Fans of Batgirl better prepare to eat their hearts out as a new piece of Stephanie Brown fan art is taking social media by storm. One artist on Twitter recently posted an image of Brown that received beaucoup attention, with users expressing how flattering the artwork is. While she may not be the most widely known Batgirl, the response shows she may be one of the most beloved.

Created by Chuck Dixon and Tom Lyle, Brown first appeared in Detective Comics #647 and debuted her first costumed identity as Spoiler in the following issue. She acted as her own independent hero and often worked with Tim Drake in the pages of Robin. Stephanie would even briefly assume the role of Robin herself before being killed off, a move that was later retconned as a fake-out. Brown later returned to don the role of Batgirl when Cassandra Cain briefly retired from the role. She and Cain now share the title in a Batgirls series, and fans are expressing their love in some creative ways.


One such fan used their talents to create a work centered around Stephanie Brown. Taking to Twitter, artist @yaoyao794 posted a gorgeous image of an unmasked Batgirl taking some downtime on a slow night in Gotham. With her eyes on the camera, she blows a chewing gum bubble as a tiny purple heart expresses her contentedness. She even has a tiny purple Bat symbol on her cheekbone for a little extra flair. Needless to say, fans were going wild for the artwork, posting compliments and emojis of support. The work even received the attention of Batgirls co-writer, Becky Cloonan, who responded to a fan’s idea that the work be used as a future cover. Cloonan’s response? “Ummm YES!! This is gorgeous!


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Twitter user @yaoyao794 has received thousands of likes and retweets, all showering the artist for capturing Stephanie Brown’s character so succinctly. Brown isn’t like the serious, by-the-books Barbara or the quick-to-act Cassandra. What separates Stephanie from the others in the Bat-Family is the positive, friendly energy she brings with her. Unlike most members of the Bat-Family, Brown chose to enter the life of crimefighting and stop her criminal father because it was the right thing to do. She brings a determined spirit, even if she isn’t the best fighter or detective. Stephanie always sees things through to the end and never lets her light fade. Brown remains one of the most relatable partners of Batman and her down-to-earth charm has never been captured better than in @yaoyao794’s recent work.

As the Batgirl art keeps racking up the views, more and more Twitter users are being exposed to the awesome image. Hopefully the work inspires new readers to check out the adventures Stephanie Brown for themselves to see what makes fans love her.

Source: Twitter

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