In every group of friends, there are roles. One of the most prominent roles is the ‘mom’ friend. These are the people that always have snacks and Band-Aids and are borderline-ridiculously prepared for any situation.

In Avatar The Last Airbender, Katara is undoubtedly the mom friend. She proves this time and time again as she talks to the other members of Team Avatar, and the others they come across. Whether she is comforting her friends and brother, or making sure they don’t get themselves injured, Katara is always looking out for her loved ones.


Aang’s Mother

“My goodness. That doesn’t sound like our Kuzon.”

Sometimes, Katara shows that she is the mom friend by literally posing as a mom for her friends. Aang gets in trouble at school. Katara and Sokka take up the mantle of Mom and Dad to try and rectify the situation.

The shock that Katara presents at the thought of Aang getting in trouble is great acting on her part. The entire scene shows that Katara is willing to do something as silly as a fake parent-teacher conference. It is a fun, but important moment in understanding Katara’s personality a little bit better.

Protecting Aang

“And that’s exactly why we’re here.”

Never let it be said that Katara is a coward. Despite the fear she feels for herself and her friends through their adventures, Katara continues to inspire those around her and protect her friends no matter what.

When Aang is determined to keep his friends out of any danger, Katara ignores him completely so that she can personally make sure he is okay and fight by his side. Katara is the definition of a mama bear. Not only will she do anything to protect her cubs from danger, adopted or otherwise, she almost always comes out of top of these battles.

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Chin Held High

“Trying to keep everyone together.”

Katara is behind her friends 100% of the time, even when she disagrees with them. When Aang starts yelling at her for not doing what he feels is necessary, Katara answers with this simple line.

It is powerful in this simplicity. Katara’s character and motivation are completely summed up by this line. She wants to keep her family together, even when they can’t really be safe. And in the face of Aang’s anger, she never apologizes for doing what she thinks will accomplish this goal.

Emotional Speeches About Hope

“I guess, what I’m trying to say is… I’m really proud of you.”

Katara is known for her empathetic speeches that never fail to inspire Team Avatar to keep trying at the seemingly never-ending tasks set before them. Sometimes though, these speeches become a lot more personal.

Just like a mother would, Katara is a steady presence that offers encouragement to those around her. Even when she doesn’t need to say anything out loud to get her point across, Katara makes sure that people know how proud she is of them and how grateful she is for the person they have become. It’s a very maternal feel when Katara gives one of these speeches.

Slight Anger Issues

“Stop rubbing your eye and speak clearly when you talk!”

It will never stop being funny that this is what Katara says immediately following Sokka and Aang making fun of her mother-hen tendencies.For all of the protection and preparedness Katara offers Team Avatar, she also can be incredibly bossy.

Katara definitely means well, but in her effort to make sure everyone is safe and cared for, she can come off as abrasive and overbearing. It can cause a lot of fights, however, the team, and Katara in particular, try to be mature and the problem is always solved with a heartwarming apology and hug.

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Toph about Katara

“She actually cares about me… That’s more than my real mom.”

A fight between Katara and Toph has the two girls completely ignoring each other. When talking to Sokka about it later, Toph reveals that Katara is more of a mother than her own had even been to her.

It’s a really heartfelt moment that allows the audience to truly understand the relationship between Toph and Katara. Specifically, it shows how much Katara tries to take care of her friends. None of Team Avatar have had easy lives, but Katara does her best to make each of them feel loved by showing them the compassion of an older sister, or a mother.


The Painted Lady

“I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me!”

The Fire Nation has destroyed Katara’s life. They took her mother, they took her father, and they are trying to take her home. The Fire Nation is actively trying to capture her brother and friends.

But when Katara is faced with the moral dilemma of saving Fire Nation refugees, she doesn’t hesitate. Putting herself at risk, Katara dresses as a spirit, who represents the country she hates the most and does everything she can to save the Fire Nation citizens. It’s one of the best things Katara ever did, and shows her innate need to protect those who can’t protect themselves.

The Air Nomad Genocide

“…you still have a family- Sokka and I, we’re your family now.”

Within days of being in the present times, Aang finds out that his people and culture, everything he cared about, is gone. In one of the saddest moments in the series, Katara doesn’t hesitate to reach out and offer him a place in her family.

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Katara has only known this boy for a few days, but she is determined to give him all the care and affection she possibly can. Katara is very maternal in the way she cares for anybody who crosses her path, even when she is far from home and scared for what the future holds.

It Hurts More To Care

“I know sometimes it hurts more to hope and it hurts more to care. But you have to promise me you won’t stop caring.”

The ideal mother is someone that you can always go to for comfort and advice. Katara fills this role with ease, making time for the people who need her without a second thought.

Time and time again, she proves that she is willing to do anything to keep people safe. But Katara cares not only for the physical well-being of those she loves, but that they love and appreciate themselves. She wants them to embrace who they are and not let the devastation around them destroy their heart. There is nothing more comforting than that.


Sokka about Katara

“…when I try to remember my mom, Katara’s is the only face I can picture.”

After their mother, Kya, died and their dad went off to fight in the war, Katara and Sokka raised each other. Every load of laundry, every meal, every story, and every hug that should have been given to Sokka by Kya was instead given by Katara.

She has been an immovable presence in Sokka’s life and acted like his mom when Kya’s life was cut short. And Sokka recognizes this. Sokka understands that Katara has given up her childhood to give her brother and her friends the mother’s love that they are all lacking, but all deserve.

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