Recently, Assassin’s Creed fans have seen the release of new downloadable content for the newest installment in the franchise, Assassins Creed: Valhalla. This DLC, The Siege Of Paris, focuses on the growth of Charles I’s lands in France and the impacts of that area augmentation.

This DLC is a very large expansion, with a massive amount of content for players to explore and discover. As such, there are a number of tips players can keep in mind as they explore this new area for themselves.

Know Where The Adventure Begins

If players wish to start their journey through Francia, knowing where to start is a simple but necessary step. In order to access the DLC, players must have traveled to England, and have either the Ledecestrescire or Grantebridgescire arcs completed.


If these requisites are finished, players will receive a letter, telling them of new arrivals in the settlement of Ravensthrope. After this, players will be able to start their journey in The Siege Of Paris.

Preparation Is Key

The Siege Of Paris, and Francia, is meant to be a late-game or post-game area for players to explore. However, enemies encountered there will be level 200, or potentially more.

This could prove to be incredibly difficult for newer and more inexperienced players. While players looking for a challenge could certainly tackle the DLC earlier, it might be beneficial for them to make sure they are up to the challenge first. 

Be Aware Of New Abilities

The Siege Of Paris will introduce three new abilities to players throughout its length. Each of these has its own specific uses and can be leveled up to increase in power. Plague Of Rats, for example, coats an arrow in a substance that attracts rats to wherever it lands.

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On the other hand, the Goule Breath ability causes a debilitating sickness on targets it hits. Finally, Golden Flame is a melee ability that allows players to attach a timed explosive to enemies. 

Here Comes The Calvary

The Siege Of Paris DLC also adds a new enemy type that can prove dangerous for unwary players: cavalry. While intimidating, there are some tenets that can make these mounted foes easier to dispatch.

Calvary enemies can block attacks with shields, so tracking them on their weapon side is important to avoid attacks being deflected. While it is possible to stun them with a parry, waiting for cavalry enemies to slow down or finish an attack can provide a brief window to attack them in turn. 

Watch Out For Rat Swarms

A new mechanic introduced in The Siege Of Paris are rat swarms, where players can encounter these rodent squads in underground areas. These obstacles require that players take special care to circumnavigate them. Rat Swarms cannot be killed, and must instead be repelled with either melee attacks or arrows.

When repelled, rat swarms will flee to grates or other locations. Players should take that opportunity to block off their method of escape, cutting the swarm off. 

Be On the Lookout for Loot

The Siege Of Paris offers a huge amount of loot for players, and especially awards those who are keeping an eye out for secrets. Players will be able to find new weapons and armor, not to mention knowledge books, ingots, and artifacts.

While some of these are tied to specific quests and achievements, others merely require a player with a keen eye. The Siege Of Paris also introduces a new weapon class to complement already established weapon classes: scythes. With four different scythes throughout the DLC, these fearsome weapons provide both heavy single-target damage as well as sweeping attacks that are useful when fighting multiple foes at once. 

Defeat The Frankish Nobles

A new mystery in The Siege Of Paris sees players fight three Frankish nobles. Similar to Lost Drengr from other content in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, the three nobles act as bosses the player must face to defeat.

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The noble Amric is located in the Melunois region and is a ranged attacker who switches to melee attacks once his health is low. Herbert du Lilibone is located in the Amienois region and is less combative than his fellow nobles. Finally, Gerswinda is located in the Evresin region and takes on the player with a cadre of mounted enemies. 

Aid The Resistance

Resistance quests are new to The Siege Of Paris, and are unlocked after completion of a side quest titled ‘Vive La Resistance’. Talking to the NPC Pierre in Merlun will enable these quests, and further rebel quests can be taken from Pierre or other Resistance agents, who round out the already large cast.

These quests tend to be brief, with specific, concrete objectives such as killing enemy convoys or retrieving items.  Completing these quests earns players special currency that can be exchanged for goods or various passive boosts during Rebel missions. As such, completing these quests can provide a wealth of benefits for a player, and will eventually provide an achievement once infamy within the Resistance has been raised enough.  

Pet The Cats

In the town of Evreux, players can earn an achievement for petting four different cats scattered throughout the settlement. The cat’s locations are set, but the time at which they spawn is not.

Two are located near the market, another is near a well next to a large house, and the final one is closer to the entrance of the town. Thankfully, players can meditate to pass the time if a specific feline friend cannot be found.  If a cat cannot be petted because it is sleeping, whistling will wake them up.

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With twenty mainline quests, hidden look, resistance quests, and more, there is obviously a ton of content in The Siege Of Paris. As such, some of the best advice for players is to simply explore.

Francia and its associated quests are similar in size to a saga from the base game, so there is no shortage of content. Discovering new areas, powerful bosses, hidden locations, or secret gear as they fight their way through Francia is sure to be an entertaining experience.

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