In the first episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Katara shows off her skills, personality, and ultimate goal: to learn waterbending. As the last waterbender in the Southern Water Tribe, as well as a key member of Avatar Aang’s team, Katara has a lot to learn and a large role to play in the series’ overall conflict.

Throughout their adventures, Katara gets the group into and out of plenty of scrapes. Her inspiring personality for the cause of justice, as well as her desire to change the sexist nature of the world, are part of who she is. However, Katara is also a fierce fighter who does well in battle. As the series goes on, she finds that she is also skilled in healing. Here are 10 of Katara’s most badass moments.

10 Agni Kai

During the finale, Katara and Zuko travel to the Fire Nation Capital to face off against Zuko’s sister Azula. Zuko and Azula fight an Agni Kai, or fire duel, for the Fire Nation throne. At first, Katara is mainly there for moral support, though when Azula cheats and bends lightning in her direction, she finally has a purpose in the fight. With Zuko injured due to jumping in the way of the lightning, Katara must finish off Azula on her own. She does so by chaining Azula to a grate using the mastery of waterbending that it’s taken her three seasons to perfect.

9 Bloodbending

In the middle of season 3, the group come across a Fire Nation village that holds a woman from the Southern Water Tribe, Hama, who has been imprisoning local villagers using a technique she developed called bloodbending. She teaches Katara as well, though she does not want to learn after finding out what Hama has been doing to the villagers. To save her own life, as well as the lives of her friends, Katara must beat Hama in a battle as both a waterbender and a bloodbender. Though she succeeds, the awesome moment is tinged with fear.


8 Imprisoned

Early in season one, the group find an earthbender named Haru. His father and the other earthbenders in the surrounding villages have been arrested by the Fire Nation over the past several years for practicing their element. Katara, determined to save them all after Haru is arrested as well, gets herself taken away.

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She then attempts to inspire the imprisoned men by giving a speech. After that fails, she must work together with Aang and Sokka to find the coal in the rest of the ship for the earthbenders to use. After they have a material to work with, Katara’s inspiration works on the earthbenders and they fight back against their kidnappers.

7 Waterbending Master

By the time of “The Waterbending Master”, the group has finally made it to the North Pole, where Aang and Katara can learn waterbending. However, Master Pakku isn’t interested in taking girls as students, believing them only fit for healing. He refuses to teach Katara, but does accept her challenge to fight after she grows angry. Though outmatched, their battle gives Katara the chance to show off all she’s learned since the season began, and it’s quite a lot. Even Pakku is impressed, though he hides it quickly.

6 Painted Lady

Early in season 3, Katara dons a spirit disguise to help the villagers of a Fire Nation village. Their river is polluted by a Fire Nation factory up the river, and she is using her waterbending to heal the injured. No one has asked her to do this, Katara simply saw this injustice and decided to fight against it, which is her true moment of badassery in this episode. Aang, upon discovering her disguise, helps her to destroy the nearby factory.

5 Southern Raiders

Zuko takes Katara on her own “life-changing field trip” in this episode. She seeks revenge for the death of her mother, and they succeed in finding the man responsible.

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However, upon finding that he is a lonely old man who lives with his mother, Katara can’t bring herself to kill him, and her mercy for the man who murdered her mother is her personality shining through.

4 Saving Aang’s Life

After the events of the season 2 finale, when Aang is struck by Azula’s lightning while in the Avatar State, Katara heals him. He awakens weeks later, which gives the first episode of the third season its name.

This action is beyond impressive for Katara. If the Avatar dies in the Avatar State, the show’s lore says, the Avatar as an entity will cease to exist. Therefore, Katara’s healing abilities are amazing in this particular instance.

3 Iceberg

Katara’s anger at her brother’s sexist comments in the first episode of the series ends up being the catalyst to cracking the iceberg that Aang is trapped inside. Her emotions kick off her waterbending, which brings about the Avatar’s return.

Ultimately, Katara is a major reason for the Fire Nation’s defeat.

2 The Storm

“The Storm” is an episode that parallels Aang and Zuko’s journies and pasts. When Aang relates how the monks wanted him separated from his guardian Gyatso to be sent to the Eastern Air Temple to continue his training, he briefly goes into the Avatar State due to his heightened emotions. It’s Katara who gets him out of it and convinces him to keep telling his story, one she needs to hear.

1 The Southern Air Temple

Katara also gets Aang out of the Avatar State in the second episode of the series, when he is overcome after seeing the desolated Southern Air Temple. She reminds Aang that even though the monks are gone, she and Sokka are his family now. This alone is enough to get him to calm down, and also instigates a new level of closeness for this group of friends.

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