Fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender have many reasons to love the show. With interesting, well-rounded characters, beautiful animation, and intense plots involving good versus evil, it’s no wonder the series is so well-loved by people of all ages. Many dedicated fans have seen the entire series over and over, and while, as a whole, the three seasons are all interesting to watch, there are certain scenes and moments that stand out.

These are the scenes that fans just can’t get enough of and want to keep watching again and again. Some of these moments are funny and lighthearted, while others are more dramatic and intense and include engaging action sequences.

10 Katara’s Fight Against Master Pakku

While Aang might be powerful because he’s the Avatar, Katara is the true water bending master from the series. Fans see right away that she has a lot of potentials, and they were frustrated right along with her when she wasn’t able to train alongside Aang because she was a girl.

So, when she’s able to really prove her skill and ability to Master Pakku, it was an exciting moment. Other great scenes with Katar that fans love include when she masters blood bending, but it’s more intense and less triumphant.

9 The Siege Of The North, Part 2

While seasons two and three might be tighter in terms of some of the storytelling and animation compared to season one, there are still moments from this first season that fans can’t get enough of.

The final episode of this season is rather dramatic and really introduces fans to just how powerful Aang can be. When Aang uses the Avatar State to merge with the ocean spirit in the form of glowing koi fish, it’s truly impressive.


8 Zuko & Aang Learn The Dragon Dance

In season three, most of the members of Team Avatar take a “field trip” with Zuko, and these episodes and scenes are some of the fans’ absolute favorites.

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Zuko and Aang both learn a lot in this episode about fire bending and about themselves, and the most rewarding moment of all is when they do the Dragon Dance in front of Ran and Shaw. The animation in this scene is stunning, and fans also loved seeing the dragons.

7 Zuko & Sokka Go To The Boiling Rock

Just like with Zuko and Aang’s field trip, fans also really loved when Sokka and Zuko left the group to go to the Boiling Rock to find Hakoda. While this entire two-episode arc is a favorite with many fans, there are some notable scenes, in particular, that fans love.

The top favorite might be when Zuko and Sokka are together in their airship and talking about their love lives. The “that’s rough, buddy” quote is still one that fans like to talk about, and, for people who love shipping, this scene is particularly a fun one.

6 Zuko Apologizing To Iroh

Zuko and Iroh have many notable scenes in the series, and fans especially love the narrative arc of Zuko. Iroh is always a calming presence and an overall fan favorite. However, one of the best moments between these two is when Zuko is finally reunited with Iroh again after joining Team Avatar.

He is very remorseful for his mistakes and apologetic, but Iroh just pulls him in for a big hug. It’s a beautiful moment that focuses on the show’s message of healing and redemption.

5 Sokka Tripping On Cactus Juice

Sokka is definitely a favorite character that most fans love, and he has some of the best humorous scenes in the series. While it’s hard to pick just one Soka scene that fans like to watch again and again, one of the most quoted and referenced, by far, is when he drinks the cactus juice and begins to hallucinate while in the desert.

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While everything else that is happening is rather sad, as Appa has just been captured, these parts with Sokka were hilarious.

4 Toph Metal Bending For The First Time

Toph might not even join the show until season two, but she instantly became loved by fans and has some of the most badass scenes of any of the characters. There are many great Toph scenes that fans like to watch repeatedly, including her fight against the Boulder at Earth Rumble 6, but this might be the most iconic Toph moment of them all.

Toph literally invents metal bending after being captured by Xin Fu and Master Yu and put into a metal box. She’s able to manipulate the tiny particles of earth left in the metal and therefore creates an entirely new branch of bending that had never been done before.

3 Tales From Ba Sing Se

There are many memorable The Last Airbender moments that didn’t make this list because they are difficult to watch. These moments, such as when Katara confronts her mother’s killer, are iconic, but fans don’t necessarily want to dwell on them or rewatch them.

And, in some ways, “Tales from Ba Sing Se” falls into this category, as there are some really sad moments in this episode. However, it’s so well-loved that fans enjoy it, even though it is bittersweet.

2 The Gaang Hanging Out Together In Ba Sing Se

While the big action scenes and emotional interactions are things that fans will always love, there’s also something comforting and special about the rare scenes when Team Avatar can just relax.

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After defeating Ozai, the Gaang, including Iroh, are all together and finally get to rest and relax. It’s an endearing and happy scene that fans wish they could see more of.

1 The Final Agni Kai/Aang Vs Ozai

While The Last Airbender is filled with some impressive fight scenes and battles, the best of them all is in the finale. While all of the scenes on this list are ones that viewers like to watch again and again, this is probably the most loved, most memorable, and most-watched collection of scenes of them all.

These two final battles are both beautifully animated and the soundtrack fits perfectly. It’s hard for fans to pick which of the two showdowns is best because they both are exciting and intense in their own ways.

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