As far as romantic relationships in Arrow are concerned, the show had one major couple that partially overshadowed every other romance. Even though it wasn’t the case in the comics, Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak ended up together. Other than this now iconic relationship, the show featured a large number of other romances, though they were less significant.

Most of the major characters had one or more relationships throughout the course of the series. More often than not, it didn’t end so well though. Sometimes general circumstances or other people were to blame but the fact is not all Arrow characters were so great at dating.

10 Best: Thea Queen

Thea would be a great girlfriend but only after she grew as a person. When she was younger, she didn’t control her emotions so well and also dealt with drug addiction. Thea became calmer and more balanced over time. She was able to walk away from the danger of being a superhero and lead a more normal life.

She’s not afraid to show people she loves them but she’s not overly emotional. Thea uses her intelligence to figure out how to get out of problems and she’s a strong partner who will always fight for herself and her loved ones.

9 Worst: Felicity Smoak

The problem with Felicity is that she simply fell too hard for Oliver. As a result, she broke the hearts of other people who liked her. Felicity dated Ray Palmer even though she knew she still wasn’t over Oliver.

Felicity is an intelligent and capable woman but she didn’t always have her priorities set straight and didn’t know what or who she wanted. That could cause troubles in a relationship, especially if her partner was more invested in the romance than Felicity herself.


8 Best: Dinah Drake

Once upon a time, Dinah’s life was chaos as she was consumed by Vince’s presumed death. But by the time Dinah became the captain of the SCPD, she was much more stable. Dinah was intelligent and inventive.

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She was willing to go to great lengths to protect her friends. Dinah might not be as funny as some other heroines of the show but those looking for a strong and determined partner would find their match with her.

7 Worst: Nyssa Al Ghul

Nyssa isn’t a bad person despite who her dad is. She was much more agreeable and kind than her father. But her upbringing, as well as her way of life, would make it difficult to pursue a romantic relationship with her.

More specifically, the way Nyssa lives would prove too dangerous for most people who aren’t superheroes. Nyssa was gracious toward Sara even when Sara let her know she no longer wanted to be with her, but being with Nyssa could still be deadly.

6 Best: Sara Lance

Unlike her former girlfriend Nyssa, Sara was able to lead a much more stable life – despite her former status as a member of the League of Assassins. Sara might have enjoyed the thrill of adrenaline a bit too much but other than that, she was a great girlfriend to Oliver when they dated.

Sara doesn’t have the tendency to push people, she gives them a lot of freedom. She also has a sense of humor, is strong and intelligent. Legends of Tomorrow has made her status as a good girlfriend clear.

5 Worst: Moira Queen

Moira was a loving mother to Oliver and Thea but she was far from perfect. What poisoned her relationships, both romantic and family ones, was the fact that Moira kept a lot of secrets from the world. And some of those secrets were rather dark. She could also be manipulative.

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It’s true that she did most of the bad things to protect her family but it doesn’t change the fact that a relationship with her would be like a rollercoaster – and not in a good way.

4 Best: Zoe Ramirez

Zoe is one of the characters who have a strong sense of right and wrong. She’s less impulsive than Oliver’s daughter Mia and more likely to think things through before she jumps into action.

Zoe is very loyal to her friends and would sacrifice her life for them. She formed a strong friendship with William and was always supportive of those she cared about. Even though Zoe didn’t date anyone on the show, it’s safe to assume she’d probably be a good girlfriend.

3 Worst: Helena Bertinelli

It probably needs no detailed explanation why Helena isn’t a good potential girlfriend. She was very different once but her fiance’s death twisted Helena into someone hellbent on getting revenge.

Helena let her sorrow and anger control her until there was no space for anything else in her life. Her brief relationship with Oliver ended because of the fact Helena wasn’t able to let her crusade go. She would be too difficult to date as she could snap at any time.

2 Best: Shado

Of all the characters on the show, Shado was one of the most balanced ones. Even though she found herself in difficult circumstances, she managed to survive and make the best of things. She even trained Oliver so that he would be able to take care of himself whilst on Lian Yu.

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Shado was intelligent, brave, and kind. She would be a supportive girlfriend who would always make sure her partner was safe.

1 Worst: Isabel Rochev

Speaking of obsession, Isabel Rochev was by far one of the worst brief romances Oliver had on the show. Isabel was distant, cold, and sometimes downright rude.

As it later turned out, she was also determined to get revenge on the Queen family for how Robert Queen treated her. Isabel was definitely beautiful but ugly on the inside so trusting her, let alone dating her, would be a mistake.

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