With the announcement of Avatar Studios, the entire Avatar universe fanbase is eager to return to the world of bending and get a chance to meet some new (and possibly some old) characters to binge-watch.

Nickelodeon is dishing out some serious cash to put Avatar Studios into production and allow them to expand the world that audiences love so much, but it does make fans think back and reflect on how financially well-off the main characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender really were (or weren’t).

10 Aang

It’s no surprise Aang is at the bottom of this list – he’s a monk, after all. Aang’s sole possession was his glider and for half of season 3, he didn’t even have that. One could make the case that Aang “owns” Appa and Momo but one could just as easily argue that they’re Aang’s companions and not his possessions.

After Aang saved the world, married Katara, and started a family, he started to accumulate a few possessions due to living with his family, but he still never had much to his name (the title of being Avatar was enough).

9 Katara

Growing up in the Southern Water Tribe, Katara had next to nothing for most of her entire life. After she and Sokka met Aang and decided to travel (and ultimately save) the world with him, she still barely picked up any possessions and seldom had any money to her name, barely ever having enough to buy food.

In fact, by the end of the series, Katara had only managed to upgrade her outfit to having four waterskins instead of her usual one, and that was really just for the battle against Azula.


8 Sokka

When comparing wealth, Sokka was basically in the exact same boat as Katara, barely having any money and next to nothing in terms of possessions.

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With that said, Sokka at least had an arsenal of weapons that he routinely used (his club, boomerang, space-sword, etc.) and he often carried a backpack with all the groups’ supplies. So, even though Sokka pretty much had the same “wealth” status as his sister, he outranks Katara merely because he had a few more personal possessions to his name than she did.

7 Suki

Suki spent her entire life growing up on Kyoshi Island where she was the head of the Kyoshi Warriors. While it was never explicitly said, the Kyoshi Warriors didn’t seem like the type of fighters to put much value in money or personal possessions (other than their weapons), and to be fair Kyoshi Island wasn’t exactly bustling with rich people.

Despite all of that, Suki gets a higher ranking than Sokka due to the fact that, as head of the Kyoshi Warriors, Suki probably would have access to a decent amount of supplies, resources, and even money if she really needed it.

6 Roku

Fans didn’t get much of Roku’s backstory until the season 3 episode “The Avatar and the Firelord” and during that episode, Roku showed that he was pretty stable when it came to his financial situation (remember the scene of his wedding?).

Also, as the Avatar, it makes sense that he would have access to whatever resources he needed (even if he didn’t request money). It was revealed that he lived humbly on a small island with his wife and few dozen other villagers, but that could have just as easily been a retirement island.

5 Toph

Somehow Toph Beifong only sits in the middle of the list, despite being a member of one of the wealthiest families in the entire Earth Kingdom.

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While she may have hated the fact that her parents kept her locked away from the rest of the world for her entire childhood, Toph had absolutely no problem playing the “Beifong card” (literally) whenever the gang needed to get out of a quick jam. Even after running away and joining Team Avatar. Toph’s father offered a literal treasure chest filled with gold for her safe return.

4 Zuko

Even though Zuko was a banished Prince, he was still the only son of the most powerful man in the entire world. Therefore, even with the issue of his banishment, Zuko never had to want for anything in his entire life. Wherever he and his crew docked or settled down, they quickly made it their own and took whatever they pleased or could buy (which was everything).

Not only that, but due to his search for the Avatar, Zuko was given a nearly endless amount of resources in order to help him find and capture the last Airbender. He may have spent most of season 2 dirt poor, but then he rallied back in season 3 (twice).

3 Iroh

Just like Zuko, Iroh spent most of season 2 without a single cent to his name but managed to rise from the lowest ring in Ba Sing Se to the upper ring and owning his own tea-shop within a matter of episodes. Not only that, but this was the man who was set to become Fire Lord, a.k.a. the richest and wealthiest man on the planet.

Naturally, after the death of his son and the thwarting of Ozai, Iroh missed out on that life but he was still a member of the Fire Nation Royal Family and that means his wealth was among the highest in the world.

2 Azula

Azula was a spoiled little Princess who could have anything she wanted and she knew it. As the daughter to the Fire Lord (and not a banished cast-out like her brother) Azula was the favorite child to the wealthiest person on the planet and never had any trouble funding her sinister machines or plans (the train from “The Chase”, the drill from “The Drill”, etc).

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She was also the least humble person on earth and never had any problem flaunting her wealth/power and using it to control/manipulate people into giving her whatever she wanted.

1 Ozai

It’s been stated a few times already, but how could anybody possibly be wealthier than the worst man on the planet? The Fire Lord had access to a limitless amount of resources, enough to fund all of the crazy plans (airships, tanks, etc) that the Fire Nation came up with during his reign, and that’s not even mentioning the Fire Royal Palace and their vacation home on Ember Island.

While he might have ended the series in prison without a single penny to his name, Ozai spent the majority of his life as the pinnacle of wealth.

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