Roy Harper first appeared in DC Comics alongside the Green Arrow as his sidekick, “Speedy,” in the 1940s. He would later grow out of that title and into his own hero, Arsenal. Colton Haynes played Roy Harper in the character’s first live-action appearance on the CW’s Arrow. He was introduced in the fifteenth episode of the first season as a petty criminal and love interest for Thea Queen.

Haynes stopped appearing regularly in the show towards the end of the third season, but Roy Harper still experienced a massive amount of character growth from season 1 to season 8. Though he got off to a rough start, Arsenal eventually found a happy ending in the series finale of Arrow.

10 He Stopped Being a Criminal

The first time Roy Harper appeared on screen, he snatched Thea’s purse and ran off down an alley, escaping by expertly scaling a fence. He was eventually brought in by the police but got away with his crime when he told a fabricated sob story. After he and Thea started dating, they got into a fight due to his continuing participation in criminal activity.

He is arrested multiple times over the course of the show but he eventually comes to realize he wants to help protect his city as a vigilante. Vigilantism was still technically breaking the law, but Roy was one of the many heroes who defended Star City against the criminals who endangered the citizens.

9 He Learned To Control His Anger

John Diggle once remarked that Roy Harper “was five different kinds of angry” as a kid growing up in the Glades. He was reckless and impulsive and often let his anger get the best of him.

Through the course of the show, Roy not only learned to control his anger, he learned to channel it into the productive goal of helping his city and his friends. With Oliver’s help, he learned about discipline and sacrifice, while finding a purpose for his anger and his life.


8 He Got Superpowers For A Time

Roy started the show as a regular guy, but in season 2 he became one of the many people experimented on by Sebastian Blood and Slade Wilson with the Mirakuru super soldier serum. It initially killed him, but Oliver was able to revive Roy with CPR.

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Roy quickly discovered that the serum had given him super strength. The unfortunate side effects, however, were that it made him aggressive and mentally unstable. Thankfully, he was eventually cured of the serum by the Flash’s team at S.T.A.R. Labs.

7 His Relationship With Oliver

Oliver and Roy had a tense relationship when the latter first started dating Thea. Oliver wanted to protect his sister and didn’t think Roy was good enough for her. Oliver started to pay Roy more attention when he was injected with Mirakuru, wanting to make sure that he didn’t lose control or lose his mind. He ultimately agreed to train Roy to help him master his strength and not give in to his anger.

Oliver had to trust Roy with the secret of his identity in order for Roy to trust him, but revealing his secret helped the two build a stronger bond as mentor and mentee. Though they continued to clash over the years, Roy eventually became more willing to listen to Oliver’s advice and Oliver trusted Roy and Diggle to protect the city should anything happen to him.

6 He Became Arsenal

Roy knew how to fight his way out of a bad situation, but through Oliver’s training, he gained significant hand-to-hand and archery skills over the years. He went from a petty thief to a trusted hero of Star City and fought alongside the Green Arrow, the Black Canary, and the numerous other members of Team Arrow.

Roy told Oliver that he saved his life in more ways than one as the Arrow. Oliver helped give him a purpose, as well as a sense of duty and responsibility. He works to repay Oliver in many ways for the lessons and skills he taught him, including helping to save Oliver’s son in the series finale.

5 Roy Became More Selfless

Roy Harper learned a lot about sacrificing for the good of others from Team Arrow. Working with them helped bring out the hero that had always been inside of him. When Roy was first introduced, he was out for himself, willing to do or say anything for his own gain. In the course of a few episodes, he realizes after the Arrow saves him that he is meant for more than that.

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Roy risked his life to save a busload of people during the Undertaking in the Glades. He took the fall for Oliver, claiming to be the Arrow in season 3, and was sent to prison where he almost died. He then left Star City behind to protect his mentor – Oliver, his love – Thea, and his friends. In the pre-Crisis future of Star City, he and the other older Team Arrow members also sacrifice their freedom for the sake of the legacy heroes.

4 His Relationship With Moira

Despite his longstanding relationship with Thea, Roy didn’t always get along particularly well with her mother, Moira. Moira didn’t like the influence Roy could have in her daughter’s life with his being a criminal. As the story progresses, Moira warms up to Roy and even encourages Thea to continue dating him.

In the original timeline, Moira dies in season 2, so she doesn’t get to see the heroes Roy and Thea would eventually become. In the post-Crisis timeline, however, Roy remarks that the resurrected Moira Queen seems to like him better than pre-Crisis Moira ever did.

3 He Was Resurrected With The Lazarus Pit

Roy traveled the world with Thea to battle the Thanatos Guild and destroy the League of Assassins’ remaining Lazarus pits. During one of their missions, he was fatally wounded by an arrow. Thea decided to resurrect him using one of the pits before destroying it.

When Roy was brought back, he experienced the same bloodlust as Thea and Sara when they were resurrected. Thea and Nyssa attempted to cure him of it the same way Thea was cured, but it didn’t work and he decided to leave for Thea’s safety. He eventually learns to overcome his bloodlust and the two reconcile.

2 He Lost An Arm

During one of his later missions, Roy’s right arm was pinned under heavy debris from a plane crash. In order to save his life and get everyone to safety before enemies arrived or the plane’s fuel ignited, Roy told the team to cut his arm free. Diggle held his other hand as they amputated it.

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Roy eventually gets a mechanical replacement for his missing limb courtesy of A.R.G.U.S. and he is able to use a bow again. Roy’s amputation matches the one he sustained in the comics at the hand of the villain Prometheus. In the comics, he also got a substitute technological arm from Victor Stone, better known as Cyborg.

1 His Relationship With Thea

Roy and Thea’s relationship got off to a rocky start when he stole her purse and then lied to get out of it, but the two found kindred spirits within each other. They were both young and passionate, but often also reckless and impulsive. Roy’s love for Thea helped keep him focused and under control when he was under the influence of Mirakuru. When he left Star City in season 3, Roy reminded Thea he loved her but he intended to leave her behind for her protection.

Their fiery personalities tended to cause a lot of tension and they broke up and got back together multiple times throughout the years. Both grew up a lot from the kids they were in season 1. In the series finale, Roy tells Thea that loving her changed his life and the two got engaged.

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