Eren Jaeger, one of the main characters in the popular manga and anime series Attack on Titan, has come to life in astonishing fan cosplay. Eren has the rare ability to turn into a Titan, a power he uses to protect the citizens of his wall-enclosed world and kill every Titan he sees. As the series comes to a close though, many fans see Eren as someone who is becoming the monster he has fought so hard to not be perceived as, though living a life full of death and violence will take its toll on anyone. Eren is showing off more of his monstrous side, a side perfectly encapsulated in this horrifying new cosplay. 


In Attack on Titan by Hajime Isayama, Eren is subjected to experimentation by his father as a child which gives him the power to turn into a Titan, a power he isn’t made aware of until he is nearly an adult fighting against a Titan horde. He later comes to find out it wasn’t just the serum Eren’s father injected him with that gives him his abilities, but the fact that once Eren first transformed into a Titan, he ate his father who had a similar transformative ability but with a bit more purpose. Eren’s father was one of the nine original Titans, gifted with retained intelligence, a specific skill, and the ability to transform back into a human from the Titan form. Once Eren ate him, that power became his and now Eren is using it to take on the rest of the world in a more than brutal fashion. 

In an Instagram post by user wolfoty with photoart credit to user kmitenkova, the artist posted two separate photos of himself as Eren Jaeger. Specifically, the photos depict the cosplayer as Eren while inside his Titan form. The first photo is a closeup of his face, with the insides of the Titan connected to “Eren”’s face almost exactly as depicted in the manga and anime. In the second photo, the cosplayer is shown as a dismembered Eren, missing both his arms, while inside the belly of a Titan which is reminiscent of a scene from the series in which Eren actually gets eaten by a Titan and then transforms into a Titan himself, for the first time at that. 

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The cosplay is immensely impressive in that the artists depict Eren both in a pose fans regularly see and in the acting out of Eren’s most pivotal moment in the series. While the cosplay is impressive, the mood and tone the artists were successful in depicting would not have been made possible without the masterful photography put on display, making the post a complete piece and a perfect tribute to Attack on Titan

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While Eren Jaeger has let some fans down with his latest actions being perceived as villainous, this cosplay absolutely does not disappoint. From the poses, to the scene-setting, to the photography capturing it all, this new cosplay is a treat for Attack on Titan fans, and even cosplayers of any fandom, all around the world.

Source: wolfoty

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