Jesse Quick is supposedly dead in the Arrowverse, but there is a way for The Flash to bring her back in season 7. Played by Violett Beane, Jesse Chambers Wells aka Jesse Quick was a speedster and a former love interest to Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) on The Flash.

Jesse Quick was introduced in season 2 as the daughter of Harry (Tom Cavanaugh), Harrison Wells’ Earth-2 doppelganger. She was originally utilized as a bargaining chip that Zoom (Teddy Sears) was using against Harry to force him into doing his bidding. With Jesse as Zoom’s prisoner, Harry felt he had no choice but to betray Team Flash. Fortunately, Jesse was saved and brought back to Earth-1 where she formed connections to Barry (Grant Gustin) and his allies. After developing speedster abilities, Jesse became a costumed superhero and joined the team in season 3. During this time, she became romantically involved with Wally and served as one of three speedsters on the team, with the other two being Barry and Wally.


After heading back to Earth-2 with her father, Jesse started her own version of Team Flash offscreen and broke up with Wally. Though Harry returned to the fold in season 4, Jesse never came back from Earth-2 and wasn’t heard from again. The Arrow season 8 premiere made another appearance from Jesse Quick in the Arrowverse difficult to fathom by featuring the destruction of Earth-2. The multiverse was reborn in the final episode of “Crisis on Infinite Earths” with all the Arrowverse shows now being set on Earth-Prime, but most of the characters from the parallel Earths have remained dead. Thus far, it’s been accepted that Jesse is dead, but it’s possible that The Flash can resurrect her in the show’s seventh season. Now could be the perfect opportunity to make that happen, as Violet Beane’s show, God Friended Me, has ended. With availability not being the issue that it was before, Jesse could return to the Arrowverse.

Jesse Quick Doesn’t Have A Clear Place On Earth-Prime

Finding a new home for Jesse Quick in the Arrowverse won’t be as simple as it has been with other characters who have been altered by the Crisis. That’s mostly because she doesn’t have a clear place on Earth-Prime as of now. Jesse is the daughter of a man who only exists as a part of Nash Wells’ subconscious. Since there can only be one Harrison Wells in the Arrowverse, Nash is the last Wells. However, all the other versions of him have merged into one being, allowing them all to occupy Nash’s mind. Since Harry was never his own person in the new reality, it’s impossible that he could have fathered a daughter. For this reason, Jesse – as viewers know her – shouldn’t exist in the Arrowverse unless The Flash were to make significant changes to her character and backstory.

Earth-Prime’s Jesse Quick Can Have An All-New Backstory

By rewriting Jesse’s past, The Flash can still use the character. An episode in season 7 can reveal that she’s the daughter of Earth-Prime’s Harrison Wells, who seems to share much of the same history as the Earth-1 Harrison Wells. In the original timeline, Harrison was murdered and replaced by Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher), who stole his DNA and later murdered Barry’s mother. Since this version of events is so important to the main characters’ lives, it’s likely that this portion of the story has remained unaltered. However, one notable change could have been made. Earth-1’s Harrison Wells was married to a woman named Tess Morgan (Bre Blair), but it could be that the post-Crisis Harrison Wells was either involved with someone else or had a child from a previous relationship. If the mother is the same person that Harry was with when he fathered Jesse on Earth-2, this could be how The Flash brings Jesse back to the Arrowverse.

As for what may have become of Jesse in the new timeline, her history would be completely different if this is the path the Arrowverse chooses to take. Earth-2’s Jesse grew up as the daughter of one of the most well-respected scientists in his field. She lost her mother in her teenage years, but her father stayed in her life. An Earth-Prime version of Jesse, on the other hand, would have experienced a much more tragic backstory. The Reverse-Flash murdering her parents would have made her an orphan – unless he elected to raise her himself. The influence Reverse-Flash had on Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) provides a clue of just how bad an influence he’d have on Jesse if he impersonated her father. Either way, with Harrison not having in any role in Jesse’s life on Earth-Prime, it’s hard to say what would have become of her.

What The Flash Can Do With Jesse Quick In Season 7

The Flash basically debuting a new Jesse Quick by making her the daughter of Earth-Prime’s Harrison Wells would create all sorts of storytelling potential. Having such a different history could make her a person that Team Flash barely recognizes. She wouldn’t know Wally West or anyone else on the team, nor would she be a speedster. This would make it possible for The Flash to craft new relationships if it reintroduces Jesse Quick.

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The character best-suited for pulling Jesse into the story for The Flash season 7 would be Nash Wells. He isn’t her father, but he looks like him. His physical appearance matching that of Harrison Wells has created confusion before, and it would surely do the same if he were to cross paths with Jesse in Central City. That could become interesting, especially if her presence leads to Nash’s “Harry” persona temporarily taking over so that he can reunite with his daughter. After meeting him, she could run into Barry and the others at S.T.A.R. Labs and once again become involved in their lives. In season 7, The Flash could offer a new origin story that turns her into a speedster on Earth-Prime, but unlike her Earth-2 counterpart, she may not be interested in being a hero or capturing metahuman criminals alongside Team Flash.

Of course, the show could always restore her to who she was before by using Cisco’s technology to get her memories of the original timeline back. Or, The Flash could just have fun with Jesse’s new origin to send her in a totally different direction. After all, one of the benefits of the Arrowverse getting a reboot in “Crisis on Infinite Earths” is that it lets shows make limitless amounts of changes to its existing characters.

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