Warning! This article contains spoilers for Arkham City: The Order of the World #2

The failed successor of Batman, Azrael just became a deadly villain as he tracks down and murders escaped Arkham Asylum inmates in his latest storyline. Azrael took over for Batman after the Caped Crusader had his back broken by Bane in the widely popular Knightfall arc. He was originally designed to bring a more anti-hero edge to the Batman title, but now the one-time Dark Knight successor has gone over the edge into full-on villainy. 

Azrael, AKA Jean-Paul Valley, was raised under a religious cult called the Order of Saint Dumas and was trained to carry out assassinations in the righteous name of the Lord. Eventually, Valley broke away from the Order and joined Batman, using the skills he learned to bring justice to Gotham. After Batman’s back-breaking encounter with Bane, Azrael took over asthe Dark Knight, and when Bruce recovered, Azrael got his very own series that followed his continued feats of heroism. In his latest comic outing, however, Azrael seems to be falling back into his old religious fanaticism and proving that he is truly villainous in the process. 


In Arkham City: The Order of the World #2, written by Dan Watters with art by Dani and Dave Stewart, Azrael is seen speaking to himself, believing himself to be communicating with a higher power. Azrael has appointed himself God’s archangel on Earth, cutting down evil wherever it may reside. After the recent Arkham Asylum breakout, inmates flooded the streets of Gotham and Azrael has taken it upon himself. under the psychotic guise of a higher calling. to murder the inmates and ‘cleanse the city. While some could see how Azrael’s actions are more in line with anti-heroism in the same vein as the Punisher, he is about to cross a line and go after one of the doctors from Arkham Asylum and presumably kill her, throwing away any form of heroic pretense and making his actions irreconcilable. 

Azrael’s fall from grace from Batman’s successor to brutal villain is can be attributed to one of the character’s arch enemies, as well as the cult-like brainwashing he was subjected to in his youth. When Azrael witnessed the villain Blood-Tooth rise from the dead, his mind seemingly reverted back to that of a zealot, driving his actions from that point forward. Seeing something he couldn’t understand, Azrael picked up where he left off with the Order of Saint Dumas. Even though he’s no longer affiliated with the Order, he’s still acting as they once taught him. 

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While it is true that many of Arkham’s inmates are truly villainous, most are just sick, scared people who need help. Azrael’s mission of killing all of them in the name of a divine power is not only villainous, it is psychotic. Azrael has the training both from Batman and the Order of Saint Dumas to carry out his killings expertly, and the fact that he believes he is right makes him truly dangerous. Believing he is carrying out God’s vengeance upon the ‘sinners’ of Gotham and blindly following this imagined calling proves that Azrael, Batman’s failed successor, just became Gotham’s latest deadly villain.

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