The Arrowverse has tracked the changes of many interesting characters, but none has been more important than the evolution of Oliver Queen. The former playboy turned vigilante is responsible for kickstarting the modern age of superhero television and Stephen Amell’s portrayal has popularized the character in a whole new way.

For eight years, we followed Oliver on his path to become someone else and his story did not disappoint. Oliver is a much different man and hero than he was at the start of the series, so here are 10 ways he changed from season 1 to the finale of Arrow.

10 He Stopped Killing

Almost everyone knows that the methods Oliver used in season one were a lot more brutal than the methods he adopted in later seasons. When Oliver first arrived back home after five years, he began targeting the names on the list his father gave him, often resulting in those targets and those associated with them being killed.

In season 2, Oliver stopped killing in order to honor Tommy, and although he has sometimes gone back on and made exceptions to this rule, it has been his way of operating for the majority of the show’s run.

9 He Met William

Oliver has had many relationships, one of which resurfaced when he ran into Samantha Clayton while visiting Central City. Samantha and Oliver met when they were both in school and had a one-night-stand which resulted in her pregnancy while he was still dating Laurel. Unbeknownst to Oliver, his mother, Moira, offered Clayton $2 million to tell Oliver that she had lost the baby, move, and never contact him again.

Oliver later sees Samantha at Jitters with her son, William, discovering that she had lied about having a miscarriage. Over time, Oliver became more involved in William’s life, with the young man coming to live with him and Felicity after Samantha’s death.


8 He Unmasked Himself

For years, Oliver managed to keep his identity a secret from the general public and his actions as the Green Arrow under wraps. That all changed in season 6 when, in exchange for help dealing with Ricardo Diaz, he agrees to turn himself in to the FBI, resulting in his identity being revealed to the world and him being sent to prison.

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After his release from prison, he continued to operate in a new manner, with all of Team Arrow being deputized by Captain Drake and working alongside the SCPD.

7 He Got Married

Felicity Smoak was first introduced as the IT that Oliver went to for help when his mission had something to do with technology. The character was only supposed to be in one episode but became a main character in the series.

Over time, she and Oliver started a relationship, and seasons later, during the Crisis on Earth X, the two were married by Diggle, alongside Iris and Barry. While some were disappointed that Oliver didn’t get back into and continue a relationship with Laurel Lance as he does in the comics, many fans of his and Felicity’s relationship were thrilled by how it developed over the course of the show.

6 He Formed A Team

Oliver’s initial plan as the Arrow was always to complete his father’s mission alone, a plan that changed when he revealed himself as the Hood to his then bodyguard, John Diggle, and later to the trusted IT support for Queen Consolidated, Felicity Smoak.

As the years went on, Oliver opened his circle up to include many teammates to help him in his quest to protect Star City, like Roy Harper, Laurel Lance, and his sister Thea. The roster eventually went on to add names like Curtis Holt, Rory Regan, Dinah Drake, Rene Ramirez.

5 His Suit Changed

As Oliver evolved as a character, so did the uniform that he wore as the Green Arrow. When he first arrived back in Star City, he wore the hood and used the bow that previously belonged Yao Fei. He also started wearing a mask, made for him by Barry Allen, to better hide his identity.

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With each new season brought a new suit design, most of which were created by Cisco Ramon, with the only consistent elements of being its green color and its hood. Some changes were minor, like the tint of green getting brighter, while other changes were more significant, like the absence of sleeves during one of the seasons.

4 He Had Mia

Season 7 of Arrow introduced us to the concept of flashforwards, which followed William Clayton, Oliver’s son, in the year 2040. During the flashforwards, we met a character named Blackstar, who we would later learn was the daughter of Oliver and Felicity.

The season ended with Felicity giving birth to Mia in the present and with Oliver believing that he would never get to see his daughter as an adult, on account of his impending teased death. However, in season 8, the two later got a chance to meet during Crisis on Infinite Earths, where they fought alongside each other after Mia was transported to the past by the Monitor.

3 His Name

Much like Oliver’s uniform, the codenames used by the hero have also changed. When Oliver first started his career of vigilantism, he wasn’t worried about coming up with a name for himself. So, as a result, the media and Star City Police Department began referring to him as “The Hood.”

Once he decided to stop killing to honor Tommy, he dropped that name and began going by “The Arrow.” Oliver doesn’t officially become the Green Arrow until season 4 after Roy Harper announces to the world that he is the “Arrow,” in order to protect Oliver.

2 He Became Spectre

After Oliver’s first death, the team tried to bring him back using the Lazarus pit, but they realized they had to go to Purgatory, which coincidentally looked a lot like Lian Yu, in order to get Oliver’s soul.

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While there, Oliver meets a man named Jim Corrigan, who transfers his powers to Oliver, turning him into Spectre. Oliver’s transformation ends up being the key to the heroes stopping the Anti-Monitor and winning the fight for the multiverse.

1 He Died

All of season 8 was preparing fans for the reality that Oliver Queen would die during the Crisis of Infinite Earths event. What caught many by surprise was the fact that Oliver died not just once, but twice. The first time was when he chose to stay behind and continue to fight in order to save an additional 1 billion lives from Earth-38, which came as a shock to many since this all unfolded in the event’s first episode.

The second time was when he died following his fight against the Anti-Monitor, which ended with him restoring the multiverse. Both instances showed the character’s unbelievable level of determination, all while providing gut-wrenching moments from the character the audience had come to love saying his last goodbyes.

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