The show Avatar: The Last Airbender and the Disney animated films are two very different worlds. While The Last Airbender is a fairly self-contained story, Disney has multiple films that span decades and are mostly disconnected from one another. However, these franchises are both animated stories that have children as their main audiences, so there are some similarities there.

Looking at the comparisons between these two universes is definitely interesting, and it’s exciting to imagine the c characters from Disney that are most like the characters in The Last Airbender. This list will look mostly at similarities in personality to find counterparts.

10 Ty Lee: Anna

While Ty Lee is the villain for most of the series while Anna is a Disney princess and hero, they actually have similar personalities.

They are both rather upbeat and easily excitable, and they are more typically feminine and girly. However, they are both strong and shouldn’t be underestimated, and at the end of the day, they are both just looking for family and a place where they belong and feel loved.

9 Momo: Abu

Momo and Appa are two of the most loved characters from The Last Airbender because they are adorable sidekicks. Momo and Abu make a lot of sense as counterparts as they are both monkey-like sidekicks that are intelligent but a bit sneaky.

They are great pets who care about their owners but also have rather outgoing personalities. Plus, they are both really cute.


8 Iroh: Phil from Hercules

It’s hard to find a Disney animated counterpart for Iroh because Iroh is such a one of a kind character. While in some ways he’s a typical trope of a mentor, he’s much more kind and compassionate than most.

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However, Phil from Hercules is another mentor character who does really care for the person in his charge. While Phil’s personality is a lot more intense and angry, they are both compassionate characters trying to do the right thing.

7 Azula: Cruella de Vil

Via: Empire

Azula is another fascinating character who is one of a kind in many ways, but the Disney villain that she’s the most like is Cruella de Vil. Cruella is definitely one of the more unhinged of the Disney villains, and this is also the case with Azula who begins to unravel with time.

Plus, they are both particularly devoid of compassion for other living things. It’s not hard to imagine Azula wanting to harm innocent, adorable puppies, and these two are both rather fierce in their appearance.

6 Suki: Merida

Suki is a rather underrated character because she’s not exactly part of the main Team Avatar. However, she is a really cool and a strong, talented warrior.

This makes her most like Merida because of her skill in battle and her unwillingness to go along with whatever sexist gender roles people try to impose on her. While their storylines are very different, there are some similarities here.

5 Zuko: Kovu

Zuko was a hard character to find a counterpart for because there aren’t a lot of nuanced characters in Disney animated movies. These films tend to be more trope-filled with characters that fit archetypes like hero, princess, and villain.

Kovu is a less popular character from a sequel who comes from the land outside of Pride Rock and is the son of Scar. However, despite his lineage, he is a good character who becomes a hero, just like Zuko.

4 Toph: Vanellope

Toph is another one-of-a-kind character, but there are some similarities between her and Vanellope from Wreck-It Ralph. For one thing, neither of these characters fit the mold of the typical young girl. They are both strong, badass, and a little abrasive in an endearing way.

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Plus, even their appearance is similar with their dark black hair and the fact that their main outfits involve the color dream. If Venlope were to be a bender, she’d definitely be an earth bender, and it’s easy to imagine Toph loving to race cars if she wasn’t blind.

3 Sokka: Flynn Rider

While Sokka might not exactly be a prince, he is very princely in his own right. He’s got a personality that’s similar to Flynn Rider’s in many ways.

They are both sarcastic and try to be charming, although they aren’t always as charming as they think they are. They both like to joke around, and while they put on a front sometimes, they are deeply caring and heroic underneath all of that snark.

2 Katara: Elsa

Katara was another difficult character to place because she has a mix of personality traits from a lot of the Disney princesses. In some ways, her personality matches someone like Belle who is very compassionate and smart, but she is a counterpart to Elsa mainly because of their abilities with water.

While Else can only bend ice and snow, Katara can do this too using her water bending skills.

1 Aang: Hiro Hamada

Aang is a bit hard to find a match for because there aren’t a lot of Disney male heroes who aren’t either animals or princes, and he’s a more traditional protagonist with a hero’s journey.

However, given his age and his endearing personality, he matches best with Hiro from Big Hero 6. Hiro also suffers a tragic loss and then finds a new group of friends to team up with and save the world. Plus, they both have a big, fluffy white sidekick to help them along.

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