Domineering, independent, and fiercely competitive, Malory emasculates men daily, an unhealthy coping strategy for a woman in a man’s world. For example, she emasculates Cyril constantly to keep her most intelligent worker subservient to her. When Cyril opens The Figgis Agency, a detective agency funded by Malory, Cyril becomes the CEO of the company. Under California law only a person with a law or criminal justice degree can open a detective agency, so Cyril becomes the official head of the agency. Malory, a woman who defines herself by her career leadership, feels emasculated, and projects her feelings unto Cyril, whom she persistently emasculates in the presence of everyone.

1 When He Relapsed

Season 11 sees the gang refreshingly healthy and happy in life. Archer’s abusive presence no longer in the office, the gang find that they can work on themselves and become better versions of themselves. Cyril is no longer insecure, channeling his self-doubts into exercise, meditation, and martial arts. Archer awakens and the gang begins to unravel very quickly, reverting back into the toxic versions of themselves that they believed they left behind. For Cyril, he begins to overindulge in chocolate again, and to weep at his loss of self-control. Cyril’s relapse is perhaps the saddest thing that ever happened to him. A man in his forties, Cyril’s new self brought hope that he had finally exorcised his demons, a challenging feat for anyone, especially as they get older and set in their ways. Sadly, season 11 ends on Cyril breaking down back to who he used to be.

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