Assassins Creed Odyssey brings a lot of features and content to the game that make it quite a long ride to completion. The mercenary system, Cult of Kosmos, mythical monsters, and legendary beasts give players a host of activities to partake in while exploring the Greek world.

Players are taken on a journey following either Kassandra or Alexios on an adventure to find truth and answers about their family, as well as stopping an evil cult from having their way with Greece. Assassins Creed Odyssey released on October 5th 2018, delivering content all the way into the latter half of 2019. Among this content, the legendary beasts are one of the more challenging tasks players engage in, collecting the pelts of these larger than life animals to earn weapons and armor worthy of the God’s approval. Here’s a guide on how to find and tackle these legendary beasts, as well as the awards gained from defeating them.


Legendary Animal Locations, Rewards, and Tips in Assassins Creed Odyssey

The Daughters of Artemis are a group of hunters and devout believers in Artemis; Goddess of the Hunt. The leader Daphnae will task players with the defeat and retrieval of the Kalydonian Boar’s hide. This is the first of a handful of hunts, each offering a somewhat unique experience where subtle changes invoke different strategies required to defeat them. After defeating the boar, Daphnae will task players with the elimination of the rest of the mythical beasts, sending players to various locations around the Greek world. In addition to the main rewards, each completion will award players with drachme and experience.

The Kalydonian Boar

Location: The Daughters of Artemis’ temple is located not too far from the boars’ cavern. The boar can be found in the West-Northwestern area of Phokis, or directly west of the Daughters of Artemis temple. Upon a giant hill overseeing the are where the battlefield is located after choosing a side to control the area.

Reward: The Bow of Artemis. An increase to Predator shot damage by 20% and plus 4% bow charge speed.

Tip: Mastering perfect dodges is absolutely key to this boss fight, and the others to come later. The Kalydonian Boar will summon 4 boars at a time that serve to interrupt and attack players. It will often circle around behind the Misthios, and charge from an angle or directly from the back while players may be fighting the smaller boars. Time dodges correctly by watching the quest icon count down the distance between the Misthios and the boar and dodge in any direction right before being struck. The quest icon will always show the boars relative location even when off-screen, allowing it to act as eyes in the back of the Misthios’ head. Devastating shot or Predator shot do tons of damage and may interrupt the Kalydonian boar from calling more allies. Using Flaming attacks or venomous attacks also makes quick work of the smaller boars as their health pools are lower than the average boar players may find in the wild.

The Hind of Keynesian

Location: Slightly south of the center of Artemision Point, directly below Istiaia peak, a fast travel point.

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Reward: Death Arrows. They move quick, and hit hard.

Tips: The Hind tends to charge mostly in a straight line unlike the Kalydonian Boar. A simple dodge to the side or backward at an angle and players will have the choice of raining arrows or getting in a couple of melee strikes. The Hind will sometimes circle around players, chasing them before slamming it’s horns straight in the ground attempting a crushing, impaling maneuver that will pin players down. Dodging it is relatively simple, and once it’s horns are stuck, unleash the Misthios’ heaviest attacks and special abilities from the flank. Using close quarters will prompt The Hind to swing from side to side but a single dodge toward either of its sides will get players in close and avoid damage.

The Nemean Lion

Location: Slightly above the southern tip of Argolis, a giant crater in the Sink Holes of Herakles.

Reward: Pandora’s Kopis. Gives tamed beasts 100% increased damage and 50% increased health, as well as 15% damage to animals.

Tip: Make sure to get rid of the other lions in the vicinity by sniping them from the top of the crater with the bow. By this level, players should have unlocked the ability to take no falling damage regardless of the drop, so jump right in. The Namean Lion attacks using faints, so don’t be so quick to dodge without timing it correctly. Be patient and get used to the timing of its strikes. Getting close will subject players to being bitten as with regular lions but circling around and staying on its flank will work. If players want to avoid melee what so ever, keeping a modest distance and using the bow is also possible. Toward the end of its life the Namean Lion will attack with both paws instead of one more consistently with slightly increased speed. Dodge underneath or to the side and have at it.

