Batman has faced his fair share of dastardly villains since he first graced the pages of a comic book. Some are silly and laughable while others strike genuine fear into the heart of Gotham’s Dark Knight. Others, however, are able to walk the balance between ridiculous and terrifying

The Riddler is one villain who manages to do both and he is both silly and scary in equal measure. Though the character has grown and seen many changes over the years, the one constant has always been his memorable riddles that never fail to puzzle the reader and Batman alike.


Gotham: “Under The Knife”

“I can start a war or end one. I can give you the strength of heroes or leave you powerless. I might be snared with a glance, but no force can compel me to stay. What am I?”

One of the best portrayals of The Riddler was in the series Gotham. Usually, the villain’s downfall is shown in simplistic, comic book-style scenarios but the television series gave viewers a chance to see more from their favorite comic characters.

In the episode “Under the Knife”, Ed Nygma poses a riddle to the abusive police officer Dougherty as a subtle nod to his relationship with Kristen Kringle. Nygma has feelings for Kringle but is powerless to do anything with Dougherty in the way. Though the situation spirals into violence eventually, the puzzling riddle is indicative of where the Riddler character would end up.

Batman: “Hi Diddle Riddle”

“Which President wore the biggest hat?”

The 60s Batman series was known for its campy action and has become a beloved installment in the Batman franchise. Though it may not be as dark and brooding as the Dark Knight is today, the series had its upsides and the villains were a big part of its success.

The Riddler appeared in the first episode of the series and was the first villain that Batman faced. Played by Frank Gorshin, the 60s Riddler was a sillier portrayal of the classic comic character. His riddles weren’t meant to confound as much as they were meant to elicit groans from the caped crusaders. The answer, “the one with the biggest head”, was certainly one of his most hilarious puns.

Batman The Animated Series: “Riddler’s Reform”


The animated series offered fans the best of both worlds from the Batman universe as it was both dark and fun at the same time. The episode “Riddler’s Reform” saw the classic villain seemingly cured of his criminal activity, however, Batman knows better and receives a cryptic clue from his nemesis.

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The numbers and a map lead him on a wild goose chase across Gotham and The Riddler almost gets away. However, Batman realizes that the numbers, when flipped upside down, spell out “10 Leslie” which is an address that The Riddler plans to rob.

Batman Forever

“If you look at the numbers on my face, you won’t find 13 anyplace.”

Though many fans were disappointed by the film Batman Forever, it did offer viewers a fresh take on The Riddler character. The film is hinged by a series of riddles sent to Batman by the dastardly villain, and together the answers spell out who The Riddler really is.

The film shows that The Riddler is a true mastermind. He is clever enough to tie all of his riddles together into one big riddle. Though the audience knows who The Riddler is, it is fun to watch Batman figure it out, earning the title of World’s Greatest Detective.

The Batman: “Riddler’s Revenge”

“It can be cracked. It can be made. It can be told. It can be played. What is it?”

The animated series The Batman once again re-invented the Riddler and gave him a much darker look and personality. The episode “Riddler’s Revenge” sees the villains going after a businessman who he believes wronged him in the past.

Batman eventually saves the day but not before answering the riddle which was “a joke”. The answers to the riddles usually pertain to a clue or help to lead The Batman in the right direction, but the riddle in “Riddler’s Revenge” shows the character’s darker side. Instead, it reveals what he thinks of his victim.

Detective Comics #140

“Why is corn hard to escape from?”

The Riddler made his first appearance in Detective Comics #140 and he was up to his classic hijinks immediately. The early appearances of The Riddler show he is not only a clever trickster but a joke man as well, and he takes the dynamic duo for a groan-worthy ride.

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Batman uses the Batmobile to stop a careening semi-truck with a giant piece of corn on it and it is there that they find their riddle. The answer, as Batman quickly figures out, is “because it’s a maize”. The Dynamic Duo deduces that the Riddler is hiding out at the amusement park. Though cheesy, The Riddler’s first riddle is indicative of what fans could expect from the character.

Arkham Knight

“Hope shines brightly in a city this dark, find the source of the signal and you’ll soon hit your mark.”

Batman was the perfect fit for an action based video game and the Arkham series is quintessential beat-em-up fun. The third installment once again brings The Riddler into the mix and he leaves a series of riddles behind for the player to solve.

One riddle leads the player to the top of the GCPD precinct where they must discover the Bat-signal. Though the riddle isn’t particularly hard to figure out, it offers players a grand view of the game’s world and a classic piece of Batman lore.

Batman #33

“My greatest of my strengths is that I know my worth. I hug myself so tightly at every birth.”

The Riddler seemingly has the day won in Batman #33 after he captures Batman and has the entire city in his grasp. Despite his imminent triumph, The Riddler can’t help but gloat and he poses to Batman the classic riddle.

The correct answer was “a knot”. Though Batman gets the answer wrong, it still allows him to cleverly escape from The Riddler’s grasp. The riddle was ripped straight from the pages of history. The Riddler proved he was not just an evil genius but an avid history buff as well.

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Dark Knight, Dark City

“My leaves aren’t turned at night. Usually, I’m full of worms by day. Lots of words, but deathly quiet.”

The Dark Knight, Dark City storyline from the comics is often lauded as one of the best Batman arcs in history. The Riddler appears early in the story and delivers a classic riddle in dark fashion by sending a human messenger to Batman.

Batman quickly figures out that the answer is “a book” and that leads him on the long and winding path that makes up the storyline. The riddle is classic Riddler because it contains all the elements of a perfect riddle and it was delivered in a sinister way.

Arkham Asylum

“What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?”

The first game in the Arkham video game series reintroduced fans to The Riddler as a darker, and more sinister villain. Throughout the game, Batman is confronted with riddles that he must solve to unlock various achievements and they vary in difficulty.

The most memorable riddle of all comes straight from classic literature and is one of the oldest riddles of all time. The Riddler poses the question and though the answer is “a person”, he uses it as an opportunity to show just how evil and depraved he really was. The Riddler cleverly subverted the player’s expectations with a classic riddle.

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