There is no character more lasting in the Assassin’s Creed franchise than Ezio Auditore da Firenze. First appearing in 2009’s Assassin’s Creed II,  Ezio earned a place in franchise history thanks in part to his exceptionally well-drawn character — charismatic, cunning, and conflicted. He would go on to appear in three franchise titles, each time making an indelible impression upon gamers and critics alike for his swagger and compelling worldview.

Much of what makes this assassin so memorable is his finesse with language. Poetic and philosophically minded, Ezio never misses a chance to make an insightful or literary remark even in the midst of battle. There’s no shortage of compelling quotes from the master assassin, and these eloquent expressions are part of what makes him one of gaming’s most lasting protagonists.

9 “Requiescat In Pace.”

“Requiescat in Pace” is Latin for “rest in peace” and is as close as Ezio comes to having a catchphrase, uttered each time he successfully assassinates a mark. By the time of the Renaissance, the historical setting for Assassin’s Creed II, Latin had long fallen out of the common vernacular and was only rarely used outside of universities, high literature, and the Catholic Church.

To understand and speak this language shows not only Ezio’s education as a nobleman but also a reverence for tradition that belies his more progressive philosophies. It also demonstrates a degree of respect for his enemies, offering them the last rites of an assassin in place of a clergy member. This harkens back to Ezio’s training, during which his uncle impressed upon him the importance of respecting human life.

8 “I Am An Expert Swordsman, And I Am Skilled In The Business Of Death. I Take No Pleasure In My Skill.”

The blunt and casual way in which Ezio communicates his mastery of the deathly arts is a testament to his heroic dispassion. Unenamored of himself and his skills, Ezio takes on a rather pragmatic approach to his career, suggesting that he would have followed the path of his ability’s least resistance wherever it led.

This quote also gives rare insight into how he feels about the work he conducts. It’s a rather down-to-earth conception of an assassin, eschewing any pretense of glory, fame, or even morality that might accompany his deeds.


7 “To Say That Nothing Is True Is To Realize That The Foundations Of Society Are Fragile And That We Must Be The Shepherds Of Our Own Civilization.”

In this quote, Ezio breaks down the first half of the guiding motto for the assassins — the Brotherhood’s eponymous creed. For a centuries-old organization like the Assassins, it makes sense to view world powers as transitory. After all, the Order has collectively witnessed the rise and fall of countless empires and principalities since their founding during the days of ancient Egypt, an important plot point from the Assassin’s Creed series.

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In this context, Ezio demonstrates that “Nothing is true,” also means that the world is devoid of genuine authority and that human civilization is more of an object of nature than of man’s willful construction. Humanity must be “shepherded,” lest it unravels due to entropy or the will of those who would see it fall.

6 “To Say That Everything Is Permitted Is To Understand That We Are The Architects Of Our Actions.”

Ezio’s quote not only illuminates the latter half of the Assassin’s creed, but it also represents a very modern conception of human responsibility. For Ezio, the assassin embodies the perfection of human free will. Every action has the potential to result in glory or tragedy, and there is no one to blame or praise for the outcome other than the acting individual.  It’s a hefty moral responsibility upon anyone’s shoulders, and there’s an undeniably progressive component to this philosophy.

Indeed, this interpretation of the creed places it in line with the existentialist philosophies that would not emerge in Europe until five hundred years later. To Ezio, human will and choice were everything — a belief he embodied in every action he took until death.

5 “There Is No Book Or Teacher To Give You The Answers, To Show You The Path. Choose Your Own Way!”

In his exhortation to the Brotherhood of Assassins, Ezio once more emphasizes his fundamental belief in the power and importance of the individual. Despite his status as a renowned mentor of his brood, the master assassin acknowledges the subjectivity of circumstance and perspective, encouraging his companions to think for themselves and not blindly follow the teachings of any one individual or school of thought.

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Ezio even flatly acknowledges that his students should not treat his own teachings as gospel, but rather as one of many parts of their lifelong journeys to become masters of their craft. This represents another one of his progressive views that were centuries ahead of his time.

4 “Should Anything Happen To Me…Do Not Seek Retribution Or Revenge In My Remembrance, But Continue To Help Others.”

This line demonstrates a compelling and selfless component of Ezio’s place as the Mentor to the Brotherhood of Assassins. His personal journey saw him seek revenge for his family’s death at the hands of the nefarious Templar Order. This set him down a path to becoming a legend steeped in bloodshed and tragedy. For as heroic as Ezio’s deeds are, his is decidedly not a happy story.

In this way, his advice can be seen as a warning to his peers, lest they fall victim to the pitfalls of his fate. This quote also offers a rare glimpse into Ezio’s fears, namely that his world-class skills would erode or that he would become corrupted by ambition. Though fans never see the manifestation of these fears come to pass in the series, it’s a compelling and soul-bearing expression that helps establish Ezio as the most memorable character in the Assassin’s Creed franchise.

3 “My Story Is One Of Many Thousands, And The World Will Not Suffer If It Ends Too Soon.”

Here, players see Ezio actively embody the philosophy he espouses throughout the Assassin’s Creed series. When faced with death, he acknowledges that he is just as transitory and fleeting as the other individuals and civilizations that make up the world.

This sobering perspective is one of maturity and wisdom — a far cry from the expressions of the spoiled youth players first met in Ezio — and shows his moral competency as a selfless leader among the assassins. It also effectively demonstrates how Ezio views himself in the Brotherhood — as a member of a collective that represents a force far greater than any individual.

2 “And Here At Last, I Discover A Strange Truth. That I Am Only A Conduit, For A Message That Eludes My Understanding.”

Spoken to Desmond, one of the franchise’s principal present-day characters, in Assassins Creed: Revelations, this line represents an interesting self-imposed challenge to Ezio’s character. There’s an unmistakable sorrow in the line and Ezio’s delivery that show his disappointment that his adventure cannot proceed any further. The master assassin, the architect of his actions, finally reaches a place where his boundless skill cannot help him progress.

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This is Ezio the existentialist’s reckoning with Fate, and it’s one of his most tragic lines. There’s also an impressive metatheatrical quality to this quote, as Ezio is essentially acknowledging that he is a character in a video game — or at least subject to the will of someone further ahead in time. When paired with his emphasis on the power of free will, it creates a compelling and nuanced portrait of cognitive dissonance to which no other Assassins Creed character can compare.

1 “Wanting Something Does Not Give You The Right To Have It.”

As much as this quote is a warning to those he opposes, it also reflects Ezio’s personal ethics. As handsome as he is resourceful and as cunning as he is deadly, there is very little that Ezio could not accomplish if he set his mind to it. Though the Assassins Creed series frames Ezio as a hero, it isn’t hard to imagine such a figure as an antagonist in another game.

Despite this, he embodies restraint and never abuses his abilities for personal gain. It’s the Assassin’s Creed equivalent of Spider-Man‘s “With great power comes great responsibility,” and helps establish Ezio as a virtuous and sympathetic character.

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