Atomic Heart, an upcoming FPS by the Russian game studio Mundfish, will have the same composer as the famed DOOM games, Mick Gordon. DOOM players know well Gordon’s high-energy music, and now that music is coming to a brand-new title. Fans of the series, of FPS’ in general, and even brand-new players may enjoy rocking out to the game’s soundtrack once it releases.

DOOM is a game that’s known for being high-octane. Players are almost always killing demons and running around the map, with few breaks in the action. It’s gory, it’s violent, and has found critical success thanks to the silky nature of its gunplay. A big part of what makes DOOM so good, though, is its heavy metal soundtrack. Mick Gordon is the man responsible for DOOM‘s famous audio, and now he’s working on Atomic Heart. Gordon didn’t compose as much of DOOM ETERNAL‘s soundtrack as he did in the previous entry, which is why the news he’s scoring Atomic Heart may come as a pleasant surprise to fans of that series.


DOOM‘s soundtrack has contributed to its success in ways that few players will deny, and it simply wouldn’t be the same game without it. Atomic Heart will hopefully channel that same frenetic energy into a brand-new title, one that may even rise above the famed DOOM. It shouldn’t try to copy it, however, and stand alone as its own title with its own music, music that will hopefully be just as good as fans have come to expect from Mick Gordon.

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Atomic Heart Can Channel DOOM With Its Soundtrack

DOOM is famous for a lot of reasons, and one of them is its music. Anyone who has played DOOM Eternal‘s Horde Mode knows that the game and its soundtrack mesh and support each other perfectly. DOOM may not be where it is now without it, and many gaming fans, especially those specifically of audio and sound design in games, regard it as the gold standard for FPS games everywhere. It’s an iconic component of the series, and is very much synonymous with the DOOM brand.

Since Atomic Heart has the same composer as DOOM, fans may be hopeful that he’ll channel the same magic that he did with that series and give Atomic Heart the same kind of soundtrack that they’ve come to expect from him. The similar genre and the new Atomic Heart trailer’s promise of boatloads of FPS action mean that it could embody the same vibe and energy as DOOM. The fact that players will be mowing down robots instead of demons, and doing so with more melee weapons than DOOM, means that Atomic Heart and its audio can also literally be heavy metal.

However, as good as DOOM‘s soundtrack is, Atomic Heart‘s should still be distinct from it. Mick Gordon is a great Sound Designer, and he should hopefully put the same energy into Atomic Heart that he did into DOOMAtomic Heart shouldn’t mimic DOOM‘s soundtrack though, and should try to stand as its own game with its own audio instead of repeating what players have already heard before. Players will be able to hear Mick Gordon’s latest game soundtrack the same day Atomic Heart releases in late 2022.

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