Every society has managed to come up with a sport to entertain and provide an outlet for violence. So it makes total sense that in a world where bending exists, multiple sports involving the abilities have been formed.Pro-Bending is perhaps the most popular sport during the era that The Legend of Korra is set in. In fact, several of the main characters were actively involved, and avid fans of the sport to boot. With that in mind, we’re going to do our best to educate fans about everything one should know about Pro-Bending. You know, on the off chance that you ever need to show off your knowledge of the subject.

10 What Is It?

9 Homage


8 The Field

7 The Goal

6 Tournament Rules

Other rules fit in well with the way the tournament runs. Players are not allowed to get into any fights with the opposing team – outside of the match, that is. Any team that breaks this rule will be booted from the tournament.The last rule only applies to a specific and very minor subset of the players; the Avatar (Korra, in this case) must pick one and only one element with which to bend with. They are not allowed to switch elements at any point.

5 Waterbending Rules

4 Earthbending Rules

3 Firebending Rules

2 Penalties

1 Top Teams

NextThe Boys: The 10 Bravest Characters, Ranked

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