Norse mythology was the backdrop for Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla that saw the protagonist Eivor establish the Raven clan in the British Isles. The game was the latest in a series of thematic entries in the franchise that largely places importance in the setting rather than the plot.

Still, Valhalla contains some great dialogue, which has offers deeper insight into the characters and story once the meaning behind the words is analyzed in detail. It ends up bringing the characters into a better context and everyone from Eivor, Sigurd, Basim, and the rest of the supporting set of protagonists and antagonists come across as well-layered individuals.



“What Profit Does Open War Bring?”

Styrbjorn was accused of betraying Sigurd when he pledged his loyalty to King Harald, as Sigurd saw it as his birthright to be king. However, this quote proves that Styrbjorn had the right idea, because giving his place to Sigurd would have meant a war that Styrbjorn’s clan could not possibly win.

Styrbjorn argued that there wouldn’t be any kingdom for Sigurd to rule over if his son’s intentions to challenge Harald came about. While Eivor and Sigurd were too immature and hot-headed to appreciate Styrbjorn’s act, the latter had enough life experience to know he made the right decision.


“It Is A Wise Leader Who Considers The Needs Of Others.”

Although Valhalla is far from the best Assassin’s Creed game to be released, it did have some notable character development. Sigurd is a character that fans generally don’t like because of his one-note personality of immaturity, but he comes around in one of the endings of the game.

Sigurd finally realizes that he was never fit to be a leader and that Eivor would be better suited to take up that role. To this end, Sigurd claims that a wise leader is one who keeps everyone in mind, not just themselves. Ultimately, Sigurd just wasn’t a man who could be selfless, and he could see it as well.

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Layla Hassan

“Let’s Get Going. A Few Billion Timelines Might Take A While.”

Layla’s time in the series came to an end with this game, as she was stuck with Desmond to conduct readings of the Earth’s possible futures. Despite technically being the lead, Layla didn’t have much to do and had shed her originally bright personality.

However, this quote signaled that Layla would perhaps return to her former self because she carried a lighter tone. She was upbeat even though Layla was actually physically dead by that point due to Basim’s theft of the Staff that would have protected her. Fans were left with the hope that Layla would help Desmond to finally protect the Earth for good.


“I Feel Somewhat Trapped. In This Room, In This Settlement, In This Life.”

Randvi isn’t the most popular character because she spent most of her time on the sidelines without contributing much to the plot. Still, it did tie into her personal arc when she revealed she wasn’t happy about her place in life simply as Sigurd’s wife.

Randvi craved a purpose of her own or at least a life of her choosing, which went a good way into providing insight over her characterization. It encouraged players to see her as something more than a designated wife, while also pointing out the mundanity that living in the clan must have been like.


“I Am Better Than Well. I Am Present.”

Valka was the only one in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla who was unimpressed by powerful weapons because she claimed her seer abilities usurped them. Considering she was able to open up Eivor’s memories as Odin, it’s difficult to argue against her.

Upon meeting Eivor when she arrived in the clan, Valka claimed she was better than well, as she was present in the moment. Her words are deeper than they appear since Valka was alluding toward Eivor’s split mind that was haunted constantly by Odin’s presence and prevented her from being fully in-tune with her surroundings.

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“How Much Would You Sacrifice To Be Free Of Fate’s Shackles? Would You Give Your Tongue, Your Hand, Your Sight?”

Those who were aware of Norse Mythology would have instantly known that Havi was Odin, meaning Eivor was living out a past life as the king of the gods. Moreover, one of Odin’s most famous attributes is the lack of an eye that he willingly let go to know his future.

When Angrboda questioned Havi over the level of commitment he was willing to give to know his fate, this quote would have stirred great excitement in mythology enthusiasts. They’re also chilling for the fact that Havi actually went through with it.


“My Long Road Ends Here. The Valkyries Approach.”

Ivarr is another personality that fans didn’t like much, although he does qualify as one of the scariest characters in the Assassin’s Creed series. His unlikable characterization came from his extreme thirst for blood, to the point where he wanted to kill Eivor in combat simply because he thought it was fun.

His final words before succumbing to the killing blow Eivor dealt him was his hope that he would be entering Valhalla, as he was going to die in combat. It didn’t redeem him, but at least Ivarr’s parting sentiments made it clear he was so bloodthirsty because he had the belief that dying in battle was the only way he could enter paradise.

The Builder

“They Should Call You The God Of Hindsight. All-Knowing After The Fact.”

The Builder might just be the most obvious villainous character, yet he was trusted by the Norse gods to build them their fortifications. The Builder made several indications that his true motive was to betray the gods, which ultimately came about when Havi confronted him.

He had a pretty good taunt for Havi during the boss fight, where the Builder claimed that Havi was only all-knowing after the fact because he never saw things coming when they mattered. The Builder was absolutely right here, as anyone should have seen his treachery about to happen right from the start.

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Basim Ibn Ishaq

“We’re Assassins Now, Not Hidden Ones?”

Basim has to be one of the toughest boss fights in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, which attested to both his abilities as a reincarnation of Loki and his status as a Hidden One. The game acknowledged the connection to the assassins by its end, which was welcome since the creed was sidelined pretty much the whole time.

Basim asked Shaun and Rebecca if the Hidden Ones had evolved into the assassins and learned that this was the case. Those who might not have enjoyed the assassins’ downplayed role would have appreciated this acknowledgment, and the quote was a way to establish that Basim predated the creed even though he was still part of it.


“I Will Not Be Captive To Another Man’s Gaudy Design. My Destiny Is Mine To Weave.”

This quote pretty much sums up Eivor’s personality, depicting her as a headstrong, somewhat rash, but ultimately an independent person. Eivor followed Sigurd right until the end, yet she still questioned her brother time and again because she didn’t agree with his views.

Likewise, Eivor refused to play by the rules when she could make a difference herself and sealed Basim in the vault when the latter tried to appeal to the Isu spirit inside her. Despite knowing she was Odin’s reincarnation, Eivor refused to be a puppet to fate and lived out her life as she saw fit.

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