Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3

In the latest issue of DC Comics’ Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point, the Dark Knight is determined to unlock the hidden secrets of Fortnite Island, and he just teamed up with G.I Joe’s Snake Eyes to do it. However, both heroes are being used as pawns by secret forces at work behind the scenes, monitoring their activities and manipulating events for unknown purposes. While they were seemingly hoping that Batman and Snake Eyes would keep each other busy, it seems as though the Dark Knight and the Joes’ resident ninja have other plans.

In the previous two issues of Batman/Fortnite from Donald Mustard, Christos Gage, Reilly Brown, Nelson Faro DeCastro, and John Kalisz, Batman found himself trapped on Fortnite Island with no clear way to escape. Not only that, but he had no way of speaking and no memory of his past. However, his skills as a fighter still remained. Since the first issue, the Dark Knight has been caught in a time loop of endless battles on the island, and his memory is wiped every 22 minutes with the start of each new fight. However, that hasn’t stopped the Caped Crusader from being the World’s Greatest Detective, writing down messages to himself and having built an impromptu Batcave from which to operate from. He also managed to forge a connection with Catwoman, despite both of them having lost their memories, and Batman managed to orchestrate her escape in the last issue.


Now, Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3 sees the hidden agents of the island sending each other emails and work memos back and forth, and there seems to be some legitimate concern as to what Batman might uncover. As a result, they’ve sent one of their “assets” to intercept and distract the Dark Knight, and it’s none other than G. I. Joe’s Snake Eyes. However, they’re evenly matched, so much so that the rest of the fighting by the island’s other assets stops, watching their seemingly endless looping battles in awe. That being said, despite their inability to talk to one another and losing their memories with every fight, they end up recognizing each other’s strength and skills over time, respecting one another to forge a team-up using a form of sign language. This worries the hidden operatives even more, who aren’t ready for Batman to learn what they’ve been up to.

By the end of the issue, Snake Eyes managed to escape the island with Batman’s help, leaving the Dark Knight to continue his investigation into the secrets of the island. While Snake Eyes waylaid Batman temporarily, it wasn’t nearly as much time as the agents were hoping for. According to their memos, Batman is on his way, which has necessitated the entire organization (whoever they may be) to go on high alert.

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Seeing Batman and Snake Eyes fighting and teaming up is pretty epic and exciting, making this issue a must-have for Batman, G.I. Joe, and Fortnite fans alike. In any case, it seems as though the Dark Knight is about to uncover what’s really going on with Fortnite Island, and the real battle is about to begin as Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point continues with three more issues.

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