Ever since the very beginning of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the powers waterbenders have continued to expand, making this bending art one of the universe’s most diverse. But what exactly can benders blessed with this ability do?

Unlike other forms of bending, waterbending techniques have a few different origins due to various tribes known for teaching the skill. In the Northern Water Tribe, graceful movements are used to create large water attacks and tidal waves to protect from invaders. However, their waterbending cousins who populate the Southern Water Tribe are notable for their sharper, more combative style, which in many ways resembles techniques and movement similar to firebending. Waterbenders are additionally empowered by the full moon, making them nearly unstoppable. And while most benders need access to a nearby water supply to use their bending, many traveling waterbenders (like Katara, Korra, and Kya) carry a waterskin, manipulating the contents for additional protection. Skilled waterbenders are capable of using water in its liquid, solid, and gaseous states, making for a style of bending limited largely by the user’s own imagination.


With seven seasons full of waterbending prowess, characters like Katara, Aang, Korra, Kya, and Unalaq have shown some incredible moves and abilities. Here is a list of waterbending powers in the Avatar universe that are capable of wiping out even the most formidable of foes.

General Offense

This hydrokinetic style of bending has no shortage of useful offensive attacks. Creating and directing strong jets of water toward an enemy is one of a waterbender’s most useful means of attack, including the focusing of the water into a “knife” sharp enough to cut through stone, wood, and metal – as used by Katara and Aang while sabotaging the Fire Nation’s drill during their attempted takeover of Ba Sing Se. Early on in the main series, Katara perfects the “water rope” ability, which essentially uses pressurized water to whip enemies who come too close for comfort. Additional powerful attacks include water vortexes, razor rings, and the creation of tsunamis.

Notably, many waterbenders (particularly those from the Southern and Northern Water Tribes, who make their homes in arctic environments) fluidly incorporate the freezing of water into ice while attacking. The addition of ice to this fighting style often produces more effective and destructive results.

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General Defense

Able to direct aquatic and frozen blasts at a target, waterbenders are unique in that their offensive moves are easily converted into more defensive countermoves, which are often most effective when using the strength of the enemy against himself. Perhaps the most apparent defensive measure is the utilization of ice shields and armor, as demonstrated repeatedly by waterbenders throughout both Avatar series. Using the “ice creeper” ability, benders are able to freeze the feet of their attackers to the ground, rendering them motionless (at least temporarily). Similarly, these benders are able to create bursts of cold water vapor from their hands and mouths to freeze targets solid which (in this universe, at least) immobilizes targets more fully, as Katara demonstrated in her duel with Jet in The Last Airbender, effectively freezing him to a nearby tree.

Master waterbenders are also able to create large bubbles or domes made of water or ice to protect themselves from oncoming assault or to encase their attackers. These bubbles and domes have enabled waterbenders and their allies to travel safely underwater. Additionally, they can cause ice to form on the ground below, causing their foes to slip and fall, leaving an opening for an incapacitating aquatic attack.

Ice Weaponry & Projectiles

Waterbending has a certain “Green Lantern” quality to it, and particularly imaginative users are able to construct all kinds of weaponry from ice. Throughout The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, waterbenders been seen creating ice bullets, ice claws, ice disks, ice drills, ice hooks, and ice swords, all to great effect. The violence and danger of each ice weapon is often linked with the waterbender’s emotional state and anger. For example, when Katara confronted the man who killed her mother years prior, she nearly killed him by creating deadly ice spears and firing them towards him. Thankfully for him, Katara’s strong sense of morality kept her from dealing a fatal blow.


Not all waterbenders are known for their strong moral compass. Perhaps the most frightening corruption of any bending power, bloodbending is unique skill which allows the user to manipulate foes, controlling their bodies by forcibly manipulating the blood inside them. The ability, which was eventually made illegal in the world of Avatar, was initially demonstrated by Hama in the original series. Katara was forced to use the dark art against the old woman in order to protect and save her friends, leaving her grief-stricken and frightened of her own power. Most bloodbenders only have access to the ability with the full moon augmenting their dark ability.

In The Legend of Korra season 1, the primary antagonist Amon is revealed to be a secret waterbender with even more extensive bloodbending abilities. Trained by his father (and infamous bloodbender) Yakone, Amon perverted the skill further by using bloodbending to block the chi of his victims, depowering his bending opponents.

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Water Tentacles

Similar to the “water rope,” some benders are able to extend their reach via powerful arms made of water, often combining them with ice for more crushing blows. Skilled waterbenders are even able to grab onto items and targets, as shown by then-Master Katara while instructing Aang. As with most waterbending moves, users often incorporate icy variations of the skill rather fluidly.

However, the ability received a bit of an upgrade in season three of The Legend of Korra with the introduction of Ming-Hua, an armless waterbender. Ming-Hua was able to form several water tentacles, controlling them with great precision and skill. In her final duel with Korra’s comrade Mako, the villainous bender converted a nearby water supply into eight cruel and merciless appendages before Mako’s lightning was able to incapacitate her.


This unique waterbending application is largely associated with the Foggy Swamp Tribe, whom Aang and the gang meet during The Last Airbender. Illustrated initially by tribe member Huu, plantbenders are able to manipulate the ample amounts of water within plantlife, moving the cells in a way similar to the far-more-violent bloodbending. This special skill is incredibly versatile and is not limited to swampy environments; oceanic seaweed, vines, and roots are all vulnerable to plantbending as well.

Healing & Spiritbending

Perhaps the most mysterious application of waterbending centers on the art’s extensive healing capabilities. Due to their more gendered approach to waterbending education, the Northern Water Tribe generally reserved this technique for its female benders, while teaching more combative skills to the men. While the mechanics around water-based healing are a little murky, the world of Avatar has seen benders use the ability to heal the sick and injured with strange glowing water. The water is used as a catalyst for unblocking a corrupted chi.

When accompanied by spiritual knowledge and the power of the Avatar, this healing technique can be repurposed for “spiritbending,” an ability used to ease angry spirits, illustrated by both Korra and Unalaq in The Legend of Korra season 2. While spiritbending does not necessarily incorporate water into the ability exactly, the movement style and its resultant fluid visual manifestation are incredibly similar to the waterbending technique, also converting negative energy into positive energy.

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Waterbenders are capable warriors in the Avatar universe, and as such are often forces to be reckoned with. Effective in both the offensive and defensive arenas, the bending art is fluid, just like the element it represents, allowing its users to transition seamlessly from attack-oriented moves to protective ones. With a whole retinue of specialized skills associated with waterbending, Katara and her fellow hyrokinetic benders are well-equipped for any adventure.

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