No spy agency has as many colorful characters than the one in animated comedy Archer. The show, which is set to come up with its eleventh season, has one of the most patient and loyal fandoms ever who are willing to keep up with ridiculous genre-hopping and unsolved endings. But the show also has had some tremendously successful and original characters who are relatable and refreshing at the same time.

So, which Archer character do you most identify with? Is it the self-reliant and icy cool Lana? Or is it the alpha male Archer? Which Archer character would you be, based on your Zodiac sign?

12 Aries: Cyril

Aries are natural leaders, and though they perform really well in assertive roles, Cyril is not the first person one would think of when they think of leadership material. But that’s because he is almost constantly undermined by Archer, who tramples over all of Cyril’s plans.

But as the show progresses, Cyril proves that he can hold his own as he undertakes quite a few brave feats to save the ones he cares about and also excels as an agent. Aries are also pretty possessive and can be prone to jealousy, which would explain why Cyril is so insecure about Lana’s relationship with Archer.

11 Taurus: Barry

Tauruses can be unyielding and quite stubborn, and are sometimes ruled entirely by their insecurities. Barry is hell-bent on bringing Archer down, and has often gone out of his way to make Archer’s life more difficult.

Since Taurus is an earth sign they are incredibly gritty, determined and make for dangerous enemies. They are also ruled by Venus, which would explain why Barry appreciates a hedonistic lifestyle and only aspires for the best life, and is often jealous of Archer’s prosperity. 


10 Gemini: Katya

Though Gemini folks are witty, grounded, and make for great companions, they are often driven by their passions and romantic interests. Katya is a KGB agent who has a complicated relationship with Archer, and fans have often wondered what exactly she feels for him. But it’s clear that her efforts to bring down Archer are rooted in something deeply personal, which makes a lot of sense because Geminis make for really dangerous scorned lovers.

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They can also take things for granted and often be bossy once they have established a power dynamic in their relationships, which explains Katya and Barry’s dynamic perfectly.

9 Cancer: Woodhouse

Cancers are very nuanced, and though they are incredibly giving and nurturing, they are also very clear-headed and have very clear priorities. Woodhouse has often surprised Archer when he has put his foot down and refused to obey his every command.

It has been established that though Woodhouse is totally loyal to Archer and is completely under his thumb, he is very aware of how snarky and vengeful Archer really is. And like a true Cancer he decides to stick by Archer despite knowing all his flaws, because Cancers usually seek a sense of stability. 

8 Leo: Archer

This hardly comes as a surprise, but the arrogant, macho alpha lead of the show is a true-blue Leo. Since Leo is a fire sign, they are naturally authoritative and are made for leadership roles. They thrive when they have a clear mission ahead and are usually pretty good at dominating a situation and taking over.

Archer is someone who’s almost entirely ruled by how he is perceived at his job, and since his job is to be a super cool international secret agent who saves people and does away with bad guys, Archer is very in touch with the ruling side of his Zodiac. 

7 Virgo: Cheryl

Only someone as clear-headed as a Virgo can maintain the secret of two highly functioning lives like Cheryl did for years and still be breezy about it. Everyone in Isis thought she was just Mallory’s assistant, while she was actually the heiress to the super wealthy Tunt dynasty that basically owns America.

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Virgos are observant and have an active imagination which would explain why she has a very different perception of how the world works, and also doesn’t always cope with reality all that well.

6 Libra: Ray

Libras make for the best BFFs because they are so patient, kind and diplomatic. They are essentially peace-bringers, which would explain why Ray is one of the most balanced personalities on the show.

Despite losing his legs and his job as an active field agent, and having to cope with realities of the disabled lifestyle, Ray never acts bitter, and is in fact sympathetic to others. Although, Libras are often taken for granted because they are non-confrontational and struggle to stand up for themselves. 

5 Scorpio: Mallory

Scorpios are persevering and absolutely unyielding, especially when it comes to their priorities. Mallory is one of the grittiest characters of the show, she is not just a super spy-turned-boss, but has actually been through a lot in her life and she thrives when she is being challenged.

Scorpios make for tremendous leaders because they are not afraid of making tough decisions; they are natural pack builders, which means people are generally attracted to them. This would explain why Mallory is actually taken quite seriously in the international intelligence circuit.

4 Sagittarius: Ron

Ron Cadillac is funny, unassuming, caring, and does not take himself too seriously. Much like true blue Sagittarians, Ron makes the best of every situation he is in. The fans have also observed how he’s a great choice of a partner for Mallory because he’s so different from her.

Unlike his wife, Ron is a team player and believes in transparency. Scorpios are self-reliant and adventurous, but they are also very grounded, which would explain why Ron never let his wealth dictate his personality. 

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3 Capricorn: Kreiger

Capricorns usually do not cope well with big changes, however they are adventurous and are constantly seeking means of innovation. Krieger is the Mr. Fix It for everyone at the agency. As unorthodox as his ways are, he has helped out the people of the agency countless times without judgement.

One of the biggest examples being the time he helped Mallory, Archer, and Lana cover up the shooting of the Italian Prime Minister. Despite his almost impossible ideas, Krieger is a realist and doesn’t like sugar coating reality, which makes him such an invaluable asset. 

2 Aquarius: Lana

Aquarians are original, self-sufficient, and assertive, and Lana is a true embodiment of this air sign. Lana is a force to reckon with and has complete confidence in her own potential, even when she is taken for granted or under-appreciated.

Aquarians are not insecure by nature, which actually means they have really balanced personalities as they refuse to let their anxieties rule them. Lana is probably an even better agent than Archer, but doesn’t wait for other people to tell her that, and is not bothered by Archer’s overbearing arrogance.

1 Pisces: Pam

Anyone who has ever met Pam would have no doubts that she is a Pisces. People born under this sign are almost always driven by their passions but they also possess a keen emotional depth. Pam has often surprised fans with her quick wit and common sense, and Pam has often been the voice of reason when everyone around her were being maneuvered by their own agendas.

But Pisceans are inherently romantics and seek a sense of security in relationships and friendships, which would explain why Pam appreciates loyalty. 

NextThe Boys: The 10 Bravest Characters, Ranked

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