Warning! Spoilers for Dark Knights of Steel #1 by DC Comics

In DC’s brand new Dark Knights of Steel series, Batman and Superman’s relationship was just changed in a big way. In a shocking twist, the comic reveals the two heroes are actually brothers, as Bruce Wayne was the bastard son of Jor-El and Martha Wayne – as Superman’s father is killed. The revelation will surely change the epic fantasy series in significant ways.

Dark Knights of Steel is DC’s new fantasy epic, as the new comic takes DC heroes into a world of sword and sorcery. Tom Taylor and Yasmine Putrie’s limited series imagines a medieval Earth where things are changed after the arrival of Superman and his family. Dark Knights of Steel is essentially Game of Thrones in the DC Universe, with Batman and Superman fighting on the same side. However, Bruce Wayne just learned the shocking truth behind his true parentage that will surely rock his house like nothing before.


In Dark Knights of Steel #1 by Taylor, Yasmine Putri, and Wes Abbott, Superman’s origin is changed entirely, as his entire family crashes on Earth following the destruction of Krypton. There is a prophecy surrounding their arrival that Superman will be responsible for the end of times. Nearly two decades later, Superman and Batman are both members of the Castle of El. Batman has become a Witcher who hunts down magical threats to his house. Jor-El forbids Kal-El to join Bruce in his hunt for threats (which the hero ignores, causing conflict). After running into Black Canary, they report the magical threat to their King. Jor-El asks to talk to Bruce privately, where he reveals he’s more than a bastard; he’s his biological son.

Jor-El tells Bruce that he’s carried the guilt for a long time and that he had an affair with Martha Wayne that led to Bruce Wayne being born. Jor-El tells a shocked Bruce he’s his son and believes he should sit on the throne. However, the revelation is interrupted by a magical arrow (shot by Green Arrow), killing Jor-El in front of him.

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The twist that Batman and Superman are brothers in the Dark Knights of Steel Universe is shocking. With Jor-El dead, will Bruce Wayne tells Kal-El that he’s actually his brother? Or will he continue to be a bastard and ignore his claim to the throne. There’s tons of potential conflict surrounding the twist. Batman and Superman have a lot to discuss while trying to solve the murder of their father. Dark Knights of Steel #1 is in comic book stores now.

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