When Jason Mesnick pulled a, well, a Jason Mesnick and dumped Melissa Rycroft on the After the Final Rose segment to ask for a second chance with Molly Malaney, it was a decision he knew would be met with much criticism. Many fans of The Bachelor weren’t happy with the likable father of one, feeling the same way as Melissa when she told her former fiance that night, “I’m so mad at you.”

Since then, however, there have been worse Bachelors than Mesnick. There have been men clearly not prepared for the task of getting married; men who have chosen women who weren’t ready for marriage; and even men who have made the same mistake as Mesnick, and looked worse doing it. While there were likely better ways for Mesnick to handle the situation – breaking up with Melissa in private, for starters – his reign as the most hated Bachelor in history (even that was debatable then, as Mesnick had followed Brad Womack, who broke up with every woman on his first season) has been usurped time and time again.


What’s more, Mesnick’s decision to rescind his engagement to Melissa has been validated. He and Molly are still happily married and even have a child of their own. That is a rarity in Bachelor Nation, though Arie Luyendyk Jr., the second man to make a Mesnick-esque error, appears to been proven correct with his choice as well. He and Lauren Burnham already have a child together.

Though Melissa was rightfully angry in the moment when Mesnick broke it off, she has not continued to speak ill of him, quickly moving on and starting a family of her own. Meanwhile, The Bachelor was a lot simpler when Mesnick was the lead. He wasn’t thirsty for social media followers, just a wife and a loving stepmother to his son Ty. His mistake created one of the most talked about moments in the show’s history.

The fact that Mesnick’s season was able to re-air on Monday and the cast was able to look back fondly on the memories created shows that he didn’t screw up as poorly as some of the other leads of The Bachelor. Chris Harrison likely isn’t pining to catch up with Juan Pablo Galavis or Jake Pavelka, the latter of whom took part in an extremely messy breakup with Vienna Girardi, the woman he selected at the end, not long after his finale. While Mesnick isn’t a part of the exclusive club of Bachelors who married the woman they chose at the end – there is, to date, only one man, Sean Lowe, who has accomplished that feat, it’s always nice to be reminded that out of one of the most dramatic moments in the show’s history, he and Molly have created a family of their own.

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