Roughly one year since Ubisoft launched its ultra-popular action RPG Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, the 12th franchise entry continues to be one of the most celebrated gaming titles on the market. Much of the game’s appeal comes from its harrowing collection of 18 main bosses, most of which become increasingly difficult for Eivor and others to defeat in the sprawling medieval open-world adventure.

From mortifying mystical monsters and evil ancient beasts to vicious vengeful humans and creepy unidentifiable creatures, beware of the most difficult main bosses that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has to offer.

10 Puca

Named after the Celtic mystical creature known to shapeshift into various animals, Puca is the last remaining monster of its kind in Valhalla. While it’s far easier to defeat one than many, the creature resembling a horned bipedal werewolf is difficult to outlast.

Known for his relentless yellow and red combo attacks are nearly impossible to avoid and if a player is struck by one of Puca’s vicious swipes, a player will be stunned and inevitably sustain two or three more powerful assaults. The best way to defeat Puca is to use lightweight gear and strategically time a counter when he’s looking for ranged projectiles in the ground.

9 The Builder

The Builder is a gargantuan humanoid monster from the Isu species who wields a giant dual-handled battle hammer to smash his opponents into oblivion. Nearly impervious to melee damage, his only vulnerability is the top of his head, which will require precision archery to strike the monster down with lethal results.

The Builder also has two special attacks, the first includes an energy blast that launches players into the air. The second includes a frost energy beam that he can shoot across the ground, reducing the safety zone to a mid-level area that’s hard to remain grounded in. The best bet is to use his size against him, wait for his signaled attacks, and counter with precision.


8 Fulke

Also known as The Instrument, Fulke is a supremely cunning and durable boss who uses all sorts of trickery during her melee attacks. Armed with a whip and a two-handed sword, some of the most powerful weapons in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Fulke mounts vicious sneak attacks from behind by looming in the shadows and striking when least expected. The best way to locate her is by using Odin’s Sight when her minions appear.

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If her shadow attacks are survived, Fulke will either use her whip, throw smoke and firebombs, or attack using a large stone cross to deal massive amounts of damage.

7 Balor

Derived from Irish mythology, Balor is a giant Fomorian monster whose ghoulish appearance alone makes him terrifying. Thankfully, he’s an optional boss in ACV, but even the most expert gamers will have difficulty defeating him in ranged battles. Indeed, Balor is designed as the hardest boss to beat while delivering damage at a distance.

Due to his two-tiered ranged attack that includes a devastating power beam that is nearly impossible to duck and dodge and raining fire from the sky at close and far range, Balor is the highest-level boss who is worth taking on when players finish collecting items. It’s formidable foes like these that make Vallahalla one of the best Assassin’s Creed games yet.

6 Loki

Armed with magic spells and deceptive illusions that make his visage appear all over the fighting arena, Loki is a truly tough boss to defeat in the game. Once a player hits Loki, he will vanish unharmed, reappear somewhere else and mount a vicious counterattack. If that fails, he’ll use magic to fire projectiles at a relentless rate.

Loki can also teleport behind his opponents and deliver devastating sneak attacks from behind. Thankfully, Loki is susceptible to damage if hit in the right spot, allowing for combo attacks to land effectively. But even if defeated, Loki does not die but rather morphs into a flash of light, dives into the water, and disappears.

5 Ivarr The Boneless

Due to his superior speed, agility, and barbarous dual-ax attacks, Vikings’ character Ivarr The Boneless is as ruthless as he sounds. Lulling players into a false sense of security as an ally at first, the brutal Viking warrior mounts indefensible combo attacks that are equally hard to predict.

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Ivarr’s yellow flash attacks can be dodged at times, but his red rune flash attack cannot be blocked. He’ll launch his axes at players from long range, but if a player gets too close, he will also overpower them with superior wrestling and grappling skills. Ivarr’s only vulnerable spots are his left wrist and right knee, small targets to hit accurately.

4 Modron

Due to her expert archery skills and superior agility, Modron is one of the most difficult bosses to even touch much less defeat. When she isn’t sidestepping attacks, Modron will sting Eivor with accurate arrows as she keeps her distance and moves around the perimeter of the fighting arena.

The best way to defeat Modron is to develop a character skilled in ranged attacks. But even then, Modron will test Eivor’s mettle with short-ranged melee attacks with traditional spar weapons that she can also set on fire and launch. Also equipped with the ability to self-heal, Modron’s biggest weak spots are her back and left wrist.

3 Basim

The brutal Basim is a human boss in the game defined by his extreme agility, superior speed, and ability to vanish in a cloud thanks to his arsenal of deceptive smoke bombs. When he leaves Eivor blinded by smoke, he’ll deliver extremely harmful attacks at close and long-range.

Worse yet, the only real way to defeat Basim is to allow him to stand Eivor in the chest. If failing to do so, the fight will literally go on forever. The two-phase fight makes it one of the longest and most arduous boss battles in the game, forcing Eivor to go from ranged attacks to melee combat with equal success.

2 Goodwin

Armed with 340 power points, Goodwin is an extremely formidable foe to defeat in ACV. A player will need to beef up their own power rankings to defeat Goodwin, who uses a long sword and heavy shield to deal supreme damage and stay protected.

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Goodwin has a few signaled attacks that are easy to avoid, but they’re abruptly followed by a vicious red rune flash attack that must be avoided to stay alive. If Goodwin isn’t using his sword to stab a payer to death, he’ll set his weapons ablaze and launch fiery projectiles at them. Worse yet, if Eivor’s health is low, Goodwin will obscure his vision by using the Hellfire power to disappear in a scrim of flames.

1 Fenrir

A humongous wolf with bloodshot eyes and the power of the prophecy on its side, Fenrir is a boss designed to kill any player used in the game. Unless a player’s power points exceed 300, it is not wise to take on Fenrir, who will exact an unparalleled three-prong attack.

Between its underground burrow attack, dangerous tornado attack, gnarly tree trunk sweeping attack using his mouth, or his boulder-throwing attack on the cliffs, it’s nearly impossible to tell when and how Fenrir will strike, making him extremely unpredictable. His hind legs are his most vulnerable spot, but their nearly impossible to hit unless Fenrir’s health is severely depleted.

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