Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is the 12th main-series entry in the storied franchise of stealthy action-adventure games. Uniquely, the Assassin’s Creed games feature concurrent storylines, with one taking place in the modern-day and the other at some point in the past, where the bulk of each game takes place.

The general plot of the Assassin’s Creed series has the eponymous Assassins fighting against the villainous Templars against their quest for world domination, with their struggle going back thousands of years before the modern-day story. It starts to become somewhat convoluted and mystical the further back the narrative goes, dealing with an ancient precursor race, the Isu, and their seemingly magical works of technology, the Pieces of Eden, that the Templars are seeking out to aid in their malicious goals.


One of the most important figures in Assassin’s Creed’s lore is Desmond Miles, the man whose ancestors players embody in the first few Assassin’s Creed games. Using the Animus machine, players are able to access the memories of Desmond’s lineage to experience the lives of past Assassins such as Altair Ibn-La’Ahad, Ezio Auditore, and Edward Kenway. Working with modern-day Assassins, Desmond helps prevent the Pieces of Eden from falling into Templar hands.

AC Valhalla: What’s Desmond’s Place In The Story?

The first five Assassin’s Creed games build up toward an apocalyptic event, a solar flare, that threatens to end human civilization on Earth, much as a similar event wiped away the Isu. In Assassin’s Creed III, Desmond is able to find the Isu device created to stop such an event from happening again, though its use would require Desmond to sacrifice his life. He does just that, saving Earth, and seemingly ending his story. His activation of the Isu artifact had unintended consequences, however, as it merely postponed the apocalypse, setting in motion events that would lead to another such cataclysm.

Despite Desmond’s death seven entries prior to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, the echo of his sacrifice is still felt in the game’s narrative. It’s all-but-clear that the ending of Valhalla has Layla, the modern-day protagonist introduced in Assassin’s Creed Origins, meeting with a seemingly transcendent Desmond, now called The Reader, re-contextualizing his place in Assassin’s Creed lore.

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As The Reader, Desmond is using Yggdrasil, the World Tree in ancient Norse mythology (shown to truly be an Isu supercomputer capable of mind uploading, reincarnation, and creating powerful simulations) to explore various timelines in which humanity could be saved from the next impending apocalyptic scenario. At the end of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Layla apparently gives up her life, joining Desmond in his quest to find a timeline among the many billions in which the cycle of apocalyptic destruction is stopped once and for all.

With the apparent loss of Desmond in Assassin’s Creed III, later Assassin’s Creed games have taken broad steps in shaking up the formula in regard to its modern-day storyline, and over the years Ubisoft has diminished and subsequently expanded the modern-day component in various ways. While he was only featured in the first five games of the now-12-strong series, Desmond’s resonance continues to be felt in the fabric of the franchise, most recently in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

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