To craft a good villain is hard. To craft a villain who changes and develops into something else is even more difficult. Good character arcs draw in the audience and for a storyline centered around a villain like Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, that is more than true.

Starting out as a foe for Team Avatar as they raced across the world, Zuko slowly, in one of the series’s best character arcs, evolved from a hated foe into a likable ally.  This change came with many great deeds and acts of kindness that allowed Zuko to become a better character and a better person.

10 Saved Aang As The Blue Spirit

While it took Zuko’s true nature a little while for it to fully manifest, there were still traces of it early on in the series, especially in season one. Captured by Admiral Zhao, Aang found himself out of options until a mysterious man in a blue mask saved him.

After a fierce chase, the Blue Spirit is revealed to be Zuko, having saved Aang to spite Zhao. However, Aang notices that despite his seemingly selfish act, the prince has a spark of good inside him, one that needs more time.

9 Cared For Lee

After failing to recapture the Avatar, Zuko and Iroh are eventually replaced by Azula on the hunt for Aang and forced to go on the run. Eventually, this led to “Zuko Alone”, one of season two’s best episodes, where he came across a village under the thumb of a militia.

Befriending local farmers and a young boy named Lee, Zuko seems at peace. He teaches and bonds with Lee and appears to want to stay. However, this relationship is soured when Zuko’s real identity is unveiled, forcing him to keep moving.


8 Let Appa Go

Despite being exiled and hunted by his own people, Zuko still tried to find a way back into his father’s graces and capture the Avatar. That led Zuko to discover Appa imprisoned by Da-Li agents underneath Lake Lagoi and intended to use Appa as bait.

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Yet, confronted by his uncle, Zuko instead frees Appa, allowing him to go save Aang rather than capture him, serving as the biggest seed to sow Zuko’s peaceful nature. Even when Zuko sides with Azula, the “damage” is still done and already working.

7 Rejected His Father

That seed of peace continued to grow and spread throughout Zuko’s tumultuous journey. Even after being given back his honor and brought back to the Fire Nation, Zuko feels uneasy and eventually, turns his back on everything.

On the “Day Of The Black Sun”, one of season three’s best episodes, Zuko confronts his father, openly rejecting him and finally turning his back on the abusive and sadistic Fire Lord. Freed from the burden of honor and the constant need to please his father, Zuko’s true journey and mission finally began for all to see.

6 Joined Team Avatar

In the fallout of the disastrous Black Sun siege, Aang and the remnants of Team Avatar found themselves at their lowest point. Seemingly out of options, the Team ponders what to do next when they’re approached by Zuko.

Of course, after being chased all over the world by him, the Gaang is distrustful of the former Prince. Yet, despite this, the Team begrudgingly agrees to his help that would lead to them all going on a life-changing field trip with Zuko. Well, except for Toph, who still needs one.

5 Taught Aang Firebending

Every ATLA fan(and maybe nonfans too) knows the main purpose of the series: for Aang to master all four elements and become the Avatar. After spending the first two seasons mastering Water, Earth, and Air, Aang found a teacher in Zuko in order to learn Firebending.

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Despite Zuko’s rather blunt and mature nature, he proved himself to be a fantastic teacher to Aang, especially after the pair met the dragons and learned more about Firebending together. It served as a way for both Aang and Zuko to grow.

4 Helped Sokka Break Into The Boiling Rock

Aang may have been easy for Zuko to gain the trust of since he’s Aang but Sokka, Katara, and Toph took longer. However, Zuko managed to gain Sokka’s trust by helping him go after his dad in the infamous prison, “The Boiling Rock.”

Posing as prisoners and guards, Sokka and Zuko broke into the Rock, saved Suki and Sokka’s father, and battled off Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. Working together, the pair made quite the team, perhaps one that could’ve been explored if the series had gotten a fourth season.

3 Aided Katara On Her Quest For Revenge

Audiences always joke about how often Katara brings up her dead mom time and time again throughout the series. Yet, Katara’s mom’s demise was the main part of her life and when she learned that the man who killed her was alive, she sent off on a journey of revenge with Zuko along for the ride in one of his more badass scenes.

Aiding Katara in finding the soldier, Zuko serves as both a catalyst and a confident on Katara’s quest, backing her on her choices and making sure she doesn’t go off the deep end.

2 Made Amends With Iroh

Without a doubt, one of ATLA fan’s favorite characters is Uncle Iroh. The kind, good-hearted Uncle who only wanted the best for Zuko, audiences were heartbroken when Zuko turned his back on Iroh and let him get arrested.

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However, as Sozin’s comet looms, Zuko, changed by his journey, finds Iroh and in a heartwrenching scene, tearfully apologizes. Iroh tearfully hugs his nephew, telling him he’s just happy he found his way. A beautiful scene between the Uncle who lost his son and the son who never had a father.

1 Became The New Fire Lord

As the hundred-year war finally came to an end and Aang bested the Fire Lord, a new era of change was on the horizon. With Azula and her father sent to prison, Zuko reclaimed the title of Prince and became the new Fire Lord.

Becoming the new Fire Lord was the best choice Zuko could make and would lead to him and Aang creating a new era of peace and prosperity between the four-nation and would spawn a beautiful new friendship between the pair and the team.

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