Warning! Spoilers ahead for Avengers #47

The latest issue of Marvel Comics’ Avengers makes Black Widow’s Age of Ultron vision way more disturbing. Jennifer Walters’ She-Hulk has been captured by the Russian team known as the Winter Guard, and they’re determined to turn her into their newest operative by putting her through the Red Room and its brainwashing and reprogramming processes. While Jennifer’s fellow Avengers do try to stage a rescue to save her, the Red Room reconditioning has already begun in Marvel’s new World War She-Hulk storyline, which sees Jennifer receiving an even darker and creepier version of the vision Natasha Romanov received from the Scarlet Witch in the MCU.


In previous issues of Avengers from writer Jason Aaron and artist Javier Garrón, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes were completely blindsided by a betrayal from Gorilla-Man who helped the Winter Guard infiltrate Avengers Mountain. Before they could even react, She-Hulk was captured and taken to the Winter Guard’s facility in Russia. There, the Red Widow immediately began Jennifer’s psychological torment and reconditioning to turn her into their brand new agent.

In the new Avengers #47, Captain America and Iron Man served as the ground team to try and rescue She-Hulk, but they were quickly intercepted by the Crimson Dynamo and Vanguard (the new Red Guardian replacement). This then leads to Captain Marvel and Thor coming in as air support, but She-Hulk’s corruption had already taken hold. While She-Hulk had a vision of breaking free from her bonds in the Red Room, she’s met by a troupe of ballerinas, not unlike the ones seen in Black Widow’s Age of Ultron vision. However, these ballerinas are way more disturbing and altogether more horrifying.

As the imaginary ballerinas reveal in the most creepy way possible – by being covered in spiders and having metal arms – the Winter Guard’s goal is to turn Jennifer into a Black Widow, Winter Solider, and/or Omega Red. Basically any of their past agents who at one point or another were forced to comply and do the Red Room’s bidding. It makes sense why they’d want a powerhouse like She-Hulk. With Jennifer on their side, the Winter Guard could become nearly unstoppable. That being said, despite being transformed into their red-skinned Winter Hulk, Jennifer did break out for real, escaping into the frozen landscape beyond the Siberian facility. However, the Red Widow seemed confident the She-Hulk would still be compelled to go after the target they implanted in her head.

While it’s unclear as of yet who this mysterious target might be, it’s very clear that She-Hulk’s Red Room experience was traumatic enough to fully corrupt her. She ultimately gave in to the reprogramming and reconditioning, falling prey to the same manipulations Black Widow went through when she was recruited into the Red Room as a young girl. Only time will tell if the Avengers can save She-Hulk from the disturbing Russian nightmare she’s currently trapped in in future issues.

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