Back 4 Blood includes a mysterious parasite called the Devil Worm that sits at the heart of the game’s Ridden population, and some want to know what exactly the Devil Worm is and how it works in the Back 4 Blood universe. Turtle Rock Studios’ newest co-op shooter isn’t a perfect game by any means, with an underwhelming Swarm mode and no Versus campaign. The game is still an enjoyable experience, pitting players against the zombified Ridden in an exceptionally gory fashion akin to the Left 4 Dead series.

Back 4 Blood takes place in a timeline where the world is overrun by the Ridden, which are zombie-like humans with the singular goal of consuming the flesh of any remaining humans. Society has become a mass of disjointed settlements working toward survival, and players control one of the game’s playable Cleaners to fight the horde of Ridden and save the world. The zombie forces are especially memorable and present a difficult challenge throughout the game, with a host of different Ridden creating tension-filled moments of combat that keep players on their toes at all times.


Turtle Rock Studios has experience with crafting origin stories for zombie outbreaks, with Left 4 Dead tying the emergence of the undead to humans being infected by the Green Flu virus, which caused increased aggression and a diminish in cognitive function. Back 4 Blood takes a different approach to the Ridden’s origin by introducing a deadly parasite that has overtaken humanity. Back 4 Blood’s Ridden threat stems from a seemingly extraterrestrial creature called the Devil Worm, and Turtle Rock Studios provides information throughout the story about what the Devil Worm is and how it infected the human population.

Back 4 Blood: The Devil Worm Is A Water-Loving Parasite From Space

Long before the beginning Back 4 Blood’s story (around 1.4 million years prior), a meteor crashed into the uppermost part of Quebec, Canada. The crater created by the impact became known as the Pingualuit Crater, and the area around the impact spot was established as Pingualuit National Park. The crater become a place of great scientific study, and the final expedition saw the discovery of an unidentified worm specimen that became known as the Devil Worm.

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Wanting to run more tests on the creature, cutscenes in Back 4 Blood show the scientists encasing the worm inside of a small container and taking it to a lab somewhere in Québec City. One particular scientist finds out the hard way about the Devil Worm’s parasitic nature after applying water to the creature inside of a petri dish, causing it to move. Before the scientist could understand the parasite’s affinity to water, the Devil Worm is shown lunging toward the scientist and assumedly entering his body, which led to a complete takeover by the Devil Worm to allow it to spread to a number of different hosts.

Devil Worms having a special relationship with water is notable in two different ways, with one being that around 71% of the Earth is covered in water. This allowed the Devil Worms to thrive in all sorts of areas around the world when it started to spread, such as ponds and pools. It’s speculated in the difficult campaign of Back 4 Blood that some of the first individuals to be infected came into contact with these different bodies of water, allowing the Devil Worms to enter the human body without people even realizing it. Another key point surrounding the Devil Worms’ attraction to water is that the adult human body is made up of about 60% water, making it the ideal habitat for the parasite to thrive after invading. This has allowed the Devil Worm to remain within those they have infected for an extended period of time, prolonging the parasite’s existence on Earth.

The initial outbreak of Devil Worm-infected people started in Québec City and eventually made its way down along the East coast of the United States. Many believed early on that the sickness was a new strain of flu affecting the population, and by the time health specialists realized that it was actually the Devil Worm, major water sources in the United States had already been contaminated. The Devil Worm also made its way to Asia and Europe before any type of quarantine protocol could be put into effect, making it a global parasitic invasion.

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Back 4 Blood: Devil Worms Cause Unique Symptoms & Create Different Ridden Types

Symptoms seen in people afflicted by the Devil Worm are listed on a Department of Public Health flyer found in Back 4 Blood’s campaign, which include:

  • Extreme headaches with sensitivity to light
  • Motor function loss or convulsions
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Veins enlarged in a noticeable manner
  • Masses or growths visible beneath the skin
  • Behavior that is identified as irrational, confused or violent

The majority of people that are infected by the Devil Worm in Back 4 Blood are known as the Common Ridden, serving as hosts for hundreds to thousands of worms that intertwine with each other to create coils that protrude from the human body. Host’s eyes begin to glow with an unworldly luminescence, but are thought to be able to sense the world around them without their eyesight, as some Ridden have worm coils that cover their eyes.

Some individuals infected by the Devil Worm evolve further into more complex forms of infected Ridden called the Special Ridden, or Mutations. The key difference between Mutations and Common Ridden is that Mutations tend to be fusions of multiple humans and sometimes animals, while the Common Ridden usually consists of one individual host for the Devil Worm. These Mutations present some truly grotesque enemies for Back 4 Blood’s Cleaners to fight, showing how deadly the Devil Worms’ influence can be on society.

Not much is known about the Devil Worm parasite outside of these facts, but the ending of the game sets up the potential for Turtle Rock Studios to explore the parasite more in-depth in future Back 4 Blood DLC. Attaching the zombie apocalypse to an extraterrestrial parasite is an interesting take on the genre, opening the door for the developers to really sink their teeth into some outlandish lore surrounding the Devil Worms that would make sense from all that has been established within the core game. The concept of the Devil Worm is exceptionally terrifying and helps anchor Back 4 Blood‘s zombie threat in both realism and Lovecraftian horror.

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