Warning! Spoilers for Nightwing #84 by DC Comics below

In a somewhat rare emotional moment for Batman, the hero admitted that he wouldn’t let his “son” Nightwing be killed in the same alley where his parents died. In Nightwing #84, the Dark Knight and the former Boy Wonder teamed up again in Gotham City to fight the Magistrate. After the tense battle, Batman made sure to let Nightwing know he wasn’t going to let his son suffer the same fate as his parents did.

Nightwing is Batman’s greatest triumph, as Dick Grayson has become one of DC’s greatest heroes after initially beginning as the first Robin ever. While Batman and Nightwing haven’t always seen eye-to-eye and have had blow-ups with one another in the past, Dick has proven to be more than worthy of Batman’s legacy. He recently made Batman proud by how he handled his billion-dollar inheritance from Alfred, deciding to use it to make Bludhaven a better place by creating one of the “largest, self-sustaining, purely philanthropic foundations.” In doing so, Dick Grayson is using the money to make his home a better place for those who need it most.


In Nightwing #84 by Tom Taylor, Robbi Rodriguez, Adriano Lucas, Wes Abbott, and Bruno Redondo, Nightwing arrives in Gotham City to help the Bat-Family take on the Magistrate, the oppressive para-military regime currently trying to clean up the city in the name of “good.” Nightwing is tricked by the Anti-Oracle into going to Crime Alley, where he’s attacked by the Magistrate’s forces. After getting sounded by its soldiers, Batman shows up and helps him escape. After filling in Nightwing on the Magistrate’s grip on Gotham City, Dick thanks Batman for helping him. Bruce Wayne responds by telling him “I watched my parents die in that alley… I wasn’t going to let that happen to my son.”

Dick Grayson’s face says it all, as he’s surprised by Batman being so up-front about their relationship. But, considering the Caped Crusader’s entire existence as a hero is tied to Crime Alley, he was understandably emotional about the potential of losing Dick in the same place his parents were killed by Joe Chill.

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It’s truly touching to see Batman called Nightwing his “son.” Not that it’s particularly surprising Batman views him as such, but that he was willing to admit it to him in such a tender way. Some readers see Batman and Nightwing’s relationship more as brothers, but at this moment, the Dark Knight confirms himself he views Dick as a son. It’s a sweet moment between heroes that have been connected in the comics for decades. Nightwing#84 is in comic book stores now.

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