Fans will never quite get over the fact that a fourth Captain America movie is not likely but they have a flurry of moments and one-liners from Chris Evans run as Steve Rodgers to guide them through the hard times.

One of which comes directly from the end of Avengers: Endgame when Steve decides to keep his mystery girl a secret from Sam Wilson. If you’re unsure what this is referring to, you will by the end of this article. Here areaome of the best memes of Steve Rogers’ final line from Avengers: Endgame.

10 Meme Cropping

It can sometimes be the little details in memes that make or break them. An uncropped meme or incorrectly cropped Instagram photo is one sure-fire way of turning people off liking the photo. Let’s not forget that Steve is from the 1940s so perhaps he made this meme himself and was still figuring it out.

A meme that pokes fun at itself usually gets a good laugh or two so therefore it’s worthy of the number 10 spot on the list.

9 Meta-Meme

A meme talking about a meme being answered with a meme when the meme in reference is itself surely has to get some points here? Only the lowest of the low would have revealed any details about Avengers: Endgame to their friends before they had a chance to see it in the theatres.

With so many social media channels, it’s harder than ever to stay away from movie spoilers. Many fans resort to a full-scale social media strike leading up to the release of a movie, hopefully no one reading this will ever have the displeasure.


8 Youtubers

Let’s face it, how many videos have you watched on YouTube where the person in the video tells you to like, comment, and subscribe to their channel. It’s 100% justified as that is how the content creators earn their revenue but not everyone is going to subscribe to every channel they watch a video from. If they did, their subscribed list wouldn’t be too far off 14,000,605.

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Even out of your subscribed list, how many channels do you have notifications permanently turned on for? Usually not that many in most cases, especially when so many YouTubers have a certain schedule that they stick to.

7 Misquoting Movie Lines

There have been many famous misquotes in history such as Darth Vader’s “No, I am your father” being misquoted as “Luke, I am your father”. In case you were unsure, Steve Rogers’ last line is actually “No, no I don’t think I will.” Marvel movie quotes are special, especially in Avengers: Endgame, and must be preserved at all costs.

Only the hardcore fans amongst them will call the mem creator out for the small error but sometimes misquoting can render a reference completely laugh-less. The meme is out there now, and one “no” probably works better for the meme than two so let’s let bigons be bigons and move past the misquotation.

6 YouTube Subtitles

If you have ever watched a Youtube video with subtitles you will know that they aren’t the best, or even remotely near it. Fun fact, the quote used in the above meme is an actual screenshot from the YouTube clip with the subtitles turned on, as in, YouTube’s subtitles have legitimately translated “No, No I don’t think I will”, to “No, no i know bigger hello.”

Still need convincing? feel free to go watch the clip for yourself. You’ll also find that this isn’t the only line from the clip that has been horribly misinterpreted by YouTube’s subtitles algorithm.

5 “Recommended For You”

Every movie-buff is looking for good movie recommendations. Netflix is constantly trying to find a way to get you to binge more and more TV shows and movies, one after the other, so it will suggest other properties with the same actors and same genre etc. Justice League has come up for many people as a suggestion after watching Avengers: Infinity War, but the number of people satisfied with the result will be far lower.

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The meme pokes fun at the film’s disappointing reviews, but perhaps it was made in a pre-Snyder Cut Confirmed world where millions of fans are now on the edge of their seats waiting for the director’s original cut of the film.

4 The EPR Paradox

During the initial time-travel tests in Avengers: Endgame, Steve, Bruce, and Nat end up pushing time through Lang instead of pushing Lang through time in a mishap that Tony Stark refers to as “The EPR paradox”.

Marvel has yet to reference the fact that Bruce accidentally discovered immortality by making Scott Lang physically, but not mentally, younger. If Steve wanted, he could have done the same to himself to make himself young again at the end of the movie. However, that’s not as emotional and as fitting as the ending fans got in the final cut of the movie.

3 Cap-defying

You’ll probably remember the above quote from Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy. Well someone has decided to smash the two comic book universes together in this meme where Steve Rogers proves that not everybody will live to become the villain.

Captain America: Civil War was arguably the most villainous that Steve Rogers has ever been, but even then he was still not a ‘villain’.

2 Textless

Can anyone else hear this meme without needing any subtitles? No text is needed here as Marvel fans and meme-lovers across the world will know exactly what is meant to be at the bottom of the photo.

There are undoubtedly many other moments from Avengers: Endgame that require no subtitles, such as the final “and I…am…Iron Man.”

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1 See Ya In A Minute

As heart-wrenching as this meme is, it’s one of those images that you know you really shouldn’t laugh at and will probably feel very guilty over laughing at, but you will still laugh anyway. At the very least you will push a bit of air out your nose when you see it for the first time.

Hopefully, it isn’t too much longer until fans see what Marvel has in store for the future of Natasha Romanoff in Black Widow.

NextMission: Impossible: Every Movie Ranked, According To Rotten Tomatoes

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