The scrapped Batman Triumphant had some lofty ambitions; none more so than its proposed changes to Harley Quinn’s origin story. 1997’s Batman & Robin starring George Clooney as the titular bat-botherer is unfondly remembered as comfortably the worst cinematic adventure for the Caped Crusader. Aside from the unflinchingly corny dialogue and overly-cartoonish aesthetic, fans took exception to Joel Schumacher’s depiction of once-formidable villains Mr. Freeze and Bane, both of whom were, intentionally or otherwise, more comedic than threatening. Nevertheless, plans were already afoot for a third Schumacher Batman movie.


Although the project was ultimately scrapped, the initial idea for Batman Triumphant would’ve featured the united trio of Batman, Robin (Chris O’Donnell) and Batgirl (Alicia Silverstone) taking on the villainous duo of Scarecrow and one Harley Quinn. A relatively new addition to Batman canon at that time, Harley debuted in a 1992 episode of Batman: The Animated Series and made a typically instant impression. Harley would go on to become a staple of the Batman universe and is currently played on film by Margot Robbie, who has attracted plenty of acclaim for her eccentric performance. Batman Triumphant‘s Harley Quinn would’ve been radically different from both Robbie’s, and the traditional character.

Warner Bros’ lined up Mark Protosevich to write the Batman Triumphant script and planned to give Harley Quinn a drastic career change, shifting from psychiatric medicine to the world of toymaking. Rather than Joker’s doting girlfriend, this humble craftswoman would’ve been the secret daughter of Jack Nicholson’s deceased Clown Prince from Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman. After discovering her heritage and the fate of her father, Protosevich’s early draft had Harley embarking on a revenge mission against Batman, teaming up with Batman Triumphant‘s other villain, Scarecrow, who was also gunning for Bruce Wayne. Dunking herself in the same Ace Chemicals vat her father fell into was supposedly another mooted idea on the table for Harley.

At the very least, Protosevich’s ideas for Harley Quinn are intriguing. Schumacher promised any further Batman movies he directed would be darker, and geared towards a more mature audience. The idea of a late 1990s Harley Quinn in that particular Batman sandbox had the potential to be a madcap, eclectic thrill ride, with Harley better suited to Schumacher’s outrageous neon Gotham City than say, Bane. Even so, the proposed changes to Harley’s origins would’ve almost certainly ruffled some feathers.

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Being Joker’s daughter, rather than an obsessed lover, is undoubtedly the biggest deviation, and one that largely hinges on the ongoing argument over whether Tim Burton’s Batman movies are connected to Schumacher’s. There are arguments to both sides, but if Warner Bros. insisted on maintaining a 5-film continuity, making Harley Jack Napier’s daughter would be the most logical solution. As weird as the change would feel, the familial connection would also solve the issue of introducing Harley without the presence of Joker. In terms of Harley’s civilian past, working as a toymaker is in-keeping with her general circus theme and adds a slightly creepy touch to the villain, but her original backstory as a deranged former Arkham psychiatrist has far more intrigue, while also establishing Harley as a viable threat to Batman due to her intelligence.

Batman Triumphant‘s vision of Harley Quinn piques the interest, despite being a marked departure from her traditional portrayal. Given how Batman & Robin panned out, however, it’s possible that the reimagined Harley (who feels quite fascinating on paper) might not have seamlessly translated into live-action, especially since one leading name reportedly being considered for the role was Madonna. Though she remained without a live-action appearance for many years, Harley Quinn is an eternally popular mainstream figure in 2020, especially at Halloween, and this perhaps wouldn’t have happened if Batman Triumphant had done to Harley what Batman & Robin did to… everyone.

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