Due to Avatar: The Last Airbender’s episodic nature, it tends to have a lot of side characters, especially in season one, when the characters must traverse the world to get to the North Pole in order for the Avatar to continue his training. Therefore, the audience is introduced to plenty of awesome characters, many of whom stick out as fan favorites.

Whether they’re villainous, hilarious, or just interesting on their own, there are plenty of memorable side characters. Luckily, there are plenty more from where they came from, so watch the series to check it out for yourself.

10 The Cabbage Merchant

The Cabbage Merchant first shows up as a plot-relevant character early in season one. Aang, Sokka, and Katara are brought before the King of Omashu in part because of their destruction of cabbages. What further endeared the fanbase to the Cabbage Merchant is that he keeps showing up.

Unfortunately for him, Aang and his team keep destroying his cabbages. Ultimately, however, the Cabbage Merchant ends up with a pretty sweet deal, through his family’s company Cabbage Corp. in the sequel series, The Legend of Korra.

9 King Bumi

Bumi is both Aang’s old friend and the King of Omashu. A powerful earthbender in his own right, he introduces Aang to the concept of thinking outside the box. He is the first character to fully introduce Aang to his overall goal for the series: defeating Fire Lord Ozai, and, in turn, stopping the Fire Nation’s war against the other nations.

Bumi later turns up with the rest of the Order of the White Lotus to take back Ba Sing Se, having taken back his own city singlehandedly from the Fire Nation during the eclipse.


8 Master Piandao

Sokka, the only non-bender in the group, seeks out Master Piandao to teach him swordplay. Piandao works with Sokka’s creativity and ultimately makes a burgeoning swordsman of him. The audience later learns that Piandao also instructed Zuko in the dual dao swords, which are instrumental to his disguise as the Blue Spirit.

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Piandao assists the rest of the White Lotus in retaking Ba Sing Se for the Earth Kingdom.

7 June

After her introductory episode, June returns unexpectedly in the finale to help the heroes. She’s not terribly interested in anyone’s goals or plans; she mainly wants to make sure she gets paid.

Together with her shirshu Nyla, June is a bounty hunter. Zuko ends up hiring her twice: once to find Aang, and later to find his uncle. June is an extraordinary fighter, exemplified in a fight scene in the finale.

6 Jet

Jet is a complicated character. In his introductory episode, it’s clear he’s angry at the Fire Nation that disrupted his life, as well as the lives of his crew. On the other hand, his plan of forcing a local Earth Kingdom village to pay for the Fire Nation’s mistakes is clearly wrong.

Later, Jet brings his Freedom Fighters to Ba Sing Se. After he gets caught by the Dai Li, Jet is brainwashed and killed, leaving behind the legacy of a morally grey, fascinating character.

5 Teo

Who’s ready for positive disability representation? Let’s discuss Teo! First introduced towards the end of season one, Teo and his father are able to use science to their advantage. Along with other refugees, they use gliders to get around the Northern Air Temple and manage fairly well, despite not being airbenders themselves.

Teo also, along with his father, creates Aang’s new glider, which he uses in season three. Teo follows the group to the Western Air Temple, and along with Haru and the Duke, explores some of its secret passages.

4 Hakoda

By the time the story starts, Hakoda has been away at war for over two years, having left his children, Sokka and Katara, in the care of their grandmother. When his children finally meet up with him again, he’s able to express his pride in their skills.

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Hakoda participates in the invasion during the eclipse. Afterward, he is captured and spends much of the rest of the war as a prisoner in the Boiling Rock before Sokka and Zuko launch a rescue mission. During the finale, he once again expresses his pride in his children and their accomplishments.

3 Hama

Hama introduces one of the darker aspects of the series: bloodbending. She is a waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe who was taken by the Fire Nation as a young girl.

After being imprisoned, she invented her technique to use it on her jailers. She spent the rest of her life imprisoning members of a Fire Nation village. When Katara, horrified by what she has been taught, fights her, Hama is beaten. However, her goal is realized, as her art has been passed on.

2 Master Pakku

Master Pakku is the waterbending master Aang and Katara spend an entire season trying to reach. He agrees to teach Aang, but Katara must challenge him to a fight to earn his respect in order for her to learn as well.

Ultimately, Pakku is the characters’ first glimpse at a true waterbending master. He is also the first bender seen on screen, via the intro.

1 Haru

Katara helps Haru find his courage to fight against the Fire Nation early in season one. His story is another clear way in which the Fire Nation has decimated the other nations and how their people have lost the strength to fight back.

Ultimately, the group (though mainly Katara) shows them how to have hope again by fighting against their firebending oppressors with coal.

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