Batman: The Animated Series had a string of great villains and one of them was Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley aka Poison Ivy. Unlike Batman’s other foes, Ivy wasn’t motivated by money or power. All she wanted was to protect plant life. However, the methods she chose to achieve this were problematic.

Ivy—who had a PhD in botany from Gotham University—had the power to control plant life. She often teamed up with other notorious Gotham villains (mostly Harley Quinn) to go fight Batman. Ivy was a smart talker too. Here are her best ever lines from the highly rated animated series.

10 “Now Boys, Didn’t Your Mommies Teach You That’s Not The Way To Get A Lady’s Attention?

Two frat boys drive right beside Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn when they are driving around Gotham in the tenth episode of the series. They begin making sexual comments about them, not realizing that they are provoking two of the biggest baddies in Gotham.

An unbothered Ivy tells the boys that they ought to use better ways to get attention from women. One of the boys provokes her even further by telling her to come and spank him. At that point, an infuriated Quinn grabs a bazooka and fires at the car. Luckily for the boys, they jump out in time right before their car gets blow to pieces.

9 “…Doesn’t Work On Me.”

The Joker is always overconfident and sometimes it backfires on him. When Harley begs him not to use his poisonous flower on Ivy because she is her friend, he goes ahead and does just that. No wonder the two have endless relationship problems.

As soon as Ivy begins coughing, the Joker thinks he has won once again in his villainous schemes. Surprisingly, Ivy begins laughing and tells him that the poison doesn’t work on her. The Joker has no idea that she is immune to all forms of toxins. Seconds later, she gives him a leg sweep and begins beating up his henchmen. Totally badass!


8 “It’s Midnight Darling, Time To Unmask.”

On Halloween, Poison Ivy manages to incapacitate Batman with poison gas, As he is struggling to move, she tries to reach for his mask in order to see who he really is.

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Luckily, Robin shows up just in time and ruins the big reveal. A couple of villains actually come close to discovering that Batman is Bruce Wayne in the series but something always happens just in time to prevent that from happening. For the good of the plot, the secret has to remain.


7 “‘Mr. J., Mr. J.!’ Oh, Change The Record, Harl!”

Harley Quinn is obviously Ivy’s best friend in Batman: The Animated Series. But one thing concerning their friendship was bothering Ivy. Quinn kept talking about the Joker all the time.

She’d make sure to bring up Mr. J all the time and Ivy was clearly getting bothered. At one point when the two are driving around the city, Quinn mentions how she used to drive around with the Joker all the time too. An unimpressed Ivy tells her to quit her obsession with Mr. J and channel her thoughts elsewhere.

6 “A Very Enlightened Statement, Batman. We’ll Carve It On Your Headstone.”

Batman is always good at taking out all kinds of opponents but whenever Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn attack him at once, they prove to be too much for him. They lash him to a wooden table before Ivy makes a mockery of him by saying: “Admit it, darling, you didn’t think two women were capable of bringing you down.”

Batman responds by saying: “Man or woman, a sick mind is capable of anything.” The statement impresses Ivy who says she will carve it on Batman’s grave once they kill him. Quinn then proceeds to push him into toxic water. But it’s Batman, so he finds a way to get out and escape. The bat will live to fight another day.

5 “You’re Just One Big Forgiving Doormat, Aren’t You?

Poison Ivy always wonders what Quinn sees in the Joker. And on one of the many occasions where Quinn talks about the Clown Prince Of Crime, she berates herself, saying that she should know how to handle pain better because she’s been with the Joker for so long. Quinn says this right after Joker has broken her heart once again.

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Ivy asks her why she always puts up with him, and she responds by saying that despite the fact that he hurts her, she thinks he really loves her.  Ivy then labels her a forgiving doormat, a remark that angers Quinn.

4 “Aw… What’s The Matter Batman, Do I Have Cooties?

When Poison Ivy forcefully kisses Batman, he tries to spits out her saliva so that he doesn’t get poisoned. Ivy’s kiss has been known to be highly toxic to the recipient. After seeing what Batman has done, Ivy laughs and jokes that maybe she has body lice and that’s why the dark knight hasn’t enjoyed the kiss.

A romance between the two could have been an interesting one but that was definitely not the way to start it. In the 2009 comic issue Batman: The Widening Gyre, the two actually dated. Batman even went as far as saving her life when she was being held captive by Clayface.

3 “We Both Strive To See Evildoers Punished. But, While You Have Your Gallery Of Rogues, I Have My Grove.”

In episode five of the series, Ivy pretends to be a doctor Daphne Demeter. She claims she has a secret on how to provide total rejuvenation to the body using organic means.

She organizes a major event and invites select guests among Gotham’s wealthy folk. Bruce Wayne doesn’t go but he is represented by Alfred. Little do the members of the elite know that they are about to be punished for their crimes against pant life. Ivy poisons them by making them ingest a chemical that turns them into plants. She then places them in her grove.

2 “They Can Bury Me In The Ground, As Deep As They Like. But I’ll Grow Back. We Always Grow Back. Don’t We, Baby?”

In the ninth episode of the series. Mayor Hill announces his plans to construct an ultra-modern prison named Stonegate Penitentiary. The land in which the facility is to be constructed at has several flowers. A mysterious person shows up just in time to rescue one that is precious to her before a bulldozer starts excavating.

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Later, Pamela Isley begins dating Harvey Dent but she has an agenda to eliminate him because he was part of the prison plan. She gives him a kiss which puts him in a coma. At the end of the episode, she is captured and sent to Stonegate Penitentiary. It is during this time that she stares at the flower and utters the words above.

1 “It’s Been A Long Time, Harvey. You’re Still Looking Around Halfway Decent.”

That’s quite a low blow from Poison Ivy. The quote is obviously meant to make fun of the half-burnt face of Harvey Dent aka Two-Face. When the two finally meet after a lengthy period, this is the first thing that Ivy says.

He definitely looks halfway decent. One half of him has a suit and the other looks zombie-like. But Harvey has an equally intelligent reply too as he says: “Half of me wants to strangle ya.” Very intelligent choice of words from Two-Face. It doesn’t end there. Ivy hits back, saying: “Ooh… don’t do that. We used to date.” Brilliant dialogue!

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