While Sokka and Suki might be one of the best Avatar: The Last Airbender couples in canon, there’s always room in fandom for other pairings, too, including polyamorous ones. One of the most popular fan pairings from the series is between Sokka and Zuko. Many fans like to imagine them in some sort of romantic relationship or even a platonic one. In the canon, these two grow to become good friends at the end of season three, and it’s easy to imagine what that friendship could look like moving forward.

Regardless of whether you imagine these two as good friends or romantic partners, there are some key scenes that show they are soulmates in one way or another.

9 The First Group Hug With Zuko

Many of the best moments in the series are about friendship, and seeing Team Avatar work together as a team and create close bonds is continually rewarding. When Zuko shares his first group hug with the rest of the Gaang, it’s a great soulmate moment, and not just for Sokka and Zuko, but for the rest of the group, too. Zuko is getting to know Sokka, Aang, Katara, and Toph, and he finally is finding a place he’s accepted and learning real friendship.

8 Sokka’s Humor Lightening Zuko’s Anger

This isn’t a specific moment so much as the general way that these two work together as a team. While they can both be serious when it comes to reaching their goals and work hard to be better at their fighting skills, Sokka is a more lighthearted, humorous character in comparison to Zuko’s anger and stoic demeanor. Sokka is always there to crack a joke, and he rubs off on Zuko a bit. With the Gaang, Zuko starts to learn to have fun too, and attempts to make his own jokes.


7 Zuko Goes To Ask Sokka For Help With Katara

Katara is the person on the team who is the least open to accepting and trusting Zuko as she’s trying to look out for her friends. So, when Zuko is trying to figure out how to get Katara to trust him, he reaches out to Sokka. He goes to him for advice which indicates that he’s grown to trust Sokka and that he believes Sokka will help him out with his problems. Plus, Sokka is Katara’s brother, so he knows her better than almost anyone else.

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6 Sokka Drawing Zuko Like A “Porcupine”

In one of the very last seasons of the entire series, Gaang and a few other characters are all together in Ba Sing Se enjoying some tea and well-deserved rest. Sokka, for his part, is drawing a picture of them altogether, and it’s not the most skilled of drawings.

Zuko is very confused as to why Sokka drew him to look like a porcupine, and he gives him grief about this. It’s a hilarious moment that shows that these two are able to joke around with one another. Zuko is still a bit more serious and Sokka rather goofy, but they get along great.

5 Zuko Doesn’t Walk Away From Flirty Sokka In His Tent

When Zuko goes to find Sokka to ask for advice on Katara, Sokka is waiting for another visitor, Suki. It’s clearly a very romantic setup with candles and a rose in Sokka’s mouth, and Zuko is a bit surprised. However, he doesn’t let this faze him. He goes to sit down next to Sokka and talk to him. This could indicate that he is comfortable enough with Sokka that he doesn’t mind, or possibly that he has seen Sokka in a romantic light at one point or another already.

4 Sokka Laughing At One Of Zuko’s Jokes

While Zuko isn’t so great at telling jokes given his rather traumatic upbringing, he does learn to relax and unwind a little bit. While around the fire, the group is talking about the old days. Zuko chimes in to make it feel like the old days he could chase them around a bit. Most of the group laughs, including Sokka, and it’s in contrast to an earlier episode where Zuko tried to tell Iroh’s joke about tea and failed miserably. It shows that Zuko is really starting to become close friends with everyone, and if Sokka, the jokester of the team can laugh, he’s doing a good job.

3 Zuko Tries To Cheer Sokka Up With Iroh’s Sayings

When Zuko and Sokka go to the Boiling Rock to try to free Hakoda, Sokka has a moment where he feels hopeless and worried because his father isn’t anywhere in the prison. However, Zuko does his best to try to cheer him up. He tries to recite some of Iroh’s characteristic words of wisdom.

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While this attempt doesn’t really work, as it’s seeing Suki that cheers Sokka up, it definitely endearing of him to try. He clearly cares about Sokka as a person and wants to help him feel better. Seeing as Zuko isn’t often the best at looking out for others, it means a lot.

2 Zuko Making Sure Sokka Didn’t Go To The Boiling Rock Alone

At the beginning of the first “Boiling Rock ” episode, Sokka asks Zuko where his father and the other Fire Nation prisoners would be kept. Zuko knows what Sokka is going to try to do, so he waits for him at night.

He refuses to let Sokka go on the dangerous trip by himself, and this entire trip is a big bonding moment for them. Firstly, Zuko refusing to let Sokka put himself in danger shows they are becoming friends, and secondly, it’s where they really get to rely on one another for the first time.

1 “That’s Rough, Buddy.”

Probably the most recognizable moment between these two characters is when they awkwardly chat about their past girlfriends while on the Fire Nation war balloon. It’s a hilarious quote, and it could signal a couple of things between them. While, on the one hand, it could just be that they are two new friends talking about relationships and bonding that way, it also indicates an openness to talk about relationships that could lead to something more between them in the future. Either way, it’s an endearing exchange where they’re breaking the ice.

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