Among the charred and deformed flesh that was once Spawn‘s face, one of his worst scars came from his first team-up with Batman. Although the two vigilantes originally met as enemies, they eventually realized they were on the same side and found a way to work together. When Batman deliberately threw a Batarang in Al’s face, Spawn used a stray shoelace to keep his face together instead depleting more of his power, adding to his already gruesome appearance while also creating a noticeable magical artifact at the same time.

When Al Simmons agreed to become a Hellspawn in exchange for returning to Earth, the former assassin didn’t read the fine print before signing. The demon Maelbolgia not only stripped him of his appearance and his memories but also gave him a new outfit and powers. As the new “Spawn” began to adapt to his situation, he learned from others like Cogliostro that his impressive powers come with a price. The more Spawn uses the necroplasm that gives him his power, the sooner he will return to Hell. In an effort to delay that, Spawn relies on the weapons and skills from his former life as Al Simmons as well as the faith and loyalty from the few allies he’s accumulated in his short existence.


In 1994’s Spawn/Batman by Frank Miller and Todd McFarlane, Batman discovers someone is illegally creating murderous cyborgs, and follows the trail of missing persons to New York where he eventually confronts Spawn. After a rough battle or two, they realize they are not enemies and decide to join forces. They defeat their mutual foe, who has a personal connection to Simmons’ past, and stop her plan to remake the world with a nuclear arsenal. Despite the victory, Batman and Spawn continue to butt heads. Spawn’s desire to bury the hatchet ends when Batman arrogantly tells him to “Bury this” and throws a Batarang in Al’s unmasked face.

Having worked with criminals and other unsavory characters in the past, it is surprising that Batman would treat a fellow vigilante like this. Originally this story remained canon, with Spawn #21 seeing Al’s face stitched together with a dirty shoelace by a fellow homeless person, preferring this instead of using any of his precious necroplasm to heal the wound. Frank Miller would later state the story was more aligned with his characterization of Batman from the Dark Knight Returns, which makes sense given Batman’s aggression, lectures, and difficulty working with others who didn’t fit his high standards. Due to the comic’s unique story, Image Comics made it so the injuries could fit previous Spawn storylines and the laces remained until Spawn #50 when Al removes them as he uses the last of his power to save his former wife Wanda’s husband, Terry. Although Spawn would eventually return from Hell with an even more gruesome appearance than before, the shoelace is used to create a necklace for Terry and Wanda’s child, Cyan. The object’s history with Spawn allows him to find the child when she is kidnapped and even has a psychological effect on her, helping her to suppress unwanted memories and triggering severe aggression when she is separated from it.

Despite its consequences, this would not be the first time Batman and Spawn would join forces, teaming up that same year in War Devil, although they have no memory of their chaotic collaboration earlier. Batman/Spawn occurred when Spawn was still a new character whose unique status presented fresh and different possibilities. Although Al Simmons’ journey as Spawn had many future hardships ahead of him, Batman left a mark on Spawn usually reserved for criminals and one would not be surprised if he was reluctant to team up with other heroes, especially any bozos in black.

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