Warning! Spoilers for Wastelanders: Wolverine #1 by Marvel Comics

Old Man Logan is getting his own version of Baby Yoda, as the future Wolverine will travel Marvel’s wastelands with Baby Hulk by his side. In Wastelanders: Wolverine #1 by Marvel Comics, the dystopian hero looks after a powerful youngster who brings him plenty of trouble. However, much like the Mando and Baby Yoda’s relationship in The Mandalorian, the hero protects the powerful child with everything he’s got, as the unlikely father/son-like duo has formed a special connection.

In the Old Man Logan comics by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, Logan lives a tragic existence in Marvel’s dystopian future. After accidentally killing the X-Men during a mirage staged by Mysterio, the hero dropped the Wolverine moniker and refused to use his powers. However, he returned to action to help Hawkeye on a mission to help pay his rent so the Hulk Gang wouldn’t kill his family. But, after returning from the task, he found his family slaughtered by the Hulk’s and brutally killed them all – except for Baby Hulk, aka Bruce Banner Jr., who the former Wolverine agreed to raise as his own.


In a new preview for the upcoming Wastelanders: Wolverine #1 by Steven S. DeKnight, Ibrahim Moustafa, Neeraj Menon, and VC’s Cory Petit, Old Man logan contemplates whether he made a mistake bringing back Bruce Banner Jr. with him. He justifiably worries Baby Hulk Jr. could turn out like his evil father. But, as he ponders his future alongside Baby Hulk, he’s ambushed by a group of Ghost Riders.

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Old Man Logan makes quick work of the Ghost Riders but finds Baby Hulk chewing on one of their severed arms afterward. The antihero quickly tells the youngster they don’t eat people, which leaves the youngster sobbing. The scene is very similar to the Mandalorian trying to stop Baby Yoda from eating some of Frog Lady’s Eggs when his father-figure had his back turned.


The Old Man Logan comics are some of the darkest and most twisted in all comics, so it’s fun to see Baby Hulk shake up his dynamic in the dystopian world. Like Mando, Wolverine is a grumpy man who’s experienced serious tragedy throughout his life. Baby Hulk serves as his version of Baby Yoda, who gives him something to keep fighting for. Readers can see the future Wolverine and Baby Hulk in action when Wastelanders: Wolverine #1 arrives in comic book stores on Tuesday.

Source: AIPT Comics

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