SPOILERS for those not caught up on Arrow ahead.

Nyssa al Ghul returns in the trailer for the next episode of Arrow, “The Thanatos Guide”. Even though Arrow has largely cut back on using flashbacks now that Oliver’s five years in hell have been addressed, it seems like Team Arrow still cannot escape their past. Old enemies and friends have been surfacing all throughout season 6, and more are on the way.

In “Doppelganger”, the most recent episode, Roy was brought back to Star City against his will in what looked like an arrest. It quickly revealed itself to be something far more sinister, as Roy was tortured by corrupt cops before being used as bait by Diaz. Thea’s need to help rescue Roy brought about the return of Speedy as well; she had not donned the red hood since the Dominators. Meanwhile, Earth-2 Laurel brought Laurel Lance back to Star City, though of course a handful of people on the sides of both good and evil know the truth. And in the final moments of the episode, there was a tease of another return: The League of Assassins.



The trailer for next week’s episode – titled “The Thanatos Guide” – has been released by The CW, and it shows that some residual members of the League are heading to Star City to find Thea, lead by a formidable woman called Athena. And there is another familiar facing who appears in the episode. The long-awaited return of Nyssa al Ghul is finally almost here, though fans will have to wait a few weeks while Arrow takes a short break.

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While the fates of almost everyone who was on Lian Yu when Adrian Chase destroyed the island have been revealed on the show, there are a few characters whose outcomes are still unknown. While Slade Wilson did mention that that daughter of Ra’s al Ghul was alive, he never clarified if it was Nyssa or Talia. Now it is obvious that he probably meant Nyssa, though Talia’s fate is still unknown and she might also be alive and out there somewhere.

The return of Nyssa has promised to have some pretty big consequences for Team Arrow. Those consequences might have already been teased, when Oliver told Thea that she should consider leaving Star City with Roy – once he has healed enough from being kidnapped and tortured. Now former members of the League of Assassins are trying to track Thea down because she is the daughter of Malcolm Merlyn – who was the League’s final ruler before Nyssa won leadership from him in combat and dismantled it. Between the return of her lost love and the legacy of a father she could never trust, Speedy’s return might be short-lived after all. Oliver may not be able to escape his past but maybe with Roy by her side, Thea finally can.


Arrow continues Thursday, March 29 with “The Thanatos Guide” at 9 pm on The CW.

Source: The CW

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