With the show’s main characters attempting to overthrow a corrupt regime and save the world, romance was understandably a secondary concern on Avatar: The Last Airbender. Still, the series wasn’t completely lacking in romantic relationships. In fact, most of the members of Team Avatar wind up paired with someone by the end of Book Three.

And as with any story, there were some relationships fans were able to rally behind more than others. Here are five relationships fans of The Last Airbender were behind (& five they just didn’t support).

10 Were Behind: Aang And Katara

Given that Aang and Katara make up the main canon relationship on Avatar: The Last Airbender, it’s probably not surprising that many fans were on board for these two to get together. In fact, the Aang and Katara ship is one of the top two among fans, and that’s likely because it was obvious throughout the series that they had feelings for one another.

It’s also easy to understand why these two would be drawn to each other. They’re close friends with similar ideals, and they’ve been through a lot together. If that isn’t the foundation of a solid relationship, what is?

9 Rejected: Aang And Toph

Just because Aang wound up with Katara doesn’t mean some fans didn’t have other ideas when it came to who he should be with. Some felt Toph was a better match for him, despite the fact that their personalities are nearly polar opposites of one another. (Opposites attract, eh?)

But while the “Taang” ship did have some supporters, the vast majority of viewers didn’t particularly care to see these two together. And really, it is a bit hard to imagine Toph putting up with Aang’s brand of goofiness for the rest of her life.


8 Were Behind: Katara And Zuko

Although numerous fans got behind Aang and Katara ending up together, many have expressed that they wanted Katara to wind up with Zuko instead. After all, the two characters did have chemistry when Zuko finally began to see the error of his ways — and who doesn’t love a well-written enemies-to-lovers romance?

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Unfortunately, despite being the most popular ship from The Last Airbender on Archive of Our Own, these two ended the series with other people. But hey, at least there’s plenty of fanfiction out there to keep people rooting for them.

7 Rejected: Toph And Sokka

Despite Sokka having two canon relationships over the course of The Last Airbender, a number of fans actually wanted him to wind up with Toph. It’s easy to see why this expectation would exist, particularly since so many shows conclude with all of their main characters dating one another.

Still, the majority was not onboard for this ship — and frankly, it’s very in character to see Toph wind up independent and on her own at the end of the series.

6 Were Behind: Sokka And Suki

Sokka and Suki is a relationship that wound up being endgame by the end of The Last Airbender, and the show’s fans seem more than happy with that outcome.

Not only does Suki’s personality mesh well with Sokka’s sense of humor, but her presence also pushes him to be a better, and less misogynistic, person as the series continues. These two help improve one another, and that’s exactly the kind of relationship fans should be backing.

5 Rejected: Sokka And Yue

Sokka and Yue had a fling before the latter decided to become the next spirit of the Moon, but it wasn’t anything fans seemed particularly excited about. For one, it was always clear that Yue had bigger priorities than Sokka — and, being a princess, who can really blame her?

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Unlike Suki, Yue also never seemed quite attuned to Sokka’s comical personality, being much more reserved herself. That also made them a bit off an odd couple, causing many to lean toward Suki instead.

4 Were Behind: Zuko And Mai

Even though the majority of fans seemed to want Zuko to end up with Katara, there is plenty content with his canon relationship with Mai. Although Mai starts out as one of Azula’s closest friends and biggest supporters, she goes on her own journey over the course of The Last Airbender — and comes out of it with a different perspective than the one she’d grown up with.

With that in mind, it makes sense she and Zuko would relate to one another. Both are products of the Fire Nation at its worst, and both have been forced to step outside of their initial ideals and be better.

3 Rejected: Zuko And Jin

When Zuko and Iroh are in Ba Sing Se, Zuko befriends a refugee who seems interested in more than just friendship. Jin and Zuko even wind up on a date together, but while it’s nice to see the two learning more about each other — and thus different perspectives than their own — most fans didn’t want to see them wind up as endgame.

Part of that is because the majority of Zuko’s relationship with Jin is based on lies, and part of that, of course, is because fans supported other outcomes for Zuko. Either way, it seems these two just weren’t meant to be.

2 Were Behind: Azula And Ty Lee

One non-canon relationship that gets a lot of love within The Last Airbender fandom is Azula and Ty Lee. One of the series’ most popular ships on Archive of Our Own, it’s hard to deny that Ty Lee seems to be the only one who understands Azula.

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And it certainly would have been nice to see the same LGBTQ+ representation from The Last Airbender as fans did from Legend of Korra. Unfortunately, though, it doesn’t seem the creators saw Azula winding up with anyone in the end — and with her ruthless personality, that does sort of make sense.

1 Rejected: Katara And Jet

When Jet is first introduced in The Last Airbender, it seems he could become a real contender to wind up with Katara. There are definitely sparks between the two, but they quickly dissolve when Katara realizes how willing he is to sacrifice innocent lives for his cause.

Given that he lied to her and disregarded her opinion, most fans quickly dropped any desire to see Jet win over Katara’s heart. There’s no doubt that she deserves better — and he deserves to stay frozen to that tree.

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