The Air Nomads don’t really consider themselves to be a nation, simply because they prefer to share everything they have with the world, including food, resources, housing, and so on. But given that Airbenders have a tendency of cloistering themselves in the four Air Temples, they can be considered an autonomous society in many ways.

The Air Nomads are all but wiped out by Fire Lord Sozin’s appetite for power, leaving Avatar Aang as the last survivor. Luckily, the Harmonic Convergence that takes place in The Legend of Korra brings spiritual balance to the world by granting air-manipulation powers to non-benders, thereby increasing the number of total Airbenders.

10 The Difference In Tattoo Design Over Time

Wan’s time period has humans living on the backs of gigantic Lion Turtles, with four specific civilizations having formed based on one of the four elements. The Air Nomads are depicted with saffron robes and shaved heads, like their modern counterparts, but their tattoos are shaped differently.

Rather than an arrow, the blue strip ends in a curled T-shape, with a single dot at the center of their foreheads. Interestingly, the original tattoos do not honor Airbending Masters but are instead freely distributed to everyone.

9 The Emphasis On Philosophy And Spirituality

The unique feature of Air Nomad culture is that every single one of its members is an Airbender, with the exception of the newly formed Air Acolytes.

By tradition, they are a peaceful people, focusing not on material benefits but on enriching their souls through meditation and prayer. Air Nomads are believed to be a sign of good luck by the other nations, explaining why their culture is so well-accepted around the globe.


8 The Monumental Air Temples

For several thousand years, Air Nomads live in one of the four spectacular Air Temples, each located in a major cardinal direction. The Southern Air Temple is famous for being Aang’s residence, and the Northern is used by Tenzin to train his new Airbenders.

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Likewise, the Eastern Air Temple is where Guru Pathik teaches Aang the secret of the chakras, while the Western is best known for its magnificently inverted architecture. There is, after the Hundred Year War, a new Air Temple situated on a small island off the coast of Republic City and administered by Tenzin.

7 The Dietary Choices Of The Air Nomads

The Air Nomads subsisted on a purely vegetarian diet, most of which is grown and gardened by themselves. Their existence is the definition of ecological renewability as they don’t perform any enterprises that could have a negative effect on the world, like manufacturing weaponry or emitting toxic pollutants.

The small number of Air Nomads and their strict adherence to sustainable processes did their best to help sustain the world that sustained them.

6 The Special Privilege Of Avatar Yangchen

Avatar Yangchen is the only known Airbending Avatar to have a festival dedicated in her honor. It is initiated by people she rescues in the process of calming the ravaging spirit known as General Old Iron.

Yangchen’s Festival is regularly observed by the Air Nomads, becoming a major celebration. Unfortunately, the destruction of Airbending culture in the Fire Nation’s act of genocide puts an end to this monumental event. Yangchen’s Festival is brought back to life by Avatar Aang and his Air Acolytes.

5 The Intangibility Of Government

There is no Air Nomad government as defined by political perspectives, but the group does have leaders. The four Air Temples are given their own Elder Councils, each with a Head Monk or Nun overseeing the responsibilities of dozens of subordinates and students.

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Interestingly, when Tenzin establishes the Air Nation in TLOK, his leadership status is nominal at best — this means that the Airbender has a major administrative voice but no absolute authority.

4 The Openness Of Air Nomad Culture

The Air Nomads are known for their compassion towards all forms of life, which is why they understand the importance of having freedom of expression as a universal human right.

There is no known instance of gender discrimination, and LGBTQ+ relationships are entirely accepted by the society.

3 The Importance Of The Anointing Ceremony

Fledgling Airbenders have to train extremely hard for several years, perhaps decades, to reach a stage where they are permitted to become Masters in their own right.

This event is observed through the Anointing Ceremony, wherein the Airbender’s hair is shorn and light blue tattoos are applied on their legs, arms, back, and head. Aang is celebrated as a Master at the age of twelve, but Jinora, his grandchild, beats his record by getting her tattoos at eleven.

2 The Extremely Rare Power Of Flight

Airbending comes naturally to the Air Nomads, and given the amount of talent a few characters have shown, it’s surprising that the power of unaided flight remains unachievable for most practitioners.

Guru Laghima is the first known Airbender to be able to fly, having “released his earthly tethers,” and the second person turns out to be the Red Lotus villain, Zaheer, approximately four millennia later.

1 The Lineage Of Avatar Kyoshi

Kyoshi is born an Earthbender in the Earth Kingdom, but her parentage is radically unique for her time. Her father, Hark, is an Earthbender, but her mother, Jesa, happens to be an Air Nomad nun and Airbending Master. What’s stranger is that the latter rejects her culture’s teachings and turns to crime and violence.

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When Jesa notices the drop in her bending capabilities, she improves her air manipulation with the help of the iconic metal fans which are later used by Avatar Kyoshi.

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