One thing that is common in almost every Arrowverse show is the various pop culture references. Numerous shows, movies, and other pieces of media will often be brought up by different characters throughout the shows. However, the most popular references among fans, most of which occur on The Flash, are those that refer to projects and characters made by DC comics rival, Marvel.

While most can be subtle, the majority of them are intended to be obvious winks and nods at the fans of both companies and can sometimes be the best part of the episodes they appear in.

12 Superheroes In A Farmhouse

During the Arrow episode “Legends of Yesterday”, Team Arrow and Team Flash decide to set up their base in a house outside of the city in an attempt to hide themselves and Kendra Saunders, aka Hawkgirl, from Vandal Savage.

When they arrive, Thea remarks that the idea of a “bunch of superheroes in a farmhouse” is something she feels like she remembers from a movie she watched. While she doesn’t directly state it, the movie Thea seems to be thinking of is actually Avengers: Age of Ultron which shows the Avengers temporarily staying at Hawkeye’s home while trying to hide from Ultron.

11 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

In the final episode of the “Invasion!” crossover, which took place on Legends of Tomorrow, Kara is talking with both Oliver and Barry while at the party celebrating their win over the Dominators. She commends them and the others on their heroism and bravery, ending with calling them both “Earth’s mightiest heroes”.

What Kara likely didn’t know but the writers of the episode did is that “Earth mightiest heroes” is the nickname given to the Avengers in the comics and most media, it even inspired the title of the animated series The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.


10 Howard The Duck

In the Legends of Tomorrow episode “Raiders of the Lost Art”, Nate sets a George Lucas movie night for him, Ray, and Amaya after the team restored the timeline and ensured that Lucas continues to make movies. Nate and Ray end up in a minor debate about which film to start with when Amaya then suggests they watch Howard the Duck, stating that it looks cute. However, they both quickly shut down that idea and choose another film.

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Howard the Duck is a character that many forget belongs to Marvel, despite his minor appearances in Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and Avengers: Endgame.

9 Mimicking Magneto

The Supergirl episode, “Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk“, introduces the character of Mxyzptlk, a fifth dimension being that became infatuated with Kara despite her not being interested in him. After rejecting him, Kara attempts to stop a trio of armed burglars when Mxyzptlk shows up to help her.

He telekinetically takes the guns from the burglars and then holds them in place while he fires their weapons at them, a move he says he saw in a movie once, forcing Kara to step in front of the bullets. The movie he seems to be referencing is the original X-Men film where Magneto is approached by the cops and turns their guns back on them using his power of magnetism.

8 The Incredible Hulk

In the Flash episode, “Girls Night Out”, Cecile, Caitlin, Felicity, and Iris are out celebrating Iris’ bachelorette party when a fight breaks out and Killer Frost emerges. After the girls return to STAR Labs, Iris asks Killer Frost how she’s there and Frost explains that she’s awake when Caitlin is asleep to which Felicity excitedly shouts that she’s like “The Incredible Hulk”.

What Felicity is alluding to is how the Hulk’s alter ego of the calm scientist Bruce Banner co-exists in the same body as Hulk, which is how Caitlin’s powers work.

7 Spidey-Senses

In the Flash episode, “Therefore I Am”, the team is looking into Devoe aka The Thinker, but it continues to seem that there is nothing suspicious about him. That seemingly gets confirmed even more when Cisco vibes a cup of the professor and sees nothing except him happy with his wife.

Iris then asks to speak to Barry outside in the hallway and when she asks him what’s wrong, he says that his “Spidey senses are tingling” which is a common phrase used by Peter Parker aka Spider-Man in the comics when he senses danger. The phrase was even parodied in Spider-Man: Far From Home, with Peter and his aunt calling it the “Peter Tingle”

6 Spider-Man’s Stickiness

In the first part of the “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover which took place on Supergirl, while at the rehearsal dinner for Barry and Iris’ wedding, Martin Stein reveals to Jax that he discovered a way for Jax to keep his powers even after they took the serum created by Wells and Cisco which would separate the link between them. He explained that he created a compound that would give him the abilities of a spruce-fir moss spider.

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Jax then asks Stein if he’s trying to turn him into Spider-Man and questions if he’ll have powers like superstrength and spidey sense. However, to Jax’s disappointment, Stein clarifies that the only power he would have is the ability to stick to things, which on its own is one of Spider-Man’s least interesting abilities.

5 Spider-Man 2

In the episode “Run, Iris, Run”, Caitlin and Cisco are discussing the lengths Harry was going to in order to stop Devoe, describing the villain as “a madman whose innovations are warping his brain” before asking her if she’s ever seen Spider-Man 2.

The reason Cisco brings up the film is because the path Devoe is on is one that mirrors that of Doctor Otto Octavius, whose desire to create a sustainable fusion power reactor, along with the artificially-intelligent mechanical arms attached to his spine, slowly corrupted him.

4 Doc Ock

This wouldn’t be the only time the comparison between Devoe and Doctor Octopus would be made on the show.

In the next episode, “Null and Annoyed”, while he and Barry were training and running drills for how to take down Devoe, Ralph jokingly calls the holographic decoy of Devoe “Doc Ock” in an effort to get his attention before hiding his head in his body and pretending to be a turtle.

3 Mjolnir

During a fight against Cicada in the Flash episode “Blocked”, Cisco attempts to lift the villain’s dagger out of the ground but can’t move it and gets cut in the process when he calls it back to him.

When the team is back at STAR Labs, Cisco comments about the dagger saying that he believes it temporarily stole their powers and notes that Cicada could control it “like Mjolnir,” which he has to explain to Caitlin is Thor’s hammer, which only confuses her more.

2 Professor X

In the Flash episode, “Lose Yourself”, Ralph is talking with Edwin Gauss aka Folded Man, one of the bus metahumans that got their powers when Barry escaped the Speedforce. He reveals that one time when he used his powers he ended up in a futuristic room with a man in a professor X chair which he discovers is The Thinker’s lair.

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Professor X is the leader of the superhero team, the X-Men. Despite the fact that the Thinker is a villain and Professor X is a hero, the two share several similarities including them both being bald and confined to wheelchairs.

1 Thor, Son of Odin

Moments later in the same episode “Lose Yourself”, Ralph attempts to sneak Edwin out of the pipeline so that he could open a pocket dimension to Devoe’s lair.

Before he can, Barry confronts him and the two fight with Ralph turning his hand into a mallet and attempting to punch him before getting knocked out by the speedster. When Ralph wakes up, Barry offers him a drink which he declines and says that Barry went “Thor, Son of Odin” on him while doing his best impression of an Asgardian accent.

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