Warning! Spoilers for I Am Batman #0 by DC Comics below

DC’s newest Batman just got his own Batsuit and used it to stop a full-blown riot from breaking out. However, while Jace Fox had the right idea to stop a group of impostors at a protest looking to cause violence and blame it on the peaceful protesters, his actions in his new Batsuit ultimately made him an enemy to those he was looking to protect.

Jace Fox is slowly becoming Batman in DC’s main continuity, as the Future State hero is finally taking steps to become the new Dark Knight. While Bruce Wayne is still around, Jace sees the original Batman as a privileged soldier who fights first and asks questions later. In becoming his own version of Batman, Jace wants to fight for the people and become a better man. With the growing threat of the Magistrate enforcing strict rules and trying to stop all masked vigilantes, Jace is stepping into his first Batsuit and hoping to make a real difference in his community and beyond.


In I Am Batman #0 by John Ridley, Travel Foreman, Norm Rapmund, Rex Lokus, and ALW’s Dave Lanphear, Jace Fox finally unlocks the Batsuit that he discovered in one of his father’s facilities. After discovering that a group of protestors was hired to pretend to be violent radicals at a gathering, Jace jumps into action with the tank Batsuit. Using the suit, he stops the impostors, while his armor deflects bullets and crushes guns with ease.

Fox’s first mission is successful, as he stops the bad actors. However, the police and the Magistrate start shooting him, leading Jace to abandon his armor mid-fight. If he hadn’t done so, he likely would have been killed as his suit became weaker and weaker. While Fox did the right thing by stopping the violent impostors, he ultimately put a target on his back, as people now believe the newest Batman willingly tried to take down protestors and start a riot. Doing the right thing led to the unfortunate narrative around the new Batman.

Fox learned the lesson that being Batman doesn’t always come with adoration or the public’s respect. Despite saving the lives of who knows how many people, the protestors just saw Batman attack them without knowing he was snuffing out violent hitmen. With his new tank Batsuit destroyed, the issue ends with Jace designing a new costume – one that’s probably going to be more in line with his Future State appearance. The tanksuit was powerful, but with Jace’s inexperience and going against so many people at once, Batman’s first Batsuit is no more.

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