The Kretan Bull

Location: Messara. A marshy area not too far from the most western point of the Fertile Battle Grounds.

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Reward: Master’s Artemis Outfit. Perks grant an additional 15% hunter damage and a 10% increase to bow charging speed.

Tip: The Kretan Bull has an immensely fast charge. Staying close to it, and dodging at the last second like a matador is the best method. Build up some meter, and when the Bull starts thrashing around kicking up its hind legs, drop a few flaming devastating shots. By now, player hunter damage should be much, much higher and 4 consecutive shots should take out at least 25% of its health.

The Lykaon Wolf

Location: Lakonoia. In the Dioskouroi Peninsula, above a small fragment sticking out that looks like an even smaller peninsula on the western portion.

Reward:  The Master’s Artemis Treads. Bonus 15% hunter damage, and 10% increase to charged shot damage with the bow.

Tip: The Lykaon Wolf’s moves aren’t as telegraphed as the previous enemies but can still be avoided. Keep some distance, use the bow and land perfect dodges until the rhythm becomes more clear. Regular wolves will be summoned to attack but they aren’t as annoying or powerful as the adds summoned by the Kalydonian Boar; dispatching them is a lot easier. In this case, keeping the camera on the Lykaon Wolf while attacking the smaller ones is better since there is a slight stutter between its charge and lunge. Overcharge shots are once again the way to go when there’s enough distance, and flaming attacks do excellent damage over time.

Kallisto The Bear

Location: The direct eastern part of Arkadia right next to the border of Argolis. In the southeast of the Golden Fields.

Reward: Master’s Artemis Belt. 15% increase to hunter damage, and 15% increase in damage with bows to distant targets.

Tip: This enormous bear is very slow compared to all the other animals. Any manner of dodging/maneuvering is fine, as long as there is a decent enough space during attacks before diving in. Kallisto’s standing heavy attack has the possibility of consecutive swipes following behind it in quick succession, so be cautious before jumping in.  By now players should have over 5 adrenaline meters so build it up, and the devastating shot will kill it very fast.

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The Erymanthian Boar

Location: Directly north of the center of Elis, northwest of the Sanctuary of Olympia in the Erymanthos Foothills.

Reward: Master’s Artemis Gloves.

Tip: This one is a little bit tricky. This Boar doesn’t summon enemies to assist it in battle but it does summon something even worse, poison. Its large charge attack that leaves it landing sideways causes a cloud of poison to erupt which can hurt tremendously. Losing health, adrenaline, and overall damage is not cool so players should, unfortunately, stay close, eat the melee damage that might connect, and takedown its health patiently. The boar’s attacks are wild and erratic, so dodging the moment it attacks will usually trigger a perfect dodge considering its speed in closing the distance. Players should have a fully upgraded spear as this will give access to the highest level of Second Wind, restoring health and healing poisonous debuffs.

Krokottas The Hyena

Location: Kythera Island, at the southernmost point. The Island is directly below Lakonia.

Reward: Master’s Artemis Hood. Headshot damage increased by 25% and Hunter damage increased by 15%.

Tip: Like the Lykoan wolf, Krotottas doesn’t move predictably from the get-go, but there is a pattern if players maintain a medium range. Letting it get behind the Misthios is a terrible idea, as it will lunge non stop. Staying too close will invite the Hyena to bite often, and it happens very quickly so dodging can be difficult. Maintain a flank position when attacking and dodge it’s lunges perfectly for some extra time to get those strikes in.

After players finish turning in the last pelt to Daphnae, she will assign one last hunt that might seem a bit uncalled for and unexpected. Players are forced to make a choice somewhat regardless of previous dialogue choices but nonetheless, happy hunting!

Assassins Creed Odyssey is available on Xbox, Ps4, and PC.

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