Warning! Spoilers for Batman Annual #1 (2021) by DC Comics

As James Tynion IV and Jorge Jimenez’s run on Batman comes to an end, Ghost-Maker’s true identity and origin have finally been revealed. In Batman Annual #1 (2021) by DC Comics, readers learn Ghost-Maker is actually named Minhkhoa Khan and was born as the child to parents involved in Singapore’s export and import business. Ghost-Maker also shares with the Dark Knight his greatest triumph in taking down the wealthiest person in the world, Madame Midas.

Ghost-Maker first appeared in Batman #100 as a vigilante with a surprise connection to Batman. Ghost-Maker trained alongside Bruce Wayne before becoming the vigilante, but the pair’s friendship and rivalry became fractured. Khan would eventually adopt the vigilante name, Ghost-Maker, while violently taking down criminal organizations across the globe. Ghost-Maker would arrive in Gotham City during the Joker War, and after initially fighting Batman, he eventually joined the Bat-Family, helping the Dark Knight take down Scarecrow in the Fear State arc. DC Comics just dived deeper into the Ghost-Maker’s past and revealed how the antihero came to be.


In the Ghost-Maker finale story in Batman Annual #1 (2021) by James Tynion IV, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz, Romulo Jarardo Jr. and Clayton Cowles, more is revealed about Minhkhoa Khan and how he became Ghost-Maker. From an early age, the youngster showed he wasn’t afraid of violent situations, as he didn’t flinch when a group of armed men paid a visit to his parents and pointed a gun at him. Ghost-Maker recounts his greatest victory, taking down the powerful villain, The Instigator, and Madame Midas – the latter of whom’s intimidation of his parents and their business sent him on the path to becoming Ghost-Maker.

So, while Ghost-Maker might not have been another hero in disguise or character readers previously met, DC Comics finally revealing his identity is a satisfying conclusion for the antihero’s arc. It’s not entirely clear whether Ghost-Maker will star in upcoming stories now that Tynion IV and Jimenez’s Batman arc has wrapped. Still, the character’s potential, standout costume, connection to Batman, and tragic backstory make him worth revisiting at some point.

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DC Comics has shared where Ghost-Maker is heading next, however. Ghost-Maker will train Clownhunter, the vigilante he originally came to Gotham City to kill, to become a non-lethal, sword-wielding hero. Yes, Clownhunter has effectively become Ghost-Maker’s Robin. Hopefully, DC checks in on the pair’s adventures, as both were among the highlights and best new Gotham City arrivals during Tynion IV and Jimenez’s Batman run. Ghost-Maker’s arc might be over and his origin revealed, but we’d love to see the character continue on in the comics.

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