No fan of Attack on Titan would really classify Hajime Isayama’s dark fantasy series as a comedy. The story of Eren Jaeger and his comrades is actually a pretty horrific tale of survival and revenge. It ultimately features some of the most brutal scenes in anime.

Despite t horrific themes, there are a surprising number of moments of humor scattered throughout the story. These moments have eventually turned into running gags that break up the dreary tone of the plot and manage to bring a smile to fans’ faces, even if it’s only for a short time.

10 Pieck’s Eccentric Behavior

Pieck Finger is one of the most laid back and humane members of Marley’s Warrior Unit. She frequently wears a smile and is kind to the Candidates, offering them words of encouragement as they advance through the training program. Additionally, Pieck is also one of the most eccentric characters in the series and frequently engages in bizarre behavior.

She is always sleepy and likes to curl up on the couch like a dog. Her doglike behavior stems from the extended period of time she has spent in her Cart Titan form. Pieck has grown so used to this form that she even walks on all fours at times because it feels more natural to her.

9 Pyxis Is Always Calm

Since his introduction in season 1, Dot Pyxis has proven to be a capable commander who is cool under pressure. That ability to remain level-headed no matter how tense the situation becomes is also the subject of the running gag featuring Pyxis. When Trost is attacked, Pyxis casually strolls around the walls drinking from a flask and appears completely unfazed when planning his strategy.

He calmly drinks tea with Yelena even after she is revealed to be in league with Zeke Jaeger and later matter-of-factly accepts the fact that Zeke and the Jaegerists have taken the country hostage. Pyxis hilariously takes everything in stride, making him one of the most inscrutable characters in the series.


8 Mikasa Being Scary

A fighter since childhood, Mikasa Ackermann looks out for and protects her friends. Her fighting prowess and serious demeanor grant her a threatening aura, and this scary vibe is used to great comedic effect throughout the series. As children, bullies would run away at the mere sight of Mikasa, as they knew she was capable of beating them all to a pulp.

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She threatens her fellow Scouts on multiple occasions for endangering Eren, and her determined stares are capable of making people recoil in fear. Mikasa doesn’t know when to quit, and her fierce personality, while terrifying, is also what makes her so funny.

7 Jean Getting Jealous

The first time Jean Kirstein sees Mikasa time appears to slow down, and it’s clear that he’s completely infatuated with her. Yet, Mikasa hardly gives Jean the time of day, and hilariously ignores him time and again. During the training camp, Mikasa brushes off Jean’s compliment about her hair, but when Eren tells her that her hair is too long she immediately states that she’ll cut it, prompting Jean to tell Connie that he’s lost faith in humanity.

Jean later saves Mikasa from a Titan during an expedition, and she barely acknowledges his efforts. Fans can’t help but appreciate his tenacity, as his attempts at winning Mikasa’s heart never fail to elicit a laugh.

6 Levi Insulting Everyone

In addition to being humanity’s greatest soldier, Levi Ackermann is also the most offensive character in the series. He does not hide his frustration with others, and his insults are absolutely priceless. One of his favorite tactics is to insult his target’s intelligence, such as when he calls Nile stupid by comparing his amount of brains to his thin mustache.

Another often used insult is calling Hange “four-eyes,” which he uses liberally, especially when Hange is rambling on about Titans. Also, Levi absolutely hates cowards and does not hesitate to call out his comrades when they act weak or show fear. Fans of the series are well aware that Levi’s tongue is just as sharp as his sword, and his insults make for great television.

5 Hange’s Obsession With Titans

There is nothing that Hange Zoë loves more than talking about Titans. Her fascination with Titan research borders on the obsessive and is one of the best gags in the show. Hange drools over the prospect of examining Eren while he is practicing his Titan transformation and gets giddy whenever she gets to experiment on him.

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She names two captured Titans, Sonny and Bean, and gets physically distraught when she has to torture them as part of her investigation. Hange is an authentic individual who completely embraces her eccentricities. Her laughter and enthusiasm are infectious and make her among the most likable characters in the series.

4 Connie Not Understanding What’s Going On

Connie Springer would be among the first to admit that he isn’t the most intelligent person. However, Connie isn’t ashamed of his lack of smarts and even embraces his ignorance, which leads to some great comedic moments. During the Battle of Trost District, Connie admits that he does not understand the strategy, and asks his fellow Scouts whether they feel the same or if he is just stupid.

Later, when the remaining Scouts are arguing about who should inherit Eren’s Titan powers, Connie says it should be him because he is the most expendable. In one of the best lines of the series, Sasha Braus then bluntly reminds him that the Attack Titan can’t be entrusted to such an idiot.

3 Connie And Sasha Fighting

The dynamic between Connie and Sasha provides some of the most consistently humorous scenes in the show. One of their favorite pastimes is to fight with one another, which they do frequently and to great effect. As Cadets, Sasha and Connie pretend to fight with one another rather than practice actual drills and incur the rather of Keith Sadies.

During the Battle of Trost District, Sasha starts to lose her mind after almost surrendering to a Titan, but Connie brings her back to reality after threatening to beat her up later. From putting Sasha in a headlock to stop her from hogging all the meat to banding together to fight off Jean when he’s in a bad mood, Connie and Sasha frequently deliver hilarious scenes together.

2 Sasha’s Love Affair With Food

There is nothing that Sasha loves more than food. Also known as the “Potato Girl” as a Cadet, Sasha steals and eats a potato during roll call and is made to skip dinner by Keith Sadies as punishment for breaking protocol. Before the expedition to retake Wall Maria, the Scouts are served meat, and Sasha almost eats the entire serving by herself despite her friends’ protests.

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She even went as far as to steal meat from the officers’ rations, demonstrating her complete lack of self-control when it comes to food. Sasha has a relationship with food that is borderline inappropriate, and it’s one of the best gags in Attack on Titan.

1 Levi Is A Clean Freak

True fans of the series know that Levi hates almost nothing more than being dirty. He despises being in an unclean environment or getting filthy, and his hatred of messes is the best gag in the series. Levi requires his subordinates to clean up the castle where the Scouts reside while they figure out the extent of Eren’s powers because he refuses to stay somewhere that is covered in dust.

If he detects even a trace amount of dust under a table or a bed frame he inquires as to why the surfaces were not cleaned properly. Despite constantly being covered in blood and gore, Levi never seems to get over his disdain of filth, which means this gag has the potential to deliver many more humorous moments in future episodes.

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