The Arrowverse has given us some great bromances over the years. One partnership that fans have loved to watch develop is the villainous companionship of Captain Cold and Heat Wave, also known as Leonard and Mick.

While the assumption has always been that these two are really great friends, there’s a lot to suggest that perhaps fans haven’t fully realized the nature of their friendship. Here are 10 reasons why Leonard and Mick might not really be best friends.

10 Different Paths

Mick and Leonard have always wanted to go down different paths. Leonard saw something much bigger in their future than petty crime, whereas Mick could never really look past the next robbery, being a great villain or a cash-out.

While both were obsessed with money, it was clear that they were walking alongside one another but on different paths. It seems that it took too long for them to ever actually step in the right direction together, with neither making their intentions clear.

9 The Sacrifice Play

It didn’t seem like it was really in his personality, but Snart actually used the sacrifice play at the end of his journey. In order to save the Legends and indeed the Earth itself, he decided to sacrifice himself, therefore leaving his supposed friend behind.

There’s always another way to solve these issues but Captain Cold didn’t allow any other methods of victory. A true friend perhaps wouldn’t have left his brother behind in this way, as Leonard may have known that he would make this kind of play and didn’t say anything.


8 Encouraging Crime

Both Leonard and Mick encourage each other to do some dastardly things. Snart in particular has performed some terrible crimes in the past and Mick has been known to be a serial arsonist who loves to watch the way fire can destroy everything in its path.

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The sadistic nature of the two has increasingly been encouraged. It seems like they are too comfortable with some of the lengths they are willing to go in order to get their next pay check. True friends might tow the line a little more and try to see reason for one another.

7 Lack Of Support

There’s also been a lack of support over the years between the two. Mick has had a troubled childhood that Snart seems to think is better forgotten about. Captain Cold’s own family is troublesome, with even his sister turning to a life of crime.

Emotions were never their strong suit and although they had a way of talking to one another like no one else, they still didn’t seem to tackle the big issues. Real brothers in arms would probably help one another with their personal struggles, not just their criminal ones.

6 Convenient Partners

There’s something to be said about having a relationship of convenience, which may be exactly what this partnership was. Both had similar mindsets, both wanted to make money by any means necessary, and their unique abilities complemented each other well.

Perhaps there was never really a friendship here but an alliance that made sense because of their skills. Maybe it developed after this, but it seemed that Snart looked down his nose at Heat Wave and used him more as a tool in battle.

5 Decision-Making

Leonard nicknamed himself the Captain for a reason as he’s the chief decision maker. It seems that Heat Wave never consented to this, but it’s just always been the way. That is until Mick decided to take issue with it.

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Mick Rory feels like he’s always been taken for granted and never had a voice of his own. He had to follow Snart’s orders over and over again despite the consequences, and it appears that Leonard didn’t really care whether Heat Wave actually agreed or not.

4 Choosing The Waverider

Mick never really wanted to go on the Waverider, and it was really a choice that Snart made for him. It’s unfortunate since it continues this trend of Mick never really getting a say in matters, but perhaps it was the best thing that ever happened to him.

Despite this, it was clearly Captain Cold’s overall plan, and Heat Wave struggled with not being able to commit crimes at first. It’s something he has had to continue to live with as Snart as now left him alone on the Waverider to continue with the Legends.

3 Never Confiding

Much like the many choices in the past, Leonard never confides in Mick, but the feeling is mutual. Both of their personal lives have taken interesting turns over the years, but it’s almost as if they don’t use each other as emotional supports.

Sure, on the battlefield they are brilliant together, but outside of this it seems that whatever version of them it is, from whichever Earth, they don’t seem able to confide in one another about their choices.

2 Other Alliances

This has meant that Snart has turned to other alliances in order to get by. He grew particularly close to Sara, and even started a bit of a relationship with her without Mick ever really being told about the situation.

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Mick has finally formed that bond with Charlie the shapeshifter, but this is years after Snart has been dead. It may be a little too late for Mick, who still struggles to confide, in part due to the toxic relationship he had with Leonard.

1 Mick’s Passion

Mick has one true passion that he has hidden for years, and that perhaps even Snart didn’t know about. He loves to write fantasy novels and has his own fictional brand under a female name in order to hide his identity.

This once again must link up to his relationship with Snart, where he wouldn’t have been able to express any passion like this. It’s clear that if Snart was still alive he would have hidden his fictional career from him.

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