Avatar: The Last Airbender has many different exciting and interesting locations that are featured in the three seasons. As Team Avatar travels the world so Aang can learn bending and eventually defeat Ozai, they come across many amazing cities, natural places, and homes in the various kingdoms and nations. And, many of the best and most interesting places are actually where the main characters make their homes at one point or another.

Some of these homes are where the main characters lived for many years while others are temporary areas to rest their heads while planning their next step, but all of these locations also play a role in the story in one way or another.

10 The Southern Water Tribe

The Southern Water Tribe is Katara and Sokka’s childhood home, and while it’s definitely a fascinating place, it’s not as cool or extravagant as some of the other residences in the series. The arctic climate means there are many interesting animals there such as the otter penguins and the snow and ice-covered landscape are definitely beautiful, but it’s also a harsh place to live. The Southern Water Tribe is also a much less ornate place than its sister tribe in the North.

9 Kyoshi Island

Kyoshi Island is Suki’s main home, and while we really only see it in a couple of episodes, it is an interesting place. It’s also the adopted home of famed Avatar Kyoshi. The fact that the island is where the strongest group of female warriors in the franchise lives makes it exciting, but it also sits on a beautiful location on the ocean as it is a fishing port. The waters are also home to the large elephant koi.


8 Ozai’s Beach House

While this vacation home isn’t really a full-time place of residence for any of the characters, it is a home away from home. Both Azula and Zuko spent time with their parents there as kids during the summers, and there are a lot of complicated memories here for them. However, while the beach location is beautiful and everyone enjoys spending time near the ocean, the house itself isn’t all that extravagant considering it’s owned by Fire Nation royalty.

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7 The Beifong Estate

The Beifong’s are a rich and powerful noble family from the Earth Kingdom, and they are known for their immense wealth. The family lives in Gaoling, and the “House of the Flying Boar,” is a beautiful estate. It’s clear that Toph’s family is very rich because of the ornate and elegant decorations of their home. The house is also very large and palace-like with beautiful grounds.

However, while it might be a beautiful place, it’s also somewhat of a prison for Toph. She has very little freedom within those walls, and it’s a rather stifling environment mainly because her parents are so controlling.

6 Ba Sing Se

As the capital of the Earth Kingdom, Ba Sing Se is a large and interesting city with a rather inventive and unique element. The city was made to be impenetrable and includes a large outer wall and another inner wall that contains the city itself. It’s also a rather beautiful and well-planned city and even has a system of trains that are able to move using earth bending. While it’s not a permanent resident of any main characters, Zuko and Iroh live there as refugees for a time, and the rest of Team Avatar gathers there in season two as well as after Ozai is defeated.

5 The Southern Air Temple

The air temples are some of the most interesting locations in all of The Last Airbender, and while they do share some similarities in design, they are all very unique. Overall, the Southern Air Temple appears to be smaller and less detailed than the other three, but it’s still a beautiful place.

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Before it was destroyed by the Fire Nation, it was a thriving place filled with flying bison and winged lemurs. It was a very peaceful place full of air benders and monks, and it’s very heartbreaking that it, as well as the other air temples, were wiped out.

4 Omashu

While Omashu might not be a home for any of the main characters, it is a location seen in the show and a temporary residence for Mai. Plus, it’s also the city ruled by King Bumi. The reason Omashu is so high on the list is that it’s so unique. It’s known for its delivery system that works using gravity and earth bending. It might not be as beautiful in the natural sense as some of the other locations on the show, but it is a technological wonder.

3 The Fire Nation Royal Palace

This palace is Zuko and Azula’s childhood home and is featured many times throughout the series. This capital of the Fire Nation is a truly beautiful structure with ornate details that are clearly based on real-life architecture. The fact that it sits inside the caldera of a dormant volcano is also very fitting.

This residence reflects the power and wealth of the Fire Nation royal family. The inside is just as grand and there are even some hidden elements like inner courtyards filled with ponds. It’s just a shame that the place is filled with so many horrible memories, but Zuko changed the place for the better once he was crowned.

2 Northern Water Tribe

While the Southern Water Tribe is rather small and has also suffered greatly at the hands of the Fire Nation, the Northern Water Tribe was more of a stronghold. It’s an absolutely stunning city made of ice and snow. And, while Team Avatar doesn’t live there for long, they do reside there for a time so Aang can start to learn water bending. The Northern Water Tribe, especially the palace, is one of the most beautiful cities in the show.

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1 The Western Air Temple

While all of the air temples were unique and beautiful in their own ways, the Western Air Temple is the most recognizable and special of them all. This city is built under the edge of a cliff and appears to be upside down, at least when glancing at the exterior of the buildings. This brilliant design kept the Western Air Temple hidden and inaccessible to those who weren’t air benders. It’s perhaps one of the most stunning locations in the series.

